COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Our Governor is scared spitless if he opens up a day too soon and the numbers go south, he will pay a political price at the polls in November.

He is right to be scared. You can be sure that Trump will take credit for leading the states to "freedom" and blame the Governors for the deaths.
I don't think anyone wanted to shut down. It meant taking an enormous, catastrophic financial hit and they were all hoping to avoid it (us too). People didn't really take it that seriously until Italy. And by then it was too late.

Shutting down prior to the spread would have taken basically nothing short of the largest worldwide coordinated effort humanity has ever undertaken. Every country wanted to do it a little differently (and they have).

I've got to say: even as the crisis overwhelmed areas in the north of Italy other countries in Europe continued to have a lackadaisical attitude. I think the attitude was: "well, what can you expect, it's Italy", it's not going to happen like that here. Even after it started happening in other European countries, the British authorities were in denial.
But that's the whole point. There is no experimental cure, because the scientists still haven't had time to make one. A vaccine might take 18 months, if lucky. So suggesting to use something that is not even at the point of experimental is the equivalent of drinking drain cleaner if you are constipated. But there is no need to worry,no doctor would administer it anyway
This is true but we still have doctors who prescribe cures which haven't passed covid trials and then complain if they are prevented from doing so. Just received this in my Facebook feed in a message which urged me to "Watch this quickly and share it with everyone you know....before it is removed!!!!".

This is true but we still have doctors who prescribe cures which haven't passed covid trials and then complain if they are prevented from doing so. Just received this in my Facebook feed in a message which urged me to "Watch this quickly and share it with everyone you know....before it is removed!!!!".

Do yourself a favor and close your Facebook account...

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This is true but we still have doctors who prescribe cures which haven't passed covid trials and then complain if they are prevented from doing so. Just received this in my Facebook feed in a message which urged me to "Watch this quickly and share it with everyone you know....before it is removed!!!!".

I posted about her a bit in a reply to one of Joey's posts. I believe she said she had started telling the pharmacy the hydroxq. she was wanting, was for other symptoms in her patients when it was actually for Covid-19. I can't imagine admitting something like that wouldn't have the state medical board (or whomever) coming down hard on her, in addition to openly admitting she was going to keep treating her patients with non-FDA approved treatments. That or I guess 1 good lawsuit from a patient's family who dies as a result of her decisions. :dunce:
Do yourself a favor and close your Facebook account...


I saw the video of this guy pop up on my youtube news feed too. Imagine being in his shoes now, knowing what he knows, and that there are others that were like him before that still think it's a fake conspiracy made up by the government. I don't know if I'd be more angry that they exist or that I used to be one of them. I sorta feel bad for him to be in that mental fiasco.
This is true but we still have doctors who prescribe cures which haven't passed covid trials and then complain if they are prevented from doing so. Just received this in my Facebook feed in a message which urged me to "Watch this quickly and share it with everyone you know....before it is removed!!!!".

I am not in a position to say anything about what she does, but it's something entirely different. It's not an experimental drug, and it's certainly not a substance that hasn't been through the in vitro testing.

Edit: you do realise that the very foundation of her reasoning is wrong? You didn't shut down society over 111 deaths. You shut it down over the thousands of deaths that would have been had you not shut it down.
I live in a country with sparse population and 10 million inhabitants. We didn't shut down, only did social distancing and we have well over 3k deaths. (3783 as of yesterday)
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It's my nephew's 12th birthday today, and we are supposed to be having a 'socially distanced' birthday thing for him later, albeit only a very short gathering in the garden.

My Dad won't be there, but it will be the first time since the lockdown that my Mum will have been at my sister's place, albeit outdoors and without physical contact. Even the dog will be in his crate so he doesn't jump all over my Mum.

I think this is reasonable, and is as safe as our normal day-to-day lives are anyway, hence it is not an additional risk to my Mum, who is effectively 'shielding' (she is 75 and is taking medication that suppresses her immune system), hence we are being as careful as possible around her.

That said, I am definitely noticing more of an urge for lockdown restrictions to be relaxed somewhat. Both my sister and my Mum's neighbours have had get togethers in their gardens already, and my sister is questioning why we should continue to abide by the letter (and spirit) of the law when others aren't.

My argument is that we are able to have limited meetings, but that we need to avoid the temptation to believe that the risk posed by the virus to our parents is not any lower than it was, and if anything it is higher now and will likely be higher still in the months ahead... hence it is not a great idea to start thinking that we can gradually return to normality (and that this process is already underway).

The sad fact is that for me, my sister and my nephew, we will have little choice but to return to our usual way of life and accept the increased risk of infection - but this has dire consequences for those who must remain shielded like our parents. While I go back to work and my nephew goes back to school, and society in general starts to crank back into action, the risk to our parents increases significantly, and that means that what we consider as 'normal life' (i.e. my parents dropping in to see my sister and nephew multiple times a week) will not be possible... but that goes against the current tide of thinking that the risk is dropping and will eventually become negligible...

