According to data from New York, if you could effectively quarantine everyone over 70 years old, you'd cut the death count to less than half. If you could do it for everyone over 50, you'd cut the death count by 93%.
...and that's basically all I stated. If we could isolate them effectively, then we would achieve this great result. It's a big if.
So you should have stated the facts as they were presented in your link, or skipped the link and told us what you were insinuating and that it was not according to the article but just using the data. Hence the backlash form me. It should of read: According to New York data 93% of deaths are over 50 years of age. If you could effectively quarantine them (before they died) you could have saved their lives. If those areas in the country (or world) behind the spread can do that with SD it'd be a win-win no doubt. The USA is not mandating to quarantine them but they have been warned to SD (including isolation) if they aren't essential workers (like my wife) or as some are doing, using the StayhomeStaysafe mentality.
So you mean it has more death than Norway and Denmark? Because....
Sweden is tracking about like the US in terms of death per capita. Similar to Switzerland, less than Netherlands and France. Obviously less than Italy, Begium, Spain, the UK...
What was your point again?
My point is echoed
From article...................................
On Saturday, Sweden Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said the coronavirus may have spread slower in Sweden than in many other countries, but that did not mean it could avoid its worst effects. "We have chosen a strategy of trying to flatten the curve and not get too dramatic a process because then the healthcare system probably will not cope," he told Sweden's Dagens Nyheter newspaper, according to The Guardian. "But it also means that we will have more seriously ill people who need intensive care. We will have significantly more deaths. We will count the dead in thousands."
At least he realizes thousands may (he says will) die, don't you? We'll have to see if they're deaths/capita increases compared to the USA for your comparison. I believe they're rate is going to climb a lot according the Prime Minister's remarks. We'll add the $10 million/person then, but now it's at $8.87 billion.
Even though you state that Sweden is not in an economic depression they are still forking out $30 billion in economic measures for this pandemic. So they have lost/spent $38.87 billion, chump change compared to the USA. You seem to miss the point that dead people cost money too.
Denmark initially used a "containment strategy" based on "fast diagnosis, contact tracing and quarantine of those evaluated to be at risk." But as the virus spread, Denmark moved to a "mitigation strategy," banning large gatherings and seeking to protect the most vulnerable people and was the second country in Europe to announce a lockdown, on March 11. It did so before it reported any deaths from the virus. They are planning on opening school next week. Of course Denmark's efforts to slowly reopen come as the World Health Organization cautions against relaxing restrictions. It has pointed to some countries close to China that managed to keep the virus at bay for months only to see surges in cases as they relaxed their suppression measures.
Good example to your schooling dilemma is in Sweden they're still going to schools (primary, others online), even some areas are making it illegal for kids to stay home if they are not sick.
From article.............
“The healthy children who do not come to school are breaking the law, and in the case of a long period of invalid absence, you will be called to a meeting with the principal, after which social services may be contacted.”While Swedes are encouraged to use their individual sense of moral responsibility, apparently there are limits to this, especially if your moral responsibility prompts you to socially distance with your kids at home. Perhaps most troubling is the fact that parents seem to have little authority over the final decision as to whether or not their children can legally socially-distance at home.
Watch the video below on kids spreading the virus from Dr. Fauci.
Switzerland's numbers are high likely due to bordering Italy.
France started reporting cases in January but put restrictions in place too late, March 16th.
Norway's numbers are low as a result of early and high amounts of testing.
I mean this:
GDP and life expectancy have a huge correlation.
Well this should set your mind at ease on that.
Info on opening the economy.
Only if ours is. Apparently. But perhaps they're a little better off because they're not facing an economic depression?
Yet to be seen, but I would bet they will. Seeing they're GDP is only 556.1 billion in 2018 and they have already spent $38 billion doesn't look good already. Add a couple more thousand deaths and yeah.......................
We're in a discussion forum. This is where we discuss whether we think the experts are right. And we know there is a lot of guesswork going on with C19.
I think the experts are correct, mostly because I don't do pandemics or financial crises. I don't expect others to question my expertise in my trade so I'll give them the respect they deserve. Not to mention we are talking life or death situations. This s..t is real.
I respect your wanting to question things we don't know about otherwise I wouldn't be spending time on this discussion. I just don't understand the school part of this discussion.
