CORE Australian V8Supercars - Round 2 Monza
Results & Stewards Report
Monza Round 2 Stewards report
Stewards: Memto89, Jonnyb1990, ITZracing, Glenalz81
Race 1
Line up
Octimuscrime1 - Out of position
Verdict: NFA
Octimuscrime1 Could only see a few cars on track, for this reason the line up at the start was slightly out of sync. NFA can be taken although it was annoying as there is very little they could do.
Lap 1 - Octimuscrime1 - Killing heidi - Memto89 - MTLA1984 - Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA
As before Octimuscrime1 could not see many of the cars on track, and even though caused damage to other cars etc, there is nothing he or anyone else could have done to prevent the issues caused.
Lap 1 - Bencrow - Santu929 - Avoidable contact
Verdict: 90 secs
Even though it is stated that the driving wheel locked up, it is clear from the onboard that the ability to brake was still there. The braking point was passed well before avoiding action was taken and at the braking point the acceleration was still on full.
Lap 3 – Santu929 – Pit Out Violation
Verdict: 30 Seconds
Entire car crossed the White Line exiting the pit lane.
Lap 9 - ITZracing - Scotty8646 – Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA
Itz gets a pair of wheels onto the inside of Parabolica causing him to run slightly wide, this in turn knocks Scotty who then runs into the gravel. Since Itz was not in control of the change of line and Scotty appears to have time to react but doesn't a penalty is not issued.
Race 2
Lap 1 - Memto89 - Killing Heidi – Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA
Neither driver is completely to blame, memto fails to get alongside before the apex, however during a start, racing rules don't strictly apply. Heidi arguably should have left room, having not already moved into the right-hand 'lane'.
Lap 1 - Killing Heidi - ITZRacing – Avoidable Contact
Verdict: Driving Standards Warning 1/3 ItzRacing, Driving Standards Warning 1/3 Killing-Heidi
Both drivers played a part in this incident. Itz makes what could be considered a late attempt at passing but was ahead at the turn in point. Killing-Heidi did turn in and made contact as well.
Lap 2 - ITZracing - Bencrow – Racing Incident
Verdict: NFA
Bencrow loses control on the AstroTurf, after the incident and is thus his own error rather than a symptom of the contact with Itz.
Lap 2 - Memto89 - MTLA1984 - Santu929 - Racing incident
Verdict: NFA
Nothing could be done to avoid the incident as memto89 spins through ascari on the racing line. With nowhere else to go both MTLA and Santu both make full contact with the stricken car.
Lap 3 – Bencrow – Pit Out Violation
Verdict – 30 Seconds
Entire Car crosses the white line while exiting the pits.
Race 3
Lap 2 - ITZracing - Glenalz81 - Avoidable contact
Verdict: 90 secs
A clean and complete dive up the inside that was never going to work resulting in contact with both drivers. No damage caused to glenalz car but avoidable non the less.
Race Results
1st 95 ItzRacing Ford 1:48.430
2nd 1 MTLA1984 Ford +0.165
3rd 4 Killing-Heidi Mercedes-Benz +0.934
4th 81 Glen-Alz-81 Mercedes-Benz +0.993
5th 42 memto89 Chevrolet +2.329
6th 46 octimuscrime1 Lexus +2.964
7th 86 scotty8646 Lexus +4.520
8th 15 bencrow- BMW +6.697
DNQ 7 santu929 Lexus No Time
Race 1 Results
1st 81 Glen-Alz-81 Mercedes-Benz 16:37.411 40pts
2nd 1 MTLA1984 Ford +2.738 34pts
3rd 4 Killing-Heidi Mecedes-Benz +12.297 29pts
4th 46 octimuscrime1 Lexus +19.871 24pts
5th 42 memto89 Chevrolet +22.070 20pts
6th 95 ItzRacing Ford +36.173 16pts
7th 86 Scotty8646 Lexus +43.818 12pts
8th 7 santu929 Lexus +1:56.100 10pts
DNF 15 bencrow- BMW 6 Laps 8pts
Race 2 Results
1st 81 Glen-Alz-81 Mercedes-Benz 16:34.151 40pts
2nd 95 ItzRacing Ford +7.463 34pts
3rd 4 Killing-Heidi Mercedes-Benz +10.961 29pts
4th 86 Scotty8646 Lexus +44.922 24pts
5th 1 MTLA1984 Ford +1:04.922 20pts
6th 15 bencrow- BMW +2:19.937 16pts
7th 42 memto89 Chevrolet +1 Lap 12pts
8th 7 santu929 Lexus +1 Lap 10pts
Race 3 Results
1st 1 MTLA1984 Ford 16:32.000 40pts
2nd 81 Glen-Alz-81 Mercedes-Benz +2.000 34pts
3rd 42 memto89 Chevrolet +15.000 29pts
4th 4 Killing-Heidi Mercedes-Benz +24.000 24pts
5th 15 bencrow- BMW +57.000 20pts
6th 7 santu929 Lexus +59.000 16pts
7th 95 ItzRacing Ford +1:40.000 12pts
8th 7 scotty8646 Lexus +1 Lap 10pts
Round Results
1st 81 Glen-Alz-81 Mercedes-Benz 114
2nd 1 MTLA1984 Ford 94
3rd 4 Killing-Heidi Mercedes-Benz 82
4th 95 ItzRacing Ford 62
5th 42 memto89 Chevrolet 61
6th 86 scotty8646 Lexus 46
7th 15 bencrow- BMW 44
8th 7 santu929 Lexus 36
9th 46 octimuscrime1 Lexus 24