COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye

Wonder if the Cheyenne River & Oglala Sioux Tribes will use this as evidence for them keeping their highway checkpoints (to keep unnecessary visitors out & overwhelming their own healthcare) in place now that the South Dakota governor is asking the White House for help.

Capital of Alabama reports a doubling of cases & a maxed out ICU.

Marshall county Alabama which is the next county over from where I live had a 517% increase in Covid-19 cases in one week.


Or the USA is just as dishonest in the reporting and also has the highest unreported numbers...

After near a month that I posted here, our situation couldn't be worse. The catastrophe, at least for me, is imminent.
Last Monday for the first time we confirmed more than 1000 deaths by 24 hours, and now we are 3rd worldwide in number of confirmed cases. We definitely will surpass 20 thousand deaths this week. Sure, by now other countries have worst numbers, but there are three factors that make me think about a disaster:

1- The death tax trend is upward, with a increasing limit.

2- We don't have (AGAIN) a Health Minister. The last one was dumped because, as a Physician, he didn't want to forcibly prescribe, by decree, the use of Hydroxychloroquine. The substance became the new panacea for the President and his bloodhounds, trying to forcibly re-open the economy. The vacancy is currently filled by an interim General, with no prior experience in public administration, and he already lied to the WHO about the efforts of the federal executive, remembering the military dictatorship times...

3- The President is a genocidal delinquent, plain and simple. He didn't move a feather for social distancing, attacked the governors that did it, including calling for disobedience, and by all means try to sabotage any attempt to make the right thing from others officials. Do you want an example? To sabotage social distancing, he signed a decree calling barbers and personal trainers (not because a giant gym company supports his government, no...) as essential workers. As the decree resulted in null results, since the governors/mayors have authority over this, he denied the emergency payment to... barbers and personal trainers.
Social distancing is being denied by his supporters, and by people that have to work by desperation.

But why the president decided to press full denial on this? Well there are another four factors:

A- His guru firmly affirms that all of this is a communist international plot to overthrow his government. Everybody in the world is part of the "Communist Plot", and the virus is a lie to create the Globalist government, funded by China, Soros, WHO, the media, the "left", the opposition, the gays and even the US Democratic Party (Biden is a commie!!!!). Convenently, he agrees.

B- He is a perv. He exalts the military dictatorship, called for mass exterminations when he was a deputy, honored torturers and praised them, not including his instances for fusillade suspects, his denial of legal due process, wanting to perform a civil war, racism, treatment of women with inferiority, xenophobia with immigrants (when black, or middle eastern), use of Christianity to bend public interests...

C- He though that it could let the economy in the hands of the Economy Minister (Paulo Guedes, a Chicago Boy disciple) going through the motions, while he was performing his behavioral wars. During the campaign he had a massive support among neoliberals, libertarians, market players and businessmen, calling for administrative, pension and tax reforms, relaxation of environmental laws, and also labor rights suppression. With the current situation, his economic dream went down the bus, and he panicked.

D- The Federal Police is approaching in two lines of investigation that will prove his and his son's involvement with crimes. One leads towards his links with Police Militias (aka Organized Crime), ghost appointees, corruption and funds deviation. the other one is reaching what we call now the "Hate Cabinet", an organized virtual group, probably funded illegally with both public and defrauded campaign money (and possibly foreign funds too), with the purpose of creating fake news against opponents, bullying and threatening adversaries and politicians, spreading illegal propaganda in both internet and real world.
This led to him forcing the Justice Minister to resign, when he denounced the attempt to obstruct the investigations by the Federal Police. But make no mistake, the ex-Minister Sergio Moro is as dangerous to the rule of law as Bolsonaro, but he knows that the president has no democratic future, and wants himself to be a presidential candidate on the next election. He panicked.

All of this during a pandemic.
I've been looking on in horror at what Bolsanaro is doing. My nephew and his mum live in Rio and he was really struggling mentally before Covid-19 following his dad's death a couple of years ago. The whole situation is really difficult for them. Please try and stay safe.

In other news, my wife had been filling in the Covid-19 symptom tracker app every day to help with research. They invited her for a test even though they didn't suspect she had it. She went on Monday and they took a swab of her throat and nasal passages. The test came back negative but she has just read on the Telegraph website that the test could have been counted as two. A government official has admitted that tens of thousands of tests in which throat and nasal swabs were taken have been counted as two tests in the governments daily testing figures. It's almost like the government are thinking of every way possible to make themselves look better....
We know that currently the US has the highest REPORTED number of cases and deaths.

Despite all the number fudging going on in the US, (this is a fact despite all the cover up), we are probably the best country at being "honest" in our reporting...
Japan and South Korea might have something to say about that.

