Connecticut School Shooting Dec 14th 2012

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The gunman lived in New Jersey and was 20 years old. He had an argument with the principal and it was premeditated.

There were two gunmen.

EDIT: now they are again saying it was only one man.
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Any word on whether the shooter killed himself or if he was taken out by someone else?
There were two gunmen.
Second suspect. No confirmation that he ever pulled a trigger.
I hope the second gunman stays alive and is haunted by the kids until he dies. This is just sad.:(

EDIT: CBS News is saying the the shooters went from room to room shooting. The officers on scene were breaking down in tears as soon as they enter the class room.:(
Absolutely horrifying. My deepest sympathies are with the friends and families of those involved.
I hope the second gunman stays alive and is haunted by the kids until he dies. This is just sad.:(

Suspect. As far as what I've seen on Fox he's just a guy in a van who may or may not be involved.

And Fox typically loves jumping to conclusions.

If they do find him guilty, I say public execution. Slowly. But he'll probably just sit in a prison until the other prisoners take him down. Because even violent criminals have lines, and I'm betting 18 children passes many.
What if it's nothing like that? What if the gunman was so apathetic and sociopathic that after a tiny argument with the principal, he decided gunning down a bunch of kids was worth the retaliation to the principal?

Alright, try this one on for size:

Let's say his kid was killed in an accident at that school where a neglectful teacher didn't notice that his kid drowned in the pool or something. The guy struggled with his kid's death for a little while and then lost it.

Now, would that justify his actions? No way. But it would definitely make you feel a little safer if nobody's kid had died at your kid's elementary school recently. That's how this works right? You compare the exact situation that led up to this to your own situation to see if it fits. If it doesn't fit, you feel better. I know it's stupid, but how many people thought after 9/11 that they're glad they don't work in a tall building?

Random psychopath fits everyone's situation unfortunately, nobody feels better.
Wow, this is just absolutely awful and sick. This sicko is definitely going to hell..
He is already dead. I guess we all know were he is going. And he should.

...nowhere? Because there is no afterlife? His only punishment was to be deprived of the rest of his life - which he apparently did not value.

It's an awful story. I just hope it doesn't get worse.
If hell existed, that gunman would be taking a thwacking there. No person deserves to die like that, especially innocent children, my condolences rest with those families who have been affected.
Regardless if the afterlife exists or not, this guy took his own life, thus not allowing justice take its course.
...nowhere? Because there is no afterlife? His only punishment was to be deprived of the rest of his life - which he apparently did not value.

It's an awful story. I just hope it doesn't get worse.

.. For Christians. Jews, and the Islamic, Hell.
Regardless if the afterlife exists or not, this guy took his own life, thus not allowing justice take its course.

Not to sound cruel but I'd rather he have taken his own life (or killed by the police) after the atrocities he committed than be forced to pay for his jailing for the remainder of his life.
Not to sound cruel but I'd rather he have taken his own life (or killed by the police) after the atrocities he committed than be forced to pay for his jailing for the remainder of his life.

Seeing as I don't believe in an afterlife (Good or Bad) I feel he escaped any form of punishment by doing so. But I still respect where you're coming from.
Why do things like this have to happen? :(

To make matters worse, the gunman killed himself. What a 🤬 coward, he should have been rotting in a jail cell right now, thinking about the disgusting acts that he committed and having them plague his mind for the rest of his life.
Not to sound cruel but I'd rather he have taken his own life (or killed by the police) after the atrocities he committed than be forced to pay for his jailing for the remainder of his life.

Death penalty IMO.
Not to sound cruel but I'd rather he have taken his own life (or killed by the police) after the atrocities he committed than be forced to pay for his jailing for the remainder of his life.


I only wish we had a more advanced space program. Load up these guys into a space ship with no controls and send them into the abyss that is space. Get them off this planet.
Death penalty IMO.

Still costs money to administer that. Not sure its cost vs. lifetime jailing.

Gunman has been identified as Ryan Lanza.

Oh 🤬, Gunman apparently entered classroom, killed teacher who was his own mother, and then killed everyone in that class (18 children).:nervous:
Apparently the suspect (Ryan Lanza) killed one of his parents, if the sources are correct.
The shooter has been identified as Ryan Lanza, 24, and his mom was one of the teachers at the school. He killed some of her students.
HOLY ****.

Sue the media. Hardcore.

Although. It went through my mind that this could possibly be a photoshop. Hopefully it isn't. I can't think of someone being such an asshole, although those people exist..
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Still no confirmation of statistics - but supposed to be a 24 year old shooter who is now reported to have been carrying 4 guns. Also talk about a parent being involved. Official news conference soon should give us credible numbers.

At 1ness - Your comment only proves that it is not guns that kill. People kill. With whatever they can get their hands on. Whether rocks or buttons accessing nuclear missiles - it's the same effect. People dead.

But if he didn't have a gun, nobody would have been killed. 💡
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