Corvette C7

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Car & Driver: 2014 Corvette Stingray/Z51

Chevrolet says: They have been "Leaders of advanced materials," such as... (rolls out scroll) ... Plastic... ... (Rolls scroll back up)

No really, the new Vette isn't what I was hoping for visually, a bit too square for my tastes, however it does mean business. It looks big and serious, and have lots of little vents and little crease things and stuff, which is sort of my problem with it. Maybe it just needs some butt surgery and it will all balance out. Thought the new Vette still obviously has its seating, and is still in some contact with its previous versions, I just think it could have been done better... ... Like SRT did for the new Viper... *Runs for cover.*
hahaha "butt surgery".

I said this in another thread...... Thanks guys.

This was in reply to someone that was going to photoshop the rear.

Awesome.. I don't know if you plan to do the whole thing. But I think that things to easily do in real life would be the most useful.

For instance make the black plastic the same color as the car (possibly start at the "line" above the exhaust", and don't change the shape of the taillight, just how they are within their current shape/size.

I would like to see anything you come up with though.
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I dunno, I've always like the combination of sharp angles fitted to a sleek form, and I think this pulls it off better than I could have imagined. The ass end does seem a tad on the flashy side but not something I'll take point for.

Seems a similar design philosophy used for the CTS, actually.
You know, I really like the look of this car. I take back everything I said, it's gorgeous. If it handles like it looks, and like it should for the price then it'll be at the top of my list of new cars for that money.
Yeah I think without the black detailing around the tail lights and a little less black on the rear in general it would look sooo much better.
Maybe the black trim on the rear is a factory option. Like the ground effects on the Camaro.

Ya gotta figure if they're rolling this thing out for the first time they want to show off every last option the car has, so that seems a possibility unless I missed something.
So, they went the opposite of Dodge, make the tail lights ugly instead of the fronts. Looks alright I guess. I got a bit excited when they started talking about light weight in the CD video, but 3350 lbs isn't too impressive. It was an estimate though, but I doubt they'll get down to 3000 lbs which is what I'd expect if they're bragging about weight.

If I were to buy one, I'd get it in black or paint the rear light frames to the color of the body.
Now, all it needs is a DOHC motor like the C4 ZR1 had and coilspring suspension I will acknowledge it as a proper sportscar.
It would look a lot better if they got rid of that straight, flat part in between the tail lights and kept the same scooped-out surface along that whole section.

They also seriously need to drop the Gundam Eyeliner around the tail lights. If it were just the red light housing without any of that black crap, it would look so much better.
Did the C4 ZR1 have quad cam V8 ? Double wishbone all around would be best I think.

Corvettes have had double wishbones all around since the C5, and even the C4 had a suspension design that was somewhat similar (but inferior) to double wishbones in the rear.
Corvettes have had double wishbones all around since the C5, and even the C4 had a suspension design that was somewhat similar (but inferior) to double wishbones in the rear.

But...but...leaf springs man. Proper sports cars couldn't possible have anything other than coil spring suspension.

Now that the whole thing has been unveiled... I like it. That back end could use some work, sure, but props to GM for making a big stylistic jump compared to the C6. Much like Jag with the XF, I think it was needed, and I'll echo some comments I've seen elsewhere in that this immediately makes the C6 look ancient. There are hints of GT-R, Viper, and 599/F12 mixed up in there, but it still looks distinctly Corvette. Interesting that they've went a solid 2 inches narrower for the rear tires, and I imagine it impacts the front/rear balance of grip almost as favourably as it does economy.

I hope it makes its way up here next month so I can check it out in person 👍
Now that the whole thing has been unveiled... I like it. That back end could use some work, sure, but props to GM for making a big stylistic jump compared to the C6. Much like Jag with the XF, I think it was needed, and I'll echo some comments I've seen elsewhere in that this immediately makes the C6 look ancient. There are hints of GT-R, Viper, and 599/F12 mixed up in there, but it still looks distinctly Corvette. Interesting that they've went a solid 2 inches narrower for the rear tires, and I imagine it impacts the front/rear balance of grip almost as favourably as it does economy.

I hope it makes its way up here next month so I can check it out in person 👍

You're lucky, I basically have to wait until October to see it in person :indiff:
For those sceptical of the pushrod V8, the engine is significantly smaller than BMW's 4.4 litre turbo V8.
I really don't know what to think of it. The red concept just looks like it has too many angles & all that black to go with it.