I trust American reporting about as far as I can throw their president - especially so close to an election.
The country was ready and all to isolate itself and get into bunkers for months during the coldwar, why wouldn't we be able to do so now??

You ask some of the most interesting questions on the forum. I applaud you for that.

Speaking as one who lived through the Cold War from beginning to end, I would like to extremely briefly address the one question I've quoted.

Although there were bunkers for civilians during the Cold War, they were never used and would have been inadequate if they had been. We got lucky and avoided nuclear war.

Another point is back then people were more rural, more self sufficient and less reliant on government. Today a great number of people live from paycheck to paycheck and are deeply in debt.

A great deal more could be said, but that is true about many of your questions.
In other news, my wife had been filling in the Covid-19 symptom tracker app every day to help with research. They invited her for a test even though they didn't suspect she had it. She went on Monday and they took a swab of her throat and nasal passages. The test came back negative but she has just read on the Telegraph website that the test could have been counted as two. A government official has admitted that tens of thousands of tests in which throat and nasal swabs were taken have been counted as two tests in the governments daily testing figures. It's almost like the government are thinking of every way possible to make themselves look better....
Testing figures should include how many tests have been conducted as well as how many people have been tested...

Neither number is all that useful in and of itself, though... but these results do help to paint a dynamic picture of how many people are being infected, where they are, when they were infected and what the outcome was.

Ideally, everybody should have access to regular (i.e. multiple) tests with timely results... there's not much point in testing someone once and taking 10 days to tell them the result (unless they are in total isolation until they get the result).

@Warte I am also watching Brazil closely, and hope things don't get as bad as it looks like it may get there.
Reports indicate concern for sharp increases in suicide and self harm cases in Northern California.

Doctors in Northern California say they have seen more deaths from suicide than they’ve seen from the coronavirus during the pandemic.

“The numbers are unprecedented,” Dr. Mike deBoisblanc of John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, California, told ABC 7 News about the increase of suicide deaths adding that he’s seen a “year’s worth of suicides” in the last four weeks alone.

DeBoisblanc said he believes it’s time for California officials to end the stay-at-home order and let people back out into their communities.

"Personally, I think it's time," he said. "I think, originally, this was put in place to flatten the curve and to make sure hospitals have the resources to take care of COVID patients. We have the current resources to do that, and our other community health is suffering."

Kacey Hansen, a trauma center nurse at John Muir Medical Center for over 30 years, says she’s not only worried about the increased suicide attempts but also about the hospital’s ability to save as many patients as usual.

"What I have seen recently, I have never seen before," Hansen said. "I have never seen so much intentional injury."
Wait, we are well over 60,000 listed deaths from Covid. Am I reading that first paragraph correctly or does it mean in that area? Bc it’s worded a bit funky.
Despite all the number fudging going on in the US, (this is a fact despite all the cover up), we are probably the best country at being "honest" in our reporting...


Trump claims (repeatedly) that the USA has done more testing than all other countries combined, when the truth was that we had less than 20% of the world’s total test count. This is despite this fudging of the numbers by the CDC...

According to this article, the USA’s CDC is boosting the “testing” numbers by conflating the tests for virus with the tests for antibodies. So they are adding antibody tests into the mix to inflate the numbers for Trump. This is not the first time that Trump has forced the CDC to mislead us, and the world. Even Dr Birx has said she doesn’t trust anything that comes out of the CDC, and she’s one of the people who sits quietly in press conferences when Trump lies his teeth off.
In my state, the tests are administered by local and state health agencies, and the results are published locally in papers and online.

I expect the same is true everywhere in the US.

Useful study that's unfortunately bound to be reported on and quoted in misleading ways, specifically ignoring that it studied only in-hospital patients. ("These data do not apply to the use of any treatment regimen used in the ambulatory, out-of-hospital setting").

Perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that it doesn't help with in-hospital patients, and maybe even out-patients - HCQ doesn't help with Malaria once you've got it! The positive outcome bias seen with ACE inhibitors and statins may not turn out to be positive if treatment only starts once someone is in hospital.

The UK trials using HCQ as a preventative will be interesting, although they are only just starting now.

Yes, would you like to say something?

Don't be shy, we won't bite. Go on and explain yourself.

I've been looking on in horror at what Bolsanaro is doing. My nephew and his mum live in Rio and he was really struggling mentally before Covid-19 following his dad's death a couple of years ago. The whole situation is really difficult for them. Please try and stay safe.

In other news, my wife had been filling in the Covid-19 symptom tracker app every day to help with research. They invited her for a test even though they didn't suspect she had it. She went on Monday and they took a swab of her throat and nasal passages. The test came back negative but she has just read on the Telegraph website that the test could have been counted as two. A government official has admitted that tens of thousands of tests in which throat and nasal swabs were taken have been counted as two tests in the governments daily testing figures. It's almost like the government are thinking of every way possible to make themselves look better....

