COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
The one time stimulus payment is on top of the $600/week boost to unemployment (which is in addition to whatever the state gives) so I'm guessing they hope it will be extra funds for people.

I'd imagine most people will be doing what you and I are doing and saving it though since it's really hard to spend money on frivolous things right now when everything seems up in the air.

At most, people may go grocery shopping if they have been unemployed.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that our country is supporting people, but I don't see it "stimulating the economy".
Well...I'm not sure how else to say it :lol:
I think it depends on what you're actually trying to say. I suspect you meant "coma".

A coma is a state of prolonged unconsciousness usually stemming from illness or injury.

A comma is a punctuation mark indicating a short break in a sentence or to separate individual items in a list.
How do UK folk feel about this?
*shrug* It seems to be a China Daily exclusive at the moment. Can't find anything about it in the UK press. It sounds like Boris feels he needs all the help he can get at the moment.

Trump is now saying social distancing needs to keep in place until April 30th. I've found articles written from 2 days ago saying that he was suggesting Easter. This is exactly what not to do. Set an unrealistic goal, and fail to meet it almost immediately, thereby ensuring that absolutely all businesses in the nation have zero faith in your intellectual grasp of the timeline of this situation.

He should have said late April to begin with, or if that's not defensible, early May. Whatever is after the peak. And then try to stick to that date - to help allow businesses to plan. Isn't he supposed to be a genius business man or something? He's just jerking the economy around, and wasting gobs of money (and jobs) in the process.

@Dotini's link suggests that the US will peak in mid-April. It was not and has not been at all indicated or apparent from any data that Easter was even remotely attainable. By floating that too-early date, he made sure nobody would listen later. Total lack of leadership.
I looked into it and NY state law says I can get a maximum of 12 weeks unpaid leave of absence. If I want more after that I'm losing my job. Unfortunately it was the only option but hopefully I don't have to use all of it.

Trump is now saying social distancing needs to keep in place until April 30th. I've found articles written from 2 days ago saying that he was suggesting Easter. This is exactly what not to do. Set an unrealistic goal, and fail to meet it almost immediately, thereby ensuring that absolutely all businesses in the nation have zero faith in your intellectual grasp of the timeline of this situation.

He should have said late April to begin with, or if that's not defensible, early May. Whatever is after the peak. And then try to stick to that date - to help allow businesses to plan. Isn't he supposed to be a genius business man or something? He's just jerking the economy around, and wasting gobs of money (and jobs) in the process.

@Dotini's link suggests that the US will peak in mid-April. It was not and has not been at all indicated or apparent from any data that Easter was even remotely attainable. By floating that too-early date, he made sure nobody would listen later. Total lack of leadership.
We were told by our PM last night that the current social distancing restrictions here in Australia could go on for six months :scared:

From about 12.58

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Where are you reading Italy has a 45% mortality rate? That is absolutely not correct.
(10023/92472) * 100 = 10.83%

Look at the "Closed cases". It's not the same thing as the percentage of people who die out of everyone who has tested positive. It's the percentage of people who have died out of the total "resolved cases". I guess the theory is, it's not possible to know, with certainty, how many of the people who have tested positive for the virus will eventually die, but the people who have been cleared of the virus can be definitively compared to those who have died. But yes, of the people known to have contracted the coronavirus in Italy, about 10% of them have died.

The other interesting figure is how low the percentage of "serious or critical" cases is in Italy - not really different from what you see in Germany or other countries. It suggests that, absent a lot of new infections in the coming days, the death rate should start to go down in Italy, but it also suggests that most of the people who ended up in the "serious or critical" category in Italy have died in the past weeks & most of those now on that list will die in the coming days. Perhaps this is a function of how many old people have been infected in Italy, as the vast majority of the people who have died are in their '70's, '80's & '90's.

In any case, whatever number you use, for whatever reason, Germany shows a startlingly lower number of deaths compared to Italy, & far less than Spain or France also.
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The idea of social distancing isn’t to wait around until the virus is gone it’s just to flatten the curve so the peak amount of infections does not overwhelm the healthcare system.

But I was told in this thread that wasn’t possible and that the US Health care system is more than prepared! :rolleyes:
These death toll numbers to me only are only half the story. Wish we knew what the story was for each person that passed away. Did they have other issues? What was their age? Etc.

We do know their ages:

9.4% of the deceased were over 90
40.8% were 80 - 89
35.8% were 70 - 79
10.2% were 60 - 69

Only 7.2% were under the age of 60 & over 50% were over the age of 80. It's reasonable to assume that many of the deceased had age-related issues that made them vulnerable to the virus. I'm starting to believe that the intergenerational closeness of Italian family relationships, combined with the suddenness of the initial spread is what accounts for the very high mortality rate in northern Italy. Very sad.
I don't believe China's numbers are legit either, but I see no reason to distrust Italy. Don't get me wrong, a 10% mortality rate is very high, but I can't see how it's 45%. That isn't right.
These different mortality rates mean nothing because different countries have different testing regimes. It's comparing apples and oranges.
I Heard a Report that a big reason for the explosion of cases in Italy can be tied back to the Atalanta vs Valencia Football game at the San Siro in the Champions league, after that game a very large number of people that went to that game ended up getting Covid-19, including players and staff on both teams, and the region that Atalanta is based is the hardest hit region of Northern Italy.
If we could trust statistics from Belarus, their approach could be used as a control arm :lol:

As the world scrambles to discover a cure for the coronavirus, the strongman leader of Belarus is promoting his own unique recipe for staying healthy: drink vodka, work hard in the countryside and visit the sauna.

