COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
I took a shortcut in the Supermarket yesterday, meaning that I didn't have to walk past three dithering shoppers. A woman that did walk past all of them, and arrived in the aisle a short moment after I did (having walked all the way down one aisle and up the other), then said to me, "you're supposed to follow the arrows". I was actually on a phone call to by boss at the time, so I basically ignored her, but I thought about it afterwards and it really ****** me off. I get that abiding by the rules will help us reduce the spread of the virus, but it shouldn't override common sense. The rule is there to stop us passing each other, she had to pass THREE people to get to the same spot as me, and I passed none. It doesn't help that the store doesn't actually have space for people to queue at 2m apart for the till, so on the one way route you have to walk past and even cut through the people waiting a couple of times.
I took a shortcut in the Supermarket yesterday, meaning that I didn't have to walk past three dithering shoppers. A woman that did walk past all of them, and arrived in the aisle a short moment after I did (having walked all the way down one aisle and up the other), then said to me, "you're supposed to follow the arrows". I was actually on a phone call to by boss at the time, so I basically ignored her, but I thought about it afterwards and it really ****** me off. I get that abiding by the rules will help us reduce the spread of the virus, but it shouldn't override common sense. The rule is there to stop us passing each other, she had to pass THREE people to get to the same spot as me, and I passed none. It doesn't help that the store doesn't actually have space for people to queue at 2m apart for the till, so on the one way route you have to walk past and even cut through the people waiting a couple of times.
I hear you. I was at Sainsbury's last Saturday and three staff members were stood stacking shelves across an aisle all within a trolley's width of each other. The only way to get past them was to squeeze through the trolley width gap on either side of the pallet they were stacking the shelves from. There was a queue of people waiting to get past. I spotted a manager looking directly at them but he had disappeared by the time I got by them. I would have made him aware of how ridiculous it was that they were all wearing hi-vis vests with 'Please stay 2m apart' emblazoned on the front and back if I had got the chance.
Can't be any worse than the UPS store I went to on Monday that had a "please wear masks" sign on the door and the guy running the place wasn't even wearing his properly.

That's for him though, not for you. Keep your mask on properly and concentrate on not touching your face. How he wears his mask shouldn't make too much of a difference for you if you're cleaning your hands properly after you've been in there.
That's for him though, not for you. Keep your mask on properly and concentrate on not touching your face. How he wears his mask shouldn't make too much of a difference for you if you're cleaning your hands properly after you've been in there.

It's for both. Its to prevent customers from spreading whatever he put on the packages, and to prevent him from getting whatever they put in his store.
The Navajo Nation now has the highest infection rate in the country.

Navajo Nation surpasses New York state for the highest Covid-19 infection rate in the US

This is partly because the Navajo Nation is quite literally in the middle of nowhere. I went through there a couple of years ago and it's super desolate. It's mostly just sporadic houses/shacks and uranium mines, so getting to any form of actual care is pretty difficult. Also, large families all live in the same house, so separating from one another is also pretty difficult.
...Some scary numbers from the scientists advising the South African government - they now project South Africa will see the cumulative infected cases somewhere between 12 to 13 million by sometime in November, with only about 3.7 million being detected. Source.

Holy cow. That's out of the population of around 60 million. This is one of those times that I want the scientists to be wrong. Very wrong.
...Some scary numbers from the scientists advising the South African government - they now project South Africa will see the cumulative infected cases somewhere between 12 to 13 million by sometime in November, with only about 3.7 million being detected. Source.

Holy cow. That's out of the population of around 60 million. This is one of those times that I want the scientists to be wrong. Very wrong.

Talking about numbers...

This reminds me of a thought that has been floating in my mind for a week or so....

We know that currently the US has the highest REPORTED number of cases and deaths.

Despite all the number fudging going on in the US, (this is a fact despite all the cover up), we are probably the best country at being "honest" in our reporting...

Which means that other countries, be it that they are too poor, dont have an infrastructures to correctly report, OR there is some delays, or they are too corrupted to report anything, for these reasons the numbers anywhere else could be significantly higher....

