Speculative motive
"Adam Lanza believed she(mother) cared more for the children than she did for him, and the reason he probably thought this [was the fact that] she was petitioning for conservatorship and wanted to have him committed," Flashman said. "I could understand how he might perceive that—that his mom loved him less than she loved the kids, loved the school. But she did love him. But he was a troubled kid and she probably just couldn’t take care of him by herself anymore.
I think the parents divorced and the dad left the state when he was 18. So mom found she couldn't care for her 20 year old son and wanted him committed, mean while doing volunteer work at the school. If it's true, she considered the kid unstable but left the guns available. Dad left me, mom don't care, guess I'll kill some kids.
Multiple sources told FoxNews.com Adam Lanza suffered from Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism, and unspecified mental and emotional problems.
I'm not holding my breath that we will ever know the truth of the situation, not that we need to pry so deep, but if this is going to forward legislation, we have a right to know why.
Briefly touching on the whole prayer in school, gays, etc., don't care to say much; Some fully believe that the protestant way was what founded the country and made it great(true or not). IMO the erosion of 'old school family values' is hurting our society, but change is change and we should all want freedom above all else. One thing though, if we are going to go full secular, it's important to understand the conflict for a child between his parents and his forced schooling.
I believe in the sanctity of marriage, I believe a woman should raise her children and care for them as long as needed(if she choose to marry and bare children). I strongly disagree with divorce for trivial reasons, I disagree with both parents working, I could go on...... If our children are our future and how we are measured, lets do it right.
In any event, I don't think prayer in school would have kept this from happening, I don't think gay rights caused this to happen. I think a lack of respect caused this to happen. I do not believe the kid was a natural born psychopath. I grieve for the victims as well as his family, as well as the nation.
Blaming psychiatry, all I can say about that is the drugs are potent, very. Not that they are bad, not that they do not help or even do great things. We need to watch more closely how they are administered and such. I can say with confidence that it is not ok to take a fair dosage of an ssri for a long period of time and then stop cold, thinking nothing drastic can happen emotionally.
Long post, flame away
Gun control, we've had a ban on assault weapons and banana mags before.