Anyway, it may be a good opportunity to restart some family activities over the summer months before my nephew goes back to school and before I return to work, because after that it could be a difficult time for grandparents (and those who rely on them) across the country to accept.
I posted about her a bit in a reply to one of Joey's posts. I believe she said she had started telling the pharmacy the hydroxq. she was wanting, was for other symptoms in her patients when it was actually for Covid-19. I can't imagine admitting something like that wouldn't have the state medical board (or whomever) coming down hard on her, in addition to openly admitting she was going to keep treating her patients with non-FDA approved treatments. That or I guess 1 good lawsuit from a patient's family who dies as a result of her decisions. :dunce:

I decided to look into Dr. Lozano a bit more and the way she runs her practice is bizarre. It's a walk-in clinic, but it's not a typical urgent care or anything since it's more or less a standard family practice. She doesn't accept any insurance plan either, which is a bit of a red flag and everything is self-pay, unless you're on traditional Medicare, then she will take that (not Medicaid though). Her quality ratings are pretty low if you filter out everything from 2020 (I assume most of those are either for or against what she's doing and thus not accurate).

In her video, she talks about foreign-born doctors coming to the US to practice medicine and gets a bunch of boos from the crowd. Dr. Lozano was born in Havanah, Cuba and her parents immigrated to America (probably illegally) when she was young. So she is a forgein-born doctor that's practicing medicine. At least she went to a reputable med school, The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston (top 10% med school in the country). She apparently trained in general surgery, which also seems odd because why would you be a family doctor if you specialized in general surgery? As far as doctors go there's no money in family medicine. Also, I can't imagine any general surgeon not accepting insurance.

Really she seems like a bit of a quack that preys on low-income patients who can't afford insurance. From what I can tell, her average office fee is around $200 which is kind of high for a self-pay clinic. I assume this is how she's not being busted for fraudulent activities too. She apparently lied about why a patient needed hydroxychloroquine, but if she's not billing insurance, she doesn't need to submit documentation and thus can write whatever the hell she wants. If she was billing insurance and doing this, it would be fraud and she'd be in some serious trouble. I'm not sure if she's doing this to Medicare patients though, but duping Medicare is a great way to get your ass handed to you.

Since hydroxychloroquine isn't a controlled substance, I don't think she's at any risk of losing her DEA number, but I'm sure she'll be looked at a bit closer.
Actually physically went to the grocery store today for the second time since mid-march. Giant sign on the door read "face coverings are required to enter this building". I counted 4 people inside with no face covering whatsoever, and 4 more with it pulled down.
Do yourself a favor and close your Facebook account...
And cut myself off from my family and friends? Hell no. I learned how to block people on Messenger instead.

I am not in a position to say anything about what she does, but it's something entirely different. It's not an experimental drug, and it's certainly not a substance that hasn't been through the in vitro testing.
Yes, I'm well aware of the difference. That's why I agreed with your original post. I just wanted to give a counterpoint to @Dotini's smug assumption that all doctors will protect us from the worst of Trump's covidiocy so there's no need to point out that what he says is dangerously wrong.

Edit: you do realise that the very foundation of her reasoning is wrong?
What the heck about my post made you think I agreed with a single word she said?!
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And cut myself off from my family and friends? Hell no. I learned how to block people on Messenger instead.
Sorry, it was just a knee jerk reaction Everytime I see or hear "Facebook"

My statement had nothing to do with the video you posted, which I later realize after watching bits of it that you didn't mean to agree or disagree with her, it was as you said a reply to someone here.

Further I know not everyone is able to just ignore Facebook as I am, I later also thought unlike me, you have family and friends you want to stay in touch....

Carry on...
8 people is not increasing the risk overall very significantly. It's just annoying. It's clearly marked at the entrance, but people either won't take precautions or don't care.

The other thing is that the store employees don't want to risk telling someone masks are required because they are afraid they might be physically attacked. That is a disturbing trend that is developing.
The other thing is that the store employees don't want to risk telling someone masks are required because they are afraid they might be physically attacked. That is a disturbing trend that is developing.
Physically attacked? You mean shot dead? The world is crazier than usual right now
What the heck about my post made you think I agreed with a single word she said?!

Sorry, that was an assumption. My bad.

Further I know not everyone is able to just ignore Facebook as I am, I later also thought unlike me, you have family and friends you want to stay in touch

I have friends and family but are doing great without a Facebook account. For several years now.
For some people that strongly views their percieved "choice" to take the risk but not accept that someone in front of a business, which can choose to allow that same person to enter the place of business, provided that the individual is wearing a mask or something that suits the requirements agreed by the state.....

For that person to physically assault or to just shoot that person with a gun, for me, it lies more with the social society requiring a change first before anything else can change to make the new normal happen, if needed. (ie: accept whether to wear a face covering and not actually shoot or assault some shopkeeper)
It's been growing hypocrisy with certain groups. They openly claim they have a "Constitutional right" to not be locked down, to have businesses open, "my body, my choice", that the scared should stay home, etc.