President Alexander Lukashenko has mocked what he calls the “panic” gripping countries that have imposed lockdowns to minimise deaths.

“The world has gone mad from the coronavirus,” he said. “This psychosis has crippled national economies almost everywhere in the world.”

In Belarus, a former Soviet state of 9.5 million people, shops and markets are bustling, theatres are staging premieres and the borders remain open.
What an idiot. And he's now angry about Russia closing the border with RB so he can't sell his potato here.

On a cite note, this guy's time in power is about the same as of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un combined...
Apparently Moscow will go into “full lockdown”, starting Monday

A statement from the mayor promises a “smart control system”, using smart phones and facial recognition software, for enforcing the lock down.

Finally, some proper measures, because some people don't listen when the government kindly urges them to stay at home, so it's time for the state to apply brute force. Putin has ordered this week to be a paid week off, but some people took it as a vacation to cook kebab and drink in the city parks with friends. This 🤬 must stop now. Russia has over 1500 confirmed cases (who said this number is "ridiculously low"?) now with over 1000 in Moscow alone.

As for me, it's not hard for me at all to not leave my home, I've got plenty of things to do inside. Just no more anime parties or metal band concerts for some time. Sadly, Sabaton had to stop their Russian tour because of this situation...
It's incredible to see what humans can do when they actually want to.
Do you think it might be possible to equip every person with a mask? I don't think it will be possible to do that this year. But I do think it would be desirable.
Do you think it might be possible to equip every person with a mask? I don't think it will be possible to do that this year. But I do think it would be desirable.

I fail to see why everyone needs a mask. The emergency services need them.

People just need to listen to what's being said. Keep distance, stay at home as much as possible. Wash your hands. If you feel any sort of symptom, stay the **** away from everyone else and only if it gets worse, you call an ambulance or doctor.
Legal reason?
"The most obvious explanation may be that liquor falls under the category of food and agriculture. This category includes groceries, pharmacies, convenience stores, and other retailers that sell human food, animal or pet food, and beverage products. Restaurants with carryout or delivery service fall into this category as well. Liquor stores obviously sell beverages, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. They often also sell snack foods. Many states allow convenience stores to sell alcohol. Mystery solved."

Possible reason?
"I suspect the most relevant reason liquor stores are included as “essential businesses” is the long shadow Prohibition still casts. While the 18th Amendment to the Constitution was a federal decision, more than 30 states had enacted their own Prohibition by the time the Amendment went into effect in 1920. Prohibition ended in 1933 and is regarded by many as a catastrophic mistake that caused more deaths and harms than if the government had taken no action. Prohibition caused far too many toxic home and other bootleg brews to be sold or traded in an extensive black market."
Wow, that completely glossed over the fact that the fed gov was at least partially responsible for all that toxic brew.
Lol common guys, it creates lots more problems on so many levels than it could ever help, if ever it did any.. Modern society of alcoholics or what? Jeez
You need a solid history lesson of the 1920s I am thinking.
I see well at least pot is supposed to have some medicinal benefits, although i doubt it. CO?
You also apparently need to pick up a medical journal or two as well. You dont need to suppose, the medical benefits of marijuana are well documented at this point and more are being discovered as time goes on. No, it's not a cancer cure, but I'd take it over advil any day.
Wasn't alcohol deemed essential in the additional fact that if some people who are dependent on it (don't judge them for their addictions) cannot get any, they can go into withdrawal and lead to even worse health outcomes?
Taiwan claims that the WHO doesn't share any of the information and data that they have provided to them since the start of the outbreak, withholding valuable information for other countries.

Are the UN and WHO so afraid for political consequences that they have to act like a Xinnie puppet?
Taiwan claims that the WHO doesn't share any of the information and data that they have provided to them since the start of the outbreak, withholding valuable information for other countries.

Are the UN and WHO so afraid for political consequences that they have to act like a Xinnie puppet?
I am not sure on the verification of this, but I have seen some outlets reporting that the actual death toll from Wuhan due to COVID-19 is around 40k, not 2.5k as Beijing is reporting.
I fail to see why everyone needs a mask. The emergency services need them.

People just need to listen to what's being said. Keep distance, stay at home as much as possible. Wash your hands. If you feel any sort of symptom, stay the **** away from everyone else and only if it gets worse, you call an ambulance or doctor.

If everyone wore a mask (and glasses and washed their hands or wore gloves), there would be no reason to stay home.

Let's do that now... stay-at-home lifted for persons wearing masks, glasses, and gloves in public.