Cop deserves a medal

If anything I've found the old canadian drivers to be more hazardous. Saskatchawan and British Columbia were never on my travel wishlist, and even if I was given a free trip I would still avoid it like the plauge due to driving habits from the older crowd.
That's entirely possible. They are pretty close to Washington.

Cody: We keep the speed limit low on I-5, because you guys & Californians are on it a lot. Saves lives. :P
Thats because everyone else prob slowed down and didn't want to pass the cop. Everytime I see a cop on the highway everyone stays behind him. And if you are going the same speed as everyone else, you shouldn't be sitting in the left lane with cars behind you.

Maybe I'm naive but i've never understood that. When I see a cop on the road if I'm doing maybe a little over 65mph and he's going way slow i'm not going to slow down to his speed to stay behind him. I'm going to drive as normal. While everyone else is playing follow the leader with the cop. Also, I don't understand why people slow down when the see a cop on the side of the road.... with someone pulled over already. :odd:

But to the video: Most annoying thing I've heard, but I enjoyed what I saw. IMO, people who are going very slow in any lane on the freeway (such as 45 in a 65) are a danger to themselves and everyone around them.
There was a time when I used to think like R1600Turbo, too: when I am in the fast lane of the Autobahn and already going 10 or 15 over, I have all the right to stay there and not free the lane for anyone who wants to go even faster. But over time I learned that this view was pretty dangerous.

I don't like speeders at all. I mean everyone goes over the limit, so do I. But there has to be some kind of cap, so I chose speeds which would give me only tiny tickets. I have overtaken the police at those speeds many times, and I've never been pulled over for it. But there are a lot of people who don't care and go faster still. I don't like those people, and I can only hope they get pulled over for it.

But still, it is none of my business to force them to go my speed by not making way. Basically, I play cop if I stay in the left lane when I'm done overtaking, because I actively stop those people from overtaking. But I am not the one to judge whether they should speed, and if they do, by how much. Therefore, I move over when I'm done overtaking and let them pull away, independently of the current speed limit.

Not only is it forbidden by law to stay on the left if the right is free, it is also forbidden to "teacher" another roadmember.
Especially cops don't like that, maybe because it's their job.
As you say you or any other are neither judge nor executive, so nobody should teacher someone.

In europe the right lane rule (take the right lane if possible and free) is not respected as much in some countries. Which is sad. I look especially at anything south europe and france. Germans tend to let the left lane open.
You know, in case a porsche comes flying by at 315 km/h, you better move.
I like that.

And for slow people, it's kind of clear that they have nothing lost on the left lane but they are allowed on the motorway. In europe 60 is the minimum for motorway, max. depending on country is 120-130- oo
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My uncle once got waved over by a cop on the Autobahn.

The cop signalled him over because he was doing "only" 100 mph in the left lane. Doing 100 mph and hogging the fast lane on unrestricted sections where big, heavy sedans often blast by doing 150 is awfully dangerous...
Pissed you off no? :lol:


As an aside, I went to Oregon last summer and I thought it was beautiful.
With regards to letting people by...

...let them by. They will speed, and they will get caught in the speed trap up the road leaving you to drive at your speed without having to worry about anything. They are what cops refer to as the "mark". The one car going faster than everyone else. They are after the "mark" driving 10-20 mph over the speed limit, not the average joe going 5 mph over the speed limit.

I drive with the cruise control unless traffic is very heavy. I alternate between the left most lanes a few mph above the limit. I will not increase speed to pass someone and reduce the time spent in the left lane. If you wait patiently, I will move over when it is safe to do so without me having to turn off cruise control, but if I am constantly passing cars, you'll just have to deal with waiting until a big enough gap appears for me to pull over. In other words, if I'm cruising at 70 in the left lane and constantly passing cars going 60 in the right lane, I don't plan on slowing to 60 just so you can go 80.

If someone wants to leapfrog ahead 1 or 2 cars at a time while I am waiting, along with others, to get around a slow left lane can bet your ass I am going to close the safe gap I am leaving in front of me if you try to sneak into it. I can tailgate with the best of them, but I'm not going to do it when I don't have to.
In my country the rules are clear.

1 - If you have more than one lane in the direction you are going, and you can go in the right lane, you MUST go in the right lane.

2 - So, R1600's attitude, regardless of the speed being legal or not, would be illegal and if caught twice doing it he would probably have his driver's license suspended or revoked.

If that video was taken in Portugal, that driver going unnecessarily in the left lane would have been stopped, and not just "sort-of-bullied" by the cop.
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Also, I don't know if any other Brits have pointed this out but here in England its illegal to undertake on motorways. So basically you American guys saying, pass on the right, would be breaking the law here.
If I may pull this up...

You apparently missed the part where going around is hard. Which you'd understand if you actually drove, especially in a proper city area, ever..

What makes a city "proper"? :confused:

Also, I do believe the difficulty on how hard it may be to go around may depend on the surrounding traffic, no?
Not just one middle lane...several at times.


