Look at the backlash. There is your evidence. He should have known that when he made the slightest inclination that store owners should be allowed to not serve blacks that there would be an issue made out of it. Political history should tell you that. Hell I know that and I'm not a politician. All one has to do is watch the TV during election time to see the mud slinging.
Yep, backlash. Evidence that there would be backlash. That is
not evidence that he was ignorant of the fact that a backlash would occur. What is the evidence that he was ignorant of that fact?
Really? I need to keep answering this?
I have never said it's bad for a politician to be honest, I have addressed this several times now actually. I said a politician who's smart chooses their words carefully so things don't bite them in the backside later on.
Two points:
1) You act like it was bad that he was honest. You took a on a full fledged negative attitude about the whole thing and called him ignorant and stupid. When I pointed out he was being honest your response was, "No, he's ignorant."
2) You seem to have this idea that it was a single question in a larger interview and not a case of Rachel Maddow drilling him on this one subject for the entire interview, and not letting him go until she got the answer she wanted. He tried repeatedly to give what you would term a smart answer and she didn't let it go.
Unless they are doing something to cause a scene, then no, what bases would the store keeper have for turning them away?
They are racist biggots who devoted large portions of their lives to trying to take the shopkeepers rights away. I'm white and I would refuse to serve them.
I don't see why whites should be allowed in the Black Student Association or straights in homosexual groups.
Because if you don't it is discrimination and would lead to some sort of horrible society in which every business just becomes a private club and unless you are part of that special group you can't get service.
The follow-up should be: Would you support the government forcing them to allow it.
At Oakland it was campus policy that all groups had to admit all people, I knew several straights people that were in the homosexual organisations.
And? Unless you are trying to use a "the rules say so, so it is right," argument I am not sure what your point is. That was an individual campus rule.
Yes, and the outfit can be and is threatening.
So, if I owned a shop I should be allowed to turn this guy away?
For the sake of argument, let's pretend he isn't wielding the nightstick.
The fact that the transcripts don't read like that is very, very disingenuous, especially when you consider how the collectivist news media went and reported the wrong information based on an incorrect transcript.
From a professional point of view, that transcript format is crap. It doesn't conform to the AP Stylebook and is clearly not verbatim.
It should have been done like this:
MADDOW: Should a business be allowed to refuse...
Dr. PAUL: Yeah--
MADDOW: ...to serve black people?
Dr. PAUL: I'm not in favor of discrimination of any form.
If you look at the CNN story that I posted and quoted they do not include the Yes. But then CNN do transcripts of every single one of their major shows every day. Honestly, if that MSNBC transcript came out of my company for a client we would be at risk of legal liability because it conveys a different message than the video itself.
But here are some clips from people defending Rand Paul:
First, Chris Matthews the day after the controversy started by Jack Conway lying on his program by saying that Rand Paul wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act. Note: He points out that Americans have asked for a principled politician, but don't like it when they actually get one.
John Stossel arguing with Fox News host Megyn Kelley, defending Rand Paul. Megyn Kelley actually appears upset that he could think this way.
And two from The Southern Avenger on what he thinks it really is about Rand Paul that has both sides up in arms.