I've only seen it about a couple of hours ago, and at this point, I really don't care for it. The front looks like the new Viper, with a dash of Cadillac about it, while the back looks like a bit like a squished Nissan GT-R. Has an air of Decepticon-at-the-Drive-In about it. Overall, the whole design seems busy with details - a departure from the simplicity and spartan nature of the C6. I've always had a soft spot for Corvettes, in spite of all their political incorrectness and dubious image here in the UK, but this...it doesn't look right to me, the way older ones do. I dunno, it may yet grow on me, the way the old BMW 5 did. Hope it's a hoot to pilot, and here's looking forward to it dicing with the Vipers and Vantages at Le Mans.