- 4,098
Asperger's Syndrome (actually now classified as high-functioning autism) does not cause an individual to be prone to violent outbursts.
So you missed this part?
"unspecified mental and emotional problems"
Asperger's Syndrome (actually now classified as high-functioning autism) does not cause an individual to be prone to violent outbursts.
So you missed this part?
"unspecified mental and emotional problems"
Maybe a suicide bomber will hit the crowd, and kill three birds with one bomb?
Really? I thought those are the three parties that people absolutely hated, but I guess I can still offend some.Maybe you should be there too.
He's a former news editor who falsified stories, harassed his 'enemies' and generally has very thin skin when it comes to arguing and criticism. Plus, he is more than involved in the phone hacking scandal that's been happening over here.
Generally a smary, slimy git whom none of us would piss on if he was on fire. In the UK, 'Piers Morgan' is a euphamism for the C word. That's how bad it is.
Really? I thought those are the three parties that people absolutely hated, but I guess I can still offend some.
I'm sorry man. I thought it would like murderer getting into a fight with a child molester, then both get hit by a drunk driver. <<< slow learner
Hate cannot fix hate. I don't think either of you wish death upon anybody. We have a justice system. Chill the heck out.
Don't bring me into it or tell me to chill out.
You suggested that a6m5 be present during a bombing. You brought yourself into it.
You suggested that a6m5 be present during a bombing that a6m5 suggested take place. I am an idiot, sorry.
If you don't see the intent in that statement then you are either blind, dumb, or voluntarily ignorant.
Let me correct your statement; since obviously you can't figure it out:
Zenith013You suggested that a6m5 be present during a bombing that a6m5 suggested take place. I am an idiot, sorry.
Forgive me if I don't see the intent of your statement. The part where you suggested that a6m5 be present during a bombing (of any kind or origin!) must have knocked something loose in my brain.
Mhmm. I won't be continuing this conversation. Maybe you can continue it with the mods if they so desire.
After some of the violent (& justified imo) attacks taken on them at the funerals of fallen soldiers, I can't imagine how people there will react when they come to protest the funerals of children.
I guess that might be justifiable from liability standpoint. Whether they mean to or not, they could bring danger to the public.Edit* I just read a re-direct in your link, & it stated that the UK has banned the church members from ever stepping foot inside the country. You cheeky, smart bastards. 👍
Wow, you didn't even say the words "Daily Mail", so that's like a whole new level of bad British journalism.
Remember, the Second Amendment only says that the Federal US government can't limit the right to bear arms - the states all make their own rules on the matter. Though federal law does say you're prohibited from owning one if you've been convicted of assault, stalking, rioting, homicide, drug possession or any crime involving a firearm. Or you're under 21. Or you've committed ANY crime and got off on grounds of insanity in the last twenty years. And you can't buy one in any state other than the one in which you reside.
One oddity of CT gun control laws is that you can sell a shotgun/rifle privately without a background check or notifying anyone. Of course it's a felony to sell one to someone you know is prohibited, but if you don't know and didn't check, it isn't. But still, their laws are sufficiently wide-ranging that they have the 7th lowest per household gun ownership in the USA.
It seems from how it's written that if you don't check - because you're not required to - and a prohibited person buys it, they're in the cack. But if you know they're prohibited, you're both in the cack.
Asperger's Syndrome (actually now classified as high-functioning autism) does not cause an individual to be prone to violent outbursts.
*Adam Carolla*
Let's not get derailed and get riled up talking about Piers Morgan.
Because that's exactly what the terrorists want us to do.
No, but they succeeded in getting us watching Fox News in huge numbers like sheep.
Whenever I come to a dentist's or doctor's office and if I see that on, I tend to change it to Sportscenter.
He means that you know that there will be another one coming if nothing changes in the USA.
My point is that the specifics are surprising, and he's ignoring that.
Only this morning 22 children were injured (stabbed i think) at a Chinese school, and now this...
Still no confirmation of statistics - but supposed to be a 24 year old shooter who is now reported to have been carrying 4 guns. Also talk about a parent being involved. Official news conference soon should give us credible numbers.
At 1ness - Your comment only proves that it is not only guns that kill. People kill. With whatever they can get their hands on. Whether rocks or buttons accessing nuclear missiles - it's the same effect. People dead.
Do you seriously believe that if the guy had used a knife or a "rock" we would still be seeing the same result?
Sad day, but no way surprising.