The silver/grey colored pictures though, look a lot better.

Not sure if I think the back looks ugly or something mixed of Camaro/GT-R-ish.
Corvettes have had double wishbones all around since the C5, and even the C4 had a suspension design that was somewhat similar (but inferior) to double wishbones in the rear.

I see, but did the C5, C6 and the coming C7 have coil over springs ? or do they use leaf spring at the back like some have hinted on a few posts ?
Seeing it in motion as opposed to just pictures, it looks even better then I expected. I actually like the rear, it stuck out alot to me at first but its grown on me. It was quite a surprise to me when they revealed the Sting ray name, I had said before that it had some resemblance to the Sting ray concept from years ago but I would have had a hard time believing if I was told it would have that name 11 months ago. Comparing this to the car it supposedly pays homage to, I can see the point in its sharp lines. In honesty, I feel it really fits and sort've adds to that wide stance that makes it a Corvette.
Im not really into Corvettes, but can somebody explain why this one is called "Stingray" again?
Has this name badge anything to do with its design/engine/etc?

Its a name thats dates back to the C2 Corvette from 1963 (and on the C3 Corvettes from the 70s). From what I understand, they felt this car was such a huge step that it deserved the name. Its kinda like how Lamborghini only applies the "SV" name to its most special cars.
:drool: dear Lord... :drool: that red color just makes the Corvette C7 look so damn hot... I seriously want one right now :D:D

Hmmm, I'm seeing a trend here...

Lamborghini Aventador - has nearly the same silhouette as the Murcielago, but edgier
Corvette C7 - has nearly the same silhouette as the Corvette C6, but edgier

wonder which car is next. :) 💡 Japanese, perhaps?
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I quite like it... not sure about the rear though...

The car is just right in the front, but the rear is something else. It is just like the Nissan GTR when he first came out, the rear and sides were excellent until the front, same with the new Viper and his front. But if I get a look of one in RL, a 3D model or even a quality made 1:18 scale and observe it. It will grow on me.

But I'll always be a GTR, Corvette and Viper fan regardless. :D

Stingray name is returning!

Yes, it is friend..... Welcome back Stingray! :cheers:

Even when the C6 was out, I wondered if Chevy was going to produce another Stingray (excluding the concept) in the lineup of the Flags. But I'm finally glad that the C7 has a somewhat similar look to one.

Doesn't work.

Anyway, like I said before, needs more curves.
The overall thing is sexy though and I'm kinda excited to see a new Stingray, finally.

EDIT: And I love the old school cockpit. :D

For me I missed the showing of the C7 :grumpy::(.

But I'm happy that the C4 cockpit is back! I always loved the C4s all over, inside and out, especially the GS and ZR-1 models. :D

Wow, new Stingray is a big surprise. Can't believe they got rid of the round taillights though. Seems like they tried hard to make it work then just defaulted to the square shape.

Everything else sits so nicely and I'm hyped on the increased performance for sure. Also, can't wait to see what Pratt & Miller come up with on their redesign and if we'll get to see it debut at Le Mans.

To me, if they kept the round rear lights and try some different rear designs that can work with the side and front, but still have that Stingray look, it would look even better. But I'll accept the rear though.

Can't wait to see the C7R, Grand Sport, Z06 and the beast they called ZR1. Someone get out the Photoshop! ;)

I thought I was in a Ferrari thread. Pretty out there for an American sports car. Pretty cool none the less.

Yeah, it has some 599 and even the GTR and now I'm seeing some of the Solstice from what Mack was saying by the sides. But it's cool though. 👍

Car & Driver: 2014 Corvette Stingray/Z51
<a href="">YouTube Link</a>


Autoweek detailed walkaround
<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

Going to take a look at this later.

I wonder if the high end models will mimic the double hood vents like on the old ones and have silver trim on the sideskirts.

I'm wondering the same thing, maybe the Z06 will have it or the Grand Sport. But I hope it's not on the ZR1, I like how they did it with the C6 ZR with the clear window showing you the supercharger. Now I can see that on the C7 ZR1.

@Zoid: Wild and hilarious quote man. I like it! :lol:👍

@drifting: Yep, I'm definitely seeing a trend here. And the Aventador also has some of the Reventon in it as well. ;)

Now I'm wondering about the Toyota Supra MKV now, since the NSX is coming out soon. 💡
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Dear god, I'm in love. I wonder what the local GM dealership would give me for my C6. I want that car so bad.......

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