These people become the same ***holes who mock others by calling them sheep for wearing a mask or heeding precautions. Or get upset when businesses decide by their choice that those folks can't come in without a mask, citing more "rights" to be allowed in or that they are being discriminated against when they attempt to secretly film an encounter at the stores. I've been tickled by the one video where the upset party requests a manager after being denied entrance, & then claims she has a medical condition where she can't wear a mask & the store can't ask why because of HIPAA, so they're discriminating against her if they don't let her in. Yeah, I don't think that "Gotcha" card citing the HIPAA will work as everyone else would just start saying the same thing.
That makes no sense as the business would be like:

"No mask, no entry, our rules"

In this case.

Its like going to an upscale nightclub, they have a dress code.
That makes no sense as the business would be like:

"No mask, no entry, our rules"

In this case.

Its like going to an upscale nightclub, they have a dress code.
That's why she tried to pull a win-win situation. She claimed the business can't ask her to provide proof that she can't wear a mask for medical reasons, but if the business doesn't let her in, it's discrimination against a medical issue.

They told her to leave and to call corporate with her complaint, any way.
Do yourself a favor and close your Facebook account..

(Off topic.) Wise words indeed. Every time Facebook adds function the default settings are to decreased privacy protections. Watch Netflix’s “The Great Hack”.
I've been tickled by the one video where the upset party requests a manager after being denied entrance, & then claims she has a medical condition where she can't wear a mask & the store can't ask why because of HIPAA, so they're discriminating against her if they don't let her in. Yeah, I don't think that "Gotcha" card citing the HIPAA will work as everyone else would just start saying the same thing.

Unless that person is trying to go into a hospital, doctor's office, or some other place in the medical industry HIPAA doesn't do anything. It's like she heard the word at her doctor's office (probably because she had to sign something) and thought it was a free pass. People make me cringe sometimes.

I've said, I have no idea if a mask works or not (I tend to lean toward they do). But why wouldn't you just err on the side of "it probably does"? It's not like it hurts anything by wearing one and if it really does help, then all the better.

I was in Home Depot the other day buying the stuff for my garden. I was wearing my mask and minding my own business looking at the hot peppers. Some old guy gets way to close to me and not wanting to cause a fuss, I just moved away and waited for him to be done. He looked right at me and said: "you 🤬 Millenials will believe anything the media tells you." I was a bit confused and gave him a puzzled look. He then proceeded to tell me that I shouldn't be wearing a "scarf" because I look like an :censored:hole. I so wanted to roll out the "Ok boomer" line on him, but I just looked at him in amazement until he went away. Of course, I thought of a million witty comebacks the next morning in the shower.

Yes, it's your right to not wear a mask. It's also a store's right to deny you entry and tell you to get lost. Honestly, I wish all stores enforced the mask policy more, especially grocery stores because people would wise up real quick when they couldn't buy food because they were being pig-headed.
Unless that person is trying to go into a hospital, doctor's office, or some other place in the medical industry HIPAA doesn't do anything. It's like she heard the word at her doctor's office (probably because she had to sign something) and thought it was a free pass. People make me cringe sometimes.

I've said, I have no idea if a mask works or not (I tend to lean toward they do). But why wouldn't you just err on the side of "it probably does"? It's not like it hurts anything by wearing one and if it really does help, then all the better.

I was in Home Depot the other day buying the stuff for my garden. I was wearing my mask and minding my own business looking at the hot peppers. Some old guy gets way to close to me and not wanting to cause a fuss, I just moved away and waited for him to be done. He looked right at me and said: "you 🤬 Millenials will believe anything the media tells you." I was a bit confused and gave him a puzzled look. He then proceeded to tell me that I shouldn't be wearing a "scarf" because I look like an :censored:hole. I so wanted to roll out the "Ok boomer" line on him, but I just looked at him in amazement until he went away. Of course, I thought of a million witty comebacks the next morning in the shower.

Yes, it's your right to not wear a mask. It's also a store's right to deny you entry and tell you to get lost. Honestly, I wish all stores enforced the mask policy more, especially grocery stores because people would wise up real quick when they couldn't buy food because they were being pig-headed.
"I only look like an :censored:hole. You are an :censored:hole."
I have friends and family but are doing great without a Facebook account. For several years now.
Mine are scattered all over the world though. I don't want to have to email them all individually every time I have news and I'm sure they feel the same. It's a lifeline for my mother who is completely isolated otherwise. It may not be for other people but it works for us.

(Off topic.) Wise words indeed. Every time Facebook adds function the default settings are to decreased privacy protections. Watch Netflix’s “The Great Hack”.
Guess I should forget about email and search engines as well and go and live in the woods.
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Mine are scattered all over the world though. I don't want to have to email them all individually every time I have news and I'm sure they feel the same. It's a lifeline for my mother who is completely isolated otherwise. It may not be for other people but it works for us.

Guess I should forget about email and search engines as well and go and live in the woods.
I am not saying that, just that for me it's better without. My family lives in 3 countries, my friends every where.
We use instant messaging.
Actually physically went to the grocery store today for the second time since mid-march. Giant sign on the door read "face coverings are required to enter this building". I counted 4 people inside with no face covering whatsoever, and 4 more with it pulled down.
Can't be any worse than the UPS store I went to on Monday that had a "please wear masks" sign on the door and the guy running the place wasn't even wearing his properly.

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