Of some sort. Could be teachers, could be cops.
As a teacher, I would have to say that I would find the idea of carrying a weapon in my classroom, or having someone carry a weapon in my school to be
deeply disturbing and symptomatic of political climate that values the wrong things.
We tried no guns. Look how well that worked.
I live in a country where there is some fairly strict gun control. And I have taught in schools that have had students with serious problems - students who come from broken homes and poverty, whose parents are dead or in prison, who have struggled with drug addiction, self-mutilation and have been considered a suicide risk. I have seen students who get violent, students who bring knives to school and students who threaten their peers and their teachers with violence and even death. I have seen students openly display gang signs, and been in schools where ethnic and religious tensions have threatened to boil over at any minute.
But I have
never been concerned for my own personal safety in any of these schools. Nor have I ever feared for the personal safety of my students, or my ability, the school's ability or my fellow teachers' ability to protect them from harm.
If you introduce guns into that mix, then everything changes. For the worse. No matter who is in control of the weapon at any given moment, I cannot guarantee the safety of my students. I cannot guarantee my ability or the school's ability or my fellow teachers' ability to protect them. And above all else, I cannot give up that ability so that people like Wayne LaPierre can sleep better at night, comfortable in the knowledge that the government won't take away his gun. And nor would I be willing to give that up.
The system works here. I see no reason why it can't in America.
Do you honestly think that having armed guards at schools is the right idea?
Just look at what Adam Lanza did in the time leading up to the shooting - he erased and destroyed his computer hard drive, somehow acquired his brother's identification, shot and killed his mother and sought out various individuals in the school before opening fire on the students. All of this speaks to premeditiation. Whatever his emotional, psychological or mental issues, this was a planned crime.
If there had been a guard with a gun at Sandy Hook Elementary, what do you think would have happened? Lanza would have identified the guard whilst planning the attack, sought them out, and shot them. And then who, exactly, would have been there to stop him?
What many are saying that using the right to bear arms is a way we can help keep our classrooms secure and the lives of children safe.
But here's the problem with that logic:
it shouldn't have to come to that. Guns should not be needed to protect the lives and livelihoods of students. The sheer fact that anyone is even cultivating the idea that they are necessary proves that your system isn't just broken, but that it is completely shattered.