You may have a good laugh here (All the other states think we're a laughing stock and this is one reason why), but we have one freeway in Adelaide if you can call it that, a one way expressway! Goes into the city during the morning and out in the afternoon. Just one of the wonders of this state. :sly:

I have read this thread. I have watched the video. I have laughed at R1600Turbo. 👍

R1600Turbo, I think you are on to something. We should all sit on the limit or just over in the fast lane.

To all the speeders, slow down. A police officer would prefer to see no speeding than me pulling out of the fast lane. Speeding makes for higher impact speeds and therefore worse crashes when the inevitable happens. So I will be helping the police from now on. After all, that is why we have limits on our roads.

The laws that say you should limit your use of the 'fast' lane are simply there for the elected officials to get a few more votes. They don't save lives if everyone is observing the speed limit. If you are going 5 under the limit in the 'fast' lane, then you should get fined if traffic is clear enough to go faster. If your doing the limit, then no car should need to pass you. (Except emergency vehicles in the case of emergencies.) So before you fly up behind me, flash you lights, toot your horn, ride my bumper, remember that you are speeding and therefore breaking your laws to catch me.

*On any unlimited speed road, stay out of the fast lane unless you can handle and do the speed required.
Except Pheonix is a ghost town :P

Height of rush hour is about that full with cars. Depends on which direction you are going. I used to have quite the drive to/from work when I moved back down here. Stop/go traffic for most of my trip. Took me just over an hour each direction. Every.Day.
To all the speeders, slow down. A police officer would prefer to see no speeding than me pulling out of the fast lane. Speeding makes for higher impact speeds and therefore worse crashes when the inevitable happens. So I will be helping the police from now on. After all, that is why we have limits on our roads.

The laws that say you should limit your use of the 'fast' lane are simply there for the elected officials to get a few more votes. They don't save lives if everyone is observing the speed limit. If you are going 5 under the limit in the 'fast' lane, then you should get fined if traffic is clear enough to go faster. If your doing the limit, then no car should need to pass you. (Except emergency vehicles in the case of emergencies.) So before you fly up behind me, flash you lights, toot your horn, ride my bumper, remember that you are speeding and therefore breaking your laws to catch me.

*On any unlimited speed road, stay out of the fast lane unless you can handle and do the speed required.

You've got your laws backwards. Speed limits have been shown to have no statistical effect on accidents. Most people will choose a speed that feels "natural" to them and stick to it. Speed limits are set lower than the median speed on the highway as a revenue generation measure.

What speed would you objectively set your limits? At 80 mph, it takes nearly twice as long to stop as at 60. But at 55-60, you're still going much faster than the test speed at which cars are crash-tested by the NHTSA and NCAP agencies all over the world (which is 45 mph).

At 40 mph, cars are infinitely safer, and stop quicker than from 50. If cars are optimized for it, they can get 30-40% better fuel economy at 40 mph.

Cars optimized for 15-30 mph can use much less gas, even. Would require smaller engines, would be able to stop much faster, and would not be exposed to deadly animal strikes. A highway speed limit of 30 mph merely doubles travel time, but could save billions upon billions of dollars in gas.

So... why are the limits 55-65? Because that's a little slower than people feel comfortable going on the highway in the cars they feel comfortable driving, which guarantees speeding ticket revenues. They're set there arbitrarily... to generate cash. And that's why officers usually use a cushion (5-10 mph) when deciding which speeders to go after.



Now, left lane laws. Wanna take a bet on how much revenue is generated via passing lane violations versus speeding tickets? How many states have set-up "left-lane" cameras to catch left-lane huggers?

Oh, the cameras are to catch speeders? There's more revenue that way? Whoops.

Hugging the left-lane and refusing to yield is an invitation to disaster, as I've already succinctly explained in my previous post.

Highway safety is about one thing: Staying as far the *censored* away from everyone else on the road as possible. Sitting in the left lane waiting for cars to come zooming up behind you isn't staying away from other people. It's like lying down on the floor of an ice rink on the outer perimeter, where all the faster skaters pass. Which is incredibly stupid.
To all the speeders, slow down. A police officer would prefer to see no speeding than me pulling out of the fast lane. Speeding makes for higher impact speeds and therefore worse crashes when the inevitable happens. So I will be helping the police from now on. After all, that is why we have limits on our roads.

True. Speeding fines though are ridiculous in most of Australia, $300 for doing 110 in a 100 zone on a quiet country road (that's what someone I know got done). I think SA is probably among the worst but all traffic laws are over-policed here. I think it's a $150+ fine for a defect (blown headlight/taillight) for instance and things such as P Plates falling down are way over policed. Sorry for going slightly off topic.

