It is your insinuation that your opponent is distinct from "ideologically principled people" that I find insulting. Again, perhaps it is your choice of words or your lack of sensitivity to the attitudes of others that I'm misconstruing as insulting.
Let's look at my statement again.
Based on your comments from other discussion in regard to how you feel about ideologically principled people, particularly those with a libertarian leaning mindset, I doubt he would have ever had your support to begin with.
So, looking at the full quote, and noting that the subject in my statement is Joey's past comments in other discussions, one should assume it is his comments that I am basing my assumption on, and nothing to do with his character. Sounds to me like my statement was justified when discussing a man that was self-billed as a libertarian leaning Republican.
As exhibit A, I present:
Honestly how the way many Libertarians I know act, has turned me off from the party completely because I don't wish to associate myself with people like that. Outside of politics they are fine though.
Exhibit B:
In my experience many people who consider themselves Libertarian or subscribe to libertarian come across as extremely arrogant in conversations involving political ideology. To me, many of them can't see past their own self righteousness to see that much of their way of thinking is based on a utopian society and is not feasible in the real world. That's my problem with it and believe it or not I can actually think for myself on the subject.
This all could be said for a lot of political ideologies, it just seems those in the Libertarian camp are more extreme about it or I just notice it more.
This almost sounds like a way one would describe Rand Paul's stance on this issue.
And exhibit C:
I don't like Libertarian thought because the way I see it, it's based purely on fantasy and does not take into account the real world. Would it be nice to live in a world run by libertarian ideals? Probably, but to change the world to it now would, in my opinion, doom way to many people. That's my biggest issue with it and why I can't support it. It works great in theory but not in practice, it's like Communism in that sense.
I was simply making a point, based on Joey's past statements regarding people who think like Rand Paul, that he wouldn't have supported Rand Paul before this.
I would not take any offense to someone pointing out that I would never have been an Obama supporter based on my past record of speaking poorly of progressives. It is a statement based on evidence, not some accusation that I am unable to be progressive.
Calling me ignorant? Do we really have to play these games? Play the ball not the man in a discussion. I did read the whole article.
The only reason I quoted the New York Times article was to source what I was talking about instead of just throwing out a simple, this is what he said. I could have quoted anything.
But I was responding to you saying:
No he's ignorant. Making statements like that is just plain stupid. A better way to have addressed the question would have been "while I fully support the Civil Rights Act, I also support the rights of the property owner." Coming off with a simple "yes" was poorly played.
You claimed he had a simple yes, when he clearly went on to explain that it was a property rights issue.
If you are aware that he did say more than a simple yes and I am misinterpreting your words, then no I do not believe you are ignorant of the facts.
And what he said following the statement doesn't clear anything up. He still said "yes" when asked if a business should be allowed to refuse serving blacks. You don't answer that kind of a question with a "yes" even with an explanation if you are running for office. This is why I'm claiming ignorance on his part.
So by claiming ignorance on his part, you believe that he wasn't aware that he ran a risk of political backlash? You truly believe him to be unaware of how that would play out after a primary where he was accused of being weak on national security because he was honest about being opposed to the Patriot Act? He is not ignorant. He knew. The fact that he knew and still said it while running for office is what, in my opinion, makes him significantly better than any politician. Telling the truth, even if at the cost of losing the election, shows integrity.
In your opinion, I think the man is an ignorant fool who just ruined his chances at trying to make it into office with a statement like that. Anyone running for office should know that an opponent is going to eat you alive with remarks like that.
Um, how is it my opinion that he did know how it would play out? Either he did or didn't know. The fact that it took Maddow nearly the entire interview to get him say that "yes," and he accused her of playing "gotcha," tells me he did know. Knowing is the opposite of ignorance.
You can still be 100% honest with carefully chosen words that eliminates chances for repercussion later on by your opponent.
How do you say that you support a racist business owner's right to refuse service to someone of another race 100% honestly without that being used against you?
Do you find it fine that politicians lie, flip flop on positions, and do whatever it takes to get your vote, and you don't know for sure what you are getting? Or when you vote for or against someone would you rather know with a fair amount of certainty that what you based your vote on is pretty accurate? Agree or disagree with him, you know without a doubt where Rand Paul stands on this issue, because he chose honesty at the risk of a loss in November. Is it politically bad, maybe even stupid? Yep. Does it show he might just be honest? Yep. Would I prefer if every politician were this honest? You're gorram right I would.
There is still a difference between cryptic language, lying and saying something flat out stupid. What Paul said was flat out stupid for his political career. Answer it honestly but answer it with some tact. Saying "yes" right away to being questioned if people should be allowed to not serve blacks isn't answering with tact my opinion. Even if you explain it you still answered it with a flat out yes and that will bite you in the backside.
This is why I suggested you actually watch the interview. It wasn't right away. She wouldn't stop until he gave a yes or no answer, even to the point of her telling him to give her a yes or no before she would move on, which she never did.
The klansmen doesn't need to say anything, his dress alone is threatening. The KKK has known values which is upholds in many areas of the country.
But you can't refuse him service for that unless he truly is a threat. Just his presence is not a threat. If it were they would be illegal. Their marches would be illegal.
And really do you honestly think a klansmen would go into a store run or owned by a black person?
Replace klansman with black man and replace black person with known racist.
Do you really think a black man would go into a store run or owned by a known racist?
And if they did, do you honestly think the klansmen would leave that store without breaking a law? My guess is no.
I don't know. I don't know any of them. He'd probably be sure to use the word, "Boy." At least that's what Hollywood tells me.
Traditional Muslim garb isn't threatening since Islam doesn't preach the killing of people with different skin colours. Yes some people see it that way. To deny service to a Muslim based solely on what he or she is wearing is discrimination since there is no ground in which to base the refusal of service.
To deny service to a white man based solely on what he or she is wearing is discrimination since there is no ground in which to base the refusal of service. even if it is bed sheets and a dunce cap.
Better yet, the media has portrayed Rand Paul as a racist in all this. My car has a Rand Paul bumper sticker and a Rand Paul yard sign in the back window. Could a black man refuse to serve me for being threatening because he believes I proudly display my support of racism?
Then there is no ground in which to base refusal of service. Face recognition is often flawed as well.
The use of the word, "Boy," might give him away.
I don't understand what this has to do with the discussion at hand, it's illegal to deny someone employment based on their race. We are talking about serving someone in the public accessible places.
I still have clients that I produce products for.
Probably not, I think people like that are the wrong candidates for the job of running our country. I, however, do not know enough about him to really say if I would have supported him to begin with anyway. Based on his comments with the civil rights vs. property rights I would have dropped support for him right then and there if I would have supported him.
He has a Web site and has been self-billed as libertarian leaning or old-school conservative.
So, based on this page:
and Joey D wins hands down.
Grasping at straws and losing miserably.
Hey, John Madden. You just adding color commentary or do you have an opinion?
Well, no one's even mentioning paul's distortions of supposed ADA imposed, unreasonable burdens on small-business owners,
If you wish to discuss them, or the connected property rights discussion that will break down to exactly the same discussion we are having now, feel free to start us off.
but you're forgetting that this is kentucky....he's most likely a hero there at this time, and he will most likely win by another randslide in the general election as well.
I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you didn't just insinuate that the majority of people in my home state are racists. Clearly, you are saying that they are fairly libertarian minded, right?