You still have to catch it. Even if you're spreading it asymptomatically, you need to be able to test positive (at least if the test is legit) to be spreading it. In other words, you have to catch it to spread it. Not that you have to have symptoms. All evidence points to the fact that kids are fairly resistant at catching it, therefore an elementary school is not a good place for this disease to be spreading.
I'll agree that the chances of spreading it is more if you show symptoms, that's obvious.
It's not the school itself or the fact it's a gathering area that I'm talking about, it's sending any population into public to aid in spreading the virus. You do realize that just the number of students in the USA is 81.5 million in primary and secondary schools. Yes, children numbers are very low on testing positive and even lower on deaths. Comparing Connecticut's test data on confirmed cases ( ages 0 -19) out of those 81.5 million children over 10,000 will be infected. Nationwide 5 days ago 0 - 17 age cases were 593. Currently we (Ct) have only 68 cases and New York's 0 - 17 cases total 1928 people and we border New York on our total western border. New York alone has more than tripled the numbers of that age group, in a week. Don't forget 55 million students are under stay home orders (quarantine) including New York.
According to CDC children do contract the virus, as has been stated here many times.......................
A graph I don't understand, maybe you do..??
FIGURE 1. COVID-19 cases in children* aged <18 years, by date reported to CDC (N = 2,549)† — United States, February 24–April 2, 2020
If I've missed something, let me know. I don't know everything about disease pathology.
Some reading for you..........................
Not only asymptomatic but presymptomatic
From article.............
Presymptomatic transmission was defined as the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from an infected person (source patient) to a secondary patient before the source patient developed symptoms, as ascertained by exposure and symptom onset dates, with no evidence that the secondary patient had been exposed to anyone else with COVID-19. Seven COVID-19 epidemiologic clusters in which presymptomatic transmission likely occurred were identified, and 10 such cases within these clusters accounted for 6.4% of the 157 locally acquired cases. In the four clusters for which the date of exposure could be determined, presymptomatic transmission occurred 1–3 days before symptom onset in the presymptomatic source patient
Not at a rate consistent with their population footprint. They get it far less often than other age groups (based on South Korean data, which as far as I know is the best data taken to date).
I couldn't find anything about that besides ecological and/or human footprints, sorry. Please inform me.
Do they get/spread the virus is the only question here. Answer yes. Spreading is spreading at any rate.
Apparently you don't need to. Kids don't catch it very easily (based on SK data). This disease is heavily weighted toward older hosts.
Change your mind yet?
That is not a chart about schools at all, that's the total unemployment numbers, though it's now a lot more. If that many school associated people were out of work I could better understand your issue with schooling. Our school teachers are still employed during lockdown and from what I hear and posted in earlier posts that online schooling is being used as well as home learning. Lunch programs for those that need it are still in effect as well. To go a bit further a lot of our day care centers are for health care workers children as well as other essential workers.
We all need to honestly assess how much risk we can take with our particular biological situation. That's tougher to do with C19 than usual, but it is the task we are faced with.
I'm up for the task. 👍
That's why you need to take personal responsibility for your family's well-being and not leave it up to others. They're not all in your situation. In fact, none of them are. You're the only one dealing with your particular biological exposure to this disease.
This is not about me or my problems with this pandemic. This is about others and protecting them. Haven't you heard the nation yet.
I still find it odd how many people are oblivious to the fact that if there is a major economic collapse, people will die. Large amounts of them at that. This will happen if we continue to have everything locked down for months. It’s not just a matter of people killing themselves or domestic abuse even though there will certainly be large amounts of that, it is also a fact that many people will become homeless. Many people will starve to death. Many people will get killed because of looting and home invasions. This is why we can’t forget about the economy when having a country locked down. Yes, social distancing is saving lives, but we can’t let it continue to the point where the damage caused by it is worse than the virus itself. There will certainly be a point where the economy needs to open back up whether the virus is gone or not.
Yes the economy will open before the virus is gone. Looting and home invasions, you watch too much TV. What's next a guy with a gun shooting people in Las Vegas? Been there done that. The rest you should understand better if you read through the information.
It happens in more subtle ways too. Someone loses a job and some new piece of medical technology fails to get invented. A drug trial gets postponed, a company that was producing life-saving technology goes under, and prices rise. It's a thousand paper cuts.
If either of you are really that worried I hope you spent the agonizing time to read through this information. If you do I think it would ease your worries.
And back to our regularly scheduled
Oh and Happy Easter!