COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
I'm still trying to figure out what Utah is doing differently than other states. Right now our cases are not climbing very fast, our mortality rate is fairly low, and we have one of the best testing per capita in the nation. We're also projected to have fewer than 200 deaths, have more than enough ICU beds, and not run out of ventilators, although PPE is coming up short in a big way. Despite all this, we are still one of the 9 states that do not have a lockdown order and we had a whole flock of Mormons come in from all over the world. We also have Utah County which is a special kind of stupid and still has people congregating.

Well...Utah is one dry-ass state. Wonder if that makes any difference.
I get the feeling we could possibly be heading that way. But the higher ups play like they care, especially doing the daily updates at 4PM. Pretty much always saying "we have 0 confirmed cases in the company!" The CEO even gave his personal cell phone number to show that he "cares" about everyone's concerns.

Sales has been selling a few cars here and there, although most were ordered units. Service is very slow, but somewhat steady with a few appointments here and there. They were saying that people "wouldn't be laid off," but who knows how that will go.

What hurts even more is that management bragged that they advertised to people out of state, like Massachusetts as those dealers were shut down. Obviously, as we know, that's not a good thing to bring people from a larger state with a higher number of infected into another....
Advertising out of state tells me they either know business is slowing or they feel there's an opportunity to capitalize on others' closures. As I said, just watch & be mindful of anything they say.

I got my package in the mail outlining that they tried to have a plan in place, but the outbreak forced additional measures. I'm still not happy about it, but at least whoever put the package together showed some compassion in their decision & offered step-by-step instruction on filing for unemployment as well as every HR personal's contact being available to walk us through that if needed. Have 6 weeks of severance pay that appears to be well before anything is taken out coming, so they've thankfully set me up for the next 2 months without any worry. Sad thing is... I'm already going a bit lost. Have slept in the last 2 days for 10 hours easily. This feels like anyone's dream to not worry about work, but TV & games really show their lifespan when they're all you have. :indiff:
Doctors from several countries have been reporting patients who showed serious problems in the brain after contracting the coronavirus.

So obviously Trump has contracted the virus, but years ago. ;)

Satire signs that things may be getting back to normal. :)

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I'm not really seeing tapering off in any of the US states, and some of them have as much as a 20 day head start (depending on how you measure it) compared to CO. Doesn't bode well for how long we have to keep this up.

Very nice page thanks!

It appears in Finland during Palm Sunday one death was removed from the statistics.. :D





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Advertising out of state tells me they either know business is slowing or they feel there's an opportunity to capitalize on others' closures. As I said, just watch & be mindful of anything they say.

I got my package in the mail outlining that they tried to have a plan in place, but the outbreak forced additional measures. I'm still not happy about it, but at least whoever put the package together showed some compassion in their decision & offered step-by-step instruction on filing for unemployment as well as every HR personal's contact being available to walk us through that if needed. Have 6 weeks of severance pay that appears to be well before anything is taken out coming, so they've thankfully set me up for the next 2 months without any worry. Sad thing is... I'm already going a bit lost. Have slept in the last 2 days for 10 hours easily. This feels like anyone's dream to not worry about work, but TV & games really show their lifespan when they're all you have. :indiff:

Hang in there brother. Was also in car sales, also lost my job. Like you, I was lucky to have the six weeks pay - I chose it as a chance to take away from the stresses that both the job and the current climate were sending and enjoy those sleepins and days of doing nothing. Obviously I am also very lucky to live at home, but the main thing I want to stress is not to look backwards before looking forwards. Even a side step is an improvement. Keep safe!
There's this really harmful idea in the US that you're weak for admitting fear of this virus and that the government is controlling your rights with the stay-at-home orders. People feel that continuing to go outside is their "rebellion" against "the man". Or even worse, their religious right.

A lot of people in charge are trying to spread a false sense of optimism. Optimism is great but not right now. We need to be realistic.

That's fine, but it's the religious nuts that are purposefully disobeying the order to gather at church. The pastor of one church was arrested and fined, and then said publicly he will continue to disobey.
This alcoholic needs his beer...
UCL study shows that school closures are having little impact on the coronavirus outbreak...

I listed to a radio interview with one of the chaps involved with this and what he seemed to be saying (irrespective of the headlines) was that school closures alone don't seem to do much, but combined with other things like lock-downs will help the prevent the spread;

“Data on the benefit of school closures in the Covid-19 outbreak is limited but what we know shows that their impact is likely to be only small compared with other infection-control measures such as case isolation and is only effective when other social isolating measures are adhered to.
“While school closure as a measure on its own is predicted to have a limited effectiveness in controlling Covid-19 transmission, when combined with intense social distancing it plays an important role in severing remaining contacts between households and thus ensuring transmission declines.”
I read that this morning and can't quite get my head around it. Surely if a gathering of schoolchildren are ok, gatherings of all people are ok?
Can't say I fully get it either, but it is not necessarily the case that any/all demographic groups would be the same.

I guess the argument is that schools are, practically by definition, isolated groups... and that if children and their parents are isolating outside of school, then the impact would be lessened anyway.

The thrust of the article is basically what has been pointed out many times in this thread, which is that any steps taken to minimize the impact of the virus will have both benefits and costs. The point here being that the potential or likely costs of closing schools could be delivering very little benefit for what could be/is a very high cost.
I listed to a radio interview with one of the chaps involved with this and what he seemed to be saying (irrespective of the headlines) was that school closures alone don't seem to do much, but combined with other things like lock-downs will help the prevent the spread;

Can't say I fully get it either, but it is not necessarily the case that any/all demographic groups would be the same.

It could be a lack of data. We don't test kids as often because kids don't have symptoms as often. The best testing country is South Korea, and they registered only 1.23% of cases below age 10.

South Korea only has 10,000 cases, so we're talking about 123 positives below age 10. How much do we know about how well these kids are transmitting the disease between each other? Are they particularly contagious? South Korea does a lot of random testing, so perhaps they tested a lot of children and found very few positives. This would suggest that they don't get the disease often, and possibly... circumstantially... suggests that they don't transmit it very well either. Otherwise kids would be at least infecting their any siblings in the house. It follows that if they don't get it very often, they can't pass it between each other well.

Anyway, bottom line, it seems like we don't know. Certainly the evidence is not stacking up that kids are virtually all carrying it and transmitting it between each other.
Honestly, it isn't so much that he's out and about, potentially exposing himself (or others if he happens to be contagious). It's the inane rhetoric.
Yes, I think the same. This guy is talking nonsense. I have been "locked" at home for almost 40 days now. I too want my life back. Life is hard right now here but I'm also well aware that social distance is the only solution. And when I see this garbage I just want to scream.