Brazil, Venezuela all these countries are already facing horrible conditions even before CoViD19...

The virus is (hopefully not) deciminate a lot of people potentially.

I pray somehow that the people of South America will somehow able to build some natural immunity against this... That can only be their saving grace...

(Also @Touring Mars )
Coming back to the testing in the States, this many variations of testing counts, and reporting method and the lack of transparency in how these are accounted for or even explained (maybe I am not well informed myself) but these are my suspicion, and this situation is pending itself to numbers that we just cannot trust fully on...

My whole point for the past few days is to say that:
We have the given numbers, we can certainly work with it, BUT we cannot be optimistic about it BECAUSE they only paint a picture of what this corrupted (or simply unprofessional) government wants us to believe...

My work is about process and procedures... If we don't have consistent methods, and if we don't have one unique way of counting, then the counting is all over the place/map...

It doesn't matter how many different tests one person has to go through each time, the local/state/federal entity should only count that as one instance of testing.

And if the exact same person comes back the next day for a hundred of tests, there should be NO additional count.

The number of test should be one per person ever...
THE goal here is to be able to test every single one of us, everyday!

Why can't we do a mailin testing?
The country has just gone through a census effort, why can't we make the testing part of that package (dumb idea I know).

Some of you may not agree, so please explain.
But we need one single method of counting...
Right now I suspect there are as many ways to count as there are local entities... Maybe I am wrong, so let me know, but I somehow highly doubt people in the country are as smart as they claim to be...

There are very intelligent people in the States, but there are also some of the dimmest wits... One of them being in an office...

I hope that most people don't confuse the two charts, but this government should have done a better explanation:
The trend chart on the (fudged)reported and affected cases provided by the government everyday up until now is NOT related to the number of people/individual tested performed...

There could be quatruple number of tests performed, (as they claim erroneously with so many variations of counting ways) versus the number of affected cases, Keep in mind the numbers are not equivalent...

Until we know exactly how the tests are counted, the trust and the picture painted cannot be trusted and more importantly, important decision cannot be counted on.

Japan and South Korea might have something to say about that.

I trust American reporting about as far as I can throw their president - especially so close to an election.

(Also @GBO Possum )
I haven't looked at the details and numbers of Japan/Korea, but just like you, I would trust these countries more than the States. That we can agree on.

BUT my point is/was the States is a significantly larger country, and for us to have a/the largest number makes sense.... But only up to a point where/which/when we start thinking about other countries such as India or Countries in Africa....

Right now these countries may show a very low number compared to the States, but I have a feeling the actual situation is much different.
They might be going addressing the disease, but not really concerned with the reporting....

Without the reporting from all the Countries with the exact same standard, there is no way the world charts we are currently seeing is accurate....

uSA might be doing really bad right now, but I reckon there should be many more countries joining the States at the top of the chart, only of the numbers were reported as best as they could, but they are not even fudging them as we are... Heck I don't think they are even counting...

You ask some of the most interesting questions on the forum. I applaud you for that.

Speaking as one who lived through the Cold War from beginning to end, I would like to extremely briefly address the one question I've quoted.

Although there were bunkers for civilians during the Cold War, they were never used and would have been inadequate if they had been. We got lucky and avoided nuclear war.

Another point is back then people were more rural, more self sufficient and less reliant on government. Today a great number of people live from paycheck to paycheck and are deeply in debt.

A great deal more could be said, but that is true about many of your questions.

Thank you, I am trying to learn and share...

When I say bunkers, I also meant provision and underground structures people made at home.

My point was that each individual family back then were prepared for the worse against a visible enemy.

We were United to defend ourselves and to survive, and to come out on top with the most survivors.... regardless on whether the bunkers or the homemade ones were adequate or sound or not...

My question was: why can't we do that now with the same mentality? Where has that mentality gone?

The people you describe above being rural, self sufficient and less reliant on the government (and yet they followed the government's instructions) are now the same people who blindly follow trump master... Yet these same people with their pride, their guns are the same people who claim that their freedom, their rights to be free and not be confined is their immunity to this disease...

Don't you all see something strange here ?

Yes these people sure contradict themselves a lot.
Do they realize it themselves? Or their pride and amount of guns they own is blinding their better judgement? Or simply they are following their leader who only the value of money as being the only vaccine against everything (and possibly stupidity).

(Note to all: having money doesn't prevent you from being stupid)

Whether you have a visible or so called "invisible" enemy, wouldn't you want to behave in a consistent way in order to protect yourself, especially in the latter case ?

