• Thread starter OmniusGT


Reverse Circuit - 84 Laps! (2hrs)




REQUIRED CAR - Special Event

Aston Martin DB9

600 BHP @ 1390 Kg

All Tuning parts allowed with one exception

Oil Change & Engine Break-in allowed

Racing Medium Tyres





REQUIRED CAR - Championship/Endurance


650 BHP @ 980 Kg

Oil Change, Fully Tuned & Engine Break-in allowed

Racing Hard Tyres




REQUIRED CAR - Club Racing/Northlander II


PP 487*

PROHIBITED TUNING - Manufacturer Spec

Oil Change, Engine Break-in allowed*

Sports Hard Tyres

* PP will change after I findout the true value after run-in
Yep, straight into the new fully tuned vs unprohibited tuning (the original S7 cars should make an appearance in the future, the Scooby may make a pre-season SE :sly:)

But as I'm struggling with tiredness with the shifts I'm currently working come a Friday night, and the eagerness to try out the true stock variation on the Club Tournament, I figured what would be best was to class this as Season 7 and go from there.

I know there's a few people looking forward to the RX-7 and the same goes for the prohibited tuning option, so it just seemed the best thing to do. Plus I've learned not to try and get too far ahead with seasonal ideas - they have a habit of wanting to get out into the open WAY before their time :lol:

So from now on, I'm taking it one step at a time :D
Hey guys, this is a new video I've finished. It is very rough so please excuse the mic quality but I wanted to give you an idea of what I was thinking I could do with the replays. I'm looking for feedback so please let me know what you think. Also this was recorded late at night so I was a bit tired, hence why my voice may sound a bit lackluster. 👍

I'll be there but I've had some of the most tiring work days ever this week (mainly yesterday and today), so my current average form could turn into some awful lack of pace...
I'll be there. Of course

Gutted though. If I get pole and win and Dowlin is 11th and Geordie 10th I'd win the champ! ^^ Looks like that is off the cards :P
Aye, not looking good. :guilty:

Shame really, I spend quite a bit of time over the weekends preparing my highlights, always look forward for Friday nights, but the same thing seems to happen every season....

I reduce the number of weeks, I reduce the number of drivers, but what am I doing wrong??? I understand when people can't make it every week, but for some reason, the season goes to pieces when it nears the end - kind of makes its it pointless for those racing for points to 'win' as it becomes a shallow victory if no ones racing and there's only 5 or so on the grid.

As sad as it is, again it's a bitter pill to swallow to cancel the race, but I'm really losing interest these days, I can't put the time and effort into this to get ready for Friday to find my thread dead from inactivity from the posts I'm making, to race night and there's just a handfull of us on...

It makes the Leaderboard look rubbish, it makes the race rubbish and the highlights minimal :indiff:

Sorry for the rant, but I'm going to have some time away from GT I think, I'm not getting the same rewarding experience running a series anymore, kind of feel that people want a change or something?

Who knows? 🤬
Well I'm up for racing regardless, hopefully a couple of the other regulars will show come race time

I'm as guilty as anyone for not posting prolifically on the thread, I'm the same in all series I run, not the chatty sort lol, I follow it everyday though
I've been frustrated lately, for my lack of pace and for some accidents that I'm not responsible of. But so far, while that pulled me away from coming regularly on this thread, I still have been there for every race (as far as I can remember).

I know the feeling Omnius. For season 2 of the Zero Cup, things should have started with 12 regular drivers. After just a few weeks, it came down to 5 then 3... :(
That's 6, come on Omnius mate! Don't give in, you do a great job 👍

If you feel like you have to reign in the time you spend a little then fair enough but don't sacrifice the racing