The laws that say you should limit your use of the 'fast' lane are simply there for the elected officials to get a few more votes. They don't save lives if everyone is observing the speed limit. If you are going 5 under the limit in the 'fast' lane, then you should get fined if traffic is clear enough to go faster. If your doing the limit, then no car should need to pass you. (Except emergency vehicles in the case of emergencies.) So before you fly up behind me, flash you lights, toot your horn, ride my bumper, remember that you are speeding and therefore breaking your laws to catch me.

I think even if you're going the speed limit, I don't see any need to sit in the fast lane unless you're overtaking. It probably shouldn't be a fine if you're doing the speed limit all the same, anyone trying to pass would obviously be speeding as you pointed out.

*On any unlimited speed road, stay out of the fast lane unless you can handle and do the speed required.

There are no unlimited speed roads in Australia anymore. :P I was pretty surprised when we got into the NT and saw a 130 sign.

You've got your laws backwards. Speed limits have been shown to have no statistical effect on accidents. Most people will choose a speed that feels "natural" to them and stick to it. Speed limits are set lower than the median speed on the highway as a revenue generation measure.

Welcome to Australia. It's all about government revenue here (read my first quote on this post). All the open roads (very open, flat, straight and long) near where I live have recently been changed from 110 to 100 in the name of "reducing the road toll". Since that happened late last year there have been 2 fatal accidents already on one stretch.

So... why are the limits 55-65? Because that's a little slower than people feel comfortable going on the highway in the cars they feel comfortable driving, which guarantees speeding ticket revenues. They're set there arbitrarily... to generate cash. And that's why officers usually use a cushion (5-10 mph) when deciding which speeders to go after.


I repeat. The main highway for instance, between Adelaide and Pt. Wakefield down here, straight, flat dual carriageway through the plains and the limit is 110, the same as many very different roads. (There are no speed limits above 110 in this state, or any others except NT I think). Personally I think that road is safe at atleast 120, but it remains at 110 for some 2000km west to Perth and 1200 odd km north through the desert plains to the NT border. Having only visited once as soon as you cross the border the next 1800 odd km to Darwin is 130 (except a few towns of course), and that's how much more roads here should be.

I thought in the US some interstate highways have speed limits of 70+ or am I mistaken?


Now, left lane laws. Wanna take a bet on how much revenue is generated via passing lane violations versus speeding tickets? How many states have set-up "left-lane" cameras to catch left-lane huggers?

Oh, the cameras are to catch speeders? There's more revenue that way? Whoops.

Hugging the left-lane and refusing to yield is an invitation to disaster, as I've already succinctly explained in my previous post.

Highway safety is about one thing: Staying as far the *censored* away from everyone else on the road as possible. Sitting in the left lane waiting for cars to come zooming up behind you isn't staying away from other people. It's like lying down on the floor of an ice rink on the outer perimeter, where all the faster skaters pass. Which is incredibly stupid.

Here I'm pretty sure it's illegal to sit in the right lane in speed limits over 80km/hr I think it is. But like over there there it is not policed much. They are just as worried about a blown headlight or empty windscreen washers (Yes, I have heard of a defect notice for this :lol:). There are also some very technical laws that are occasionally enforced, such as your indicator having to blink 5 times to change lanes or something.
With regards to letting people by...

...let them by. They will speed, and they will get caught in the speed trap up the road leaving you to drive at your speed without having to worry about anything. They are what cops refer to as the "mark". The one car going faster than everyone else. They are after the "mark" driving 10-20 mph over the speed limit, not the average joe going 5 mph over the speed limit.

Alll right, but in this case the Cop was trying to go over speed limit (assuming everyone was driving at the limit, even car on left, as all are driving same speed). So, who is going to get him a ticket? Emergency? I do not see his turrent on when driving on other car bumper.
Sorry, I cannot laugh watching this video.
Most likely he was late to get his free donut at Krispy Kreme.
Alll right, but in this case the Cop was trying to go over speed limit (assuming everyone was driving at the limit, even car on left, as all are driving same speed). So, who is going to get him a ticket? Emergency? I do not see his turrent on when driving on other car bumper.
Sorry, I cannot laugh watching this video.
Most likely he was late to get his free donut at Krispy Kreme.
Or possibly, the driver was afraid to accelerate and pull over because he didn't want to get a ticket. So when he saw the cop behind him, he maintained the speed limit...which happened to be the same speed as the driver to his right.

I got pulled over one time for doing just that, accelerating 5mph quicker to get out of the way. Of course, I was already 5mph over the limit so that made it 10mph over. He let me off with a warning...but it serves a point. You should move over, but do so without breaking any laws. Hit the brakes with the cop on your butt and he'll prolly pull you over for reckless driving. Sometimes you just can't win.
I thought in the US some interstate highways have speed limits of 70+ or am I mistaken?

Most interstate highways are 75mph.

In my opinion, the majority of cars on the roads in this country don't need to go any faster than that.

Edit: Freeways in Phoenix are 65mph.

Lol, that's cute.

Katy Freeway here in Houston. 26 lanes across. And traffic still gets really bad during rush hour. Damn urban sprawl.

Just sayin'. :)