These people are acting right now like they are dealing with a ghost or supernatural phenomenon: they are puffing their chests and say: COME AT ME BRO!! let's take it outside... Wild wild west style.


Testing figures should include how many tests have been conducted as well as how many people have been tested...

Neither number is all that useful in and of itself, though... but these results do help to paint a dynamic picture of how many people are being infected, where they are, when they were infected and what the outcome was.

Ideally, everybody should have access to regular (i.e. multiple) tests with timely results... there's not much point in testing someone once and taking 10 days to tell them the result (unless they are in total isolation until they get the result).

@Warte I am also watching Brazil closely, and hope things don't get as bad as it looks like it may get there.

I am in total agreement with you.

See what I wrote just above in the regards.


Trump claims (repeatedly) that the USA has done more testing than all other countries combined, when the truth was that we had less than 20% of the world’s total test count. This is despite this fudging of the numbers by the CDC...

According to this article, the USA’s CDC is boosting the “testing” numbers by conflating the tests for virus with the tests for antibodies. So they are adding antibody tests into the mix to inflate the numbers for Trump. This is not the first time that Trump has forced the CDC to mislead us, and the world. Even Dr Birx has said she doesn’t trust anything that comes out of the CDC, and she’s one of the people who sits quietly in press conferences when Trump lies his teeth off.

I am in agreement with you.
See what I wrote above in this regards.
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Just wanted to let you all know:

I updated one of my earlier post (link) to add the following:

Added the adjective "financial" to savages, because in modern times, guns don't kill or hurt... It is the finance that give the upper hand, which continue to kill/destroy families and people from being decent human beings... And the people who negatively manipulate money to hoard and to keep all for themselves are SAVAGES!

HAPPY memorial day weekend everyone... Let's have a second wave of CoViD19 reported cases in 2 weeks ;)
Reports indicate concern for sharp increases in suicide and self harm cases in Northern California.

This seems strange to me. I don't get a sense of despair here in Marin...maybe east bay is different? The weather has been great and we have pretty good access to nature, not sure why suicides would be up. At least, I don't understand why they would be disproportionately higher in the Bay Area. Maybe its up across the board?

And @McLaren, no way is there 60k deaths in Bay Area. I don't think the entire 5-county area has even hit 300 deaths. Another reason why the suicide statistic is strange. To clarify...Walnut Creek is in Contra Costa county, which has 33 Covid deaths. It seems reasonable suicides could be higher than this.
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CoViD19 = Corona Virus Disease 2019....

Unless "O" and "I" stand for something that I am not aware of, I still maintain that my spelling is the more correct one despite what everyone else says.

But thank you for the clarification ;)
Big brains use SARS-CoV-2.
I'm under the impression that SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus and COVID-19 is what the virus causes in mammals.

Do we really need the Virus Disease part? It should just be C-19. Short and simple. Coronavirus-19.
It's a disease caused by a virus. Viruses themselves aren't diseases in the same way that the carcinogens that cause cancer aren't themselves diseases.
I'm under the impression that SARS-CoV-2 is the name of the virus and COVID-19 is what the virus causes in mammals.

It's a disease caused by a virus. Viruses themselves aren't diseases in the same way that the carcinogens that cause cancer aren't themselves diseases.

Oh maybe, I don't really know. I just hear it referred it to like that occasionally by people who are far more intelligent than I ever hope to be.

Everyone who I work with just calls it "the rona".
Is America too libertarian to deal with the coronavirus?

"any plan we adopt, no matter how wise, is useless without “widespread political consent” from American citizens. And the obsession with individual liberties in America, coupled with a general distrust of government, poses an enormous challenge,
So I just don’t think we can do what Germany does, where there’s higher confidence in the state and higher trust in the state.
My problem with libertarianism has always been that it gives us a language of rights but it can’t give us a language of obligations — it’s fundamentally an individualistic philosophy.
if Trump put on a mask at a press conference and said, “I’m doing this because it’s a smart thing to do,” that would matter to some people who are resistant, that signal from someone they trust would matter.
We have lots of strengths in America that can be of incredible value in normal times, but in a pandemic, those same strengths can become a liability. That’s all I’m really saying."
My problem with libertarianism has always been that it gives us a language of rights but it can’t give us a language of obligations — it’s fundamentally an individualistic philosophy.
Rights are responsibilities. They're intertwined - we do not recognise rights in beings that do not understand responsibilities, and recognise rights in those that do (including progressively, as they learn and mature).

I'm pretty much slap-bang in libertarian central on the Political Compass, although I'm in the UK. I also know that staying at home when I might be unknowingly infectious - with something that could kill one in 50 people I meet, with serious, life-changing effects in another ten - prevents me from infecting others. Infecting others would be causing them harm, while they have the right to be free from harm.

Rights meet responsibilities.

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