The same way that the number of regular flu cases in the past have been reported. I don't think I have reported to my doctor every single time that I was affected by the flu in the past....and I doubt most people did as well...

My point is, the numbers may seem exact, but most likely they are not, and are just an estimate and very underestimated...

Am I understanding it correctly or am I totally wrong ?
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Talking about numbers...

This reminds me of a thought that has been floating in my mind for a week or so....

We know that currently the US has the highest REPORTED number of cases and deaths.

Despite all the number fudging going on in the US, (this is a fact despite all the cover up), we are probably the best country at being "honest" in our report...

Which means that other countries, be it that they are too poor, dont have an infrastructures to correctly report of there is some delays, or they are too corrupted to report anything, the numbers anywhere else could be significantly higher....

The same way that the number of regular flu cases in the past have been reported.

My point is, the numbers may seem exact, but most likely they are not, and are just an estimate...

Am I understanding it correctly or am I totally wrong ?

You raise several good points and questions, IMHO.

I can provide no guaranteed answers. However, I have an insight into what's going on in Washington State, and it points to corruption. I am sure that that coronavirus deaths reported are to some degree exaggeration, as deaths from heart attacks, strokes, etc. are below normal and the statistics are instead folded into the coronavirus stack. I suspect that lawmakers and their budgeteers are using the pandemic as political and budgetary leverage. Even so, it's more or less expectable and no surprise.
I expect the reported number of infections in Washington State is off the true number by a conservative 10x. I expect the number of deaths is high by perhaps 5%, maybe 10%. There have been many problems with our testing programs, some still unresolved.
Or the USA is just as dishonest in the reporting and also has the highest unreported numbers...

How could anyone know you have the highest unreported number if it is not reported?

Percentage-wise per population, it could be Zimbabwe or India...

If it's not reported, nobody knows...


I expect the reported number of infections in Washington State is off the true number by a conservative 10x. I expect the number of deaths is high by perhaps 5%, maybe 10%. There have been many problems with our testing programs, some still unresolved.

Again, how would you know it if it is not reported?

Someone at home could have very mild symptoms of CoViD19, and totally not reported but will go on the affect 20 people (everyday for 14 days) and so on and so forth...
Again, how would you know it if it is not reported?

Someone at home could have very mild symptoms of CoViD19, and totally not reported but will go on the affect 20 people...

Exactly. We have a massive number of anecdotal cases of mild symptoms or bad symptoms that are subclinical.

We have also been hobbled by a certain test kit in which the negative result is incorrect 45% of the time.
How could anyone know you have the highest unreported number if it is not reported?
That's... literally the point.

On the basis that you cannot possibly know about unreported cases, what leads you to assume that other countries have unreported cases but the USA does not, and is thus the most honest?
That's... literally the point.

On the basis that you cannot possibly know about unreported cases, what leads you to assume that other countries have unreported cases but the USA does not, and is thus the most honest?

Fair point...

But I didn't say that USA doesn't have unreported cases.

I am saying that the USA has unreported cases...

The rhetorical questions are... how many unreported cases are we missing and who has the highest number of unreported cases...?!

The point is: The situation is worse than we think it is, just based on the unknown that this country has decided to ignore.

But based on an unfair educated guess, I doubt many countries are setup to report as effectively the number of cases as we already are ourselves (again despite some of the fudging going on).

Look at the big picture...

I hate to say it, but I think it would have been simpler if trump continues to label this virus as invisible... The message would be clear to his base, to stay home...

The country was ready and all to isolate itself and get into bunkers for months during the coldwar, why wouldn't we be able to do so now??

Do we have peewee brain sizes? Are we selectively stupid ?
The contradictions are mind boogling!

The virus is invisible... Stay home everyone, at least for now, stop being and claiming your merican pride of freely owning guns as the reason that you cannot be affected by this virus... Stupid and mad.

Fact:. If everyone is 6 degrees away from Kevin Bacon,

then each of us is at most 12 degrees away from the CoViD19.
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Bearing in mind, a large number of unreported/undetected infections is actually not a bad thing... it's actually a really good thing.*

An infection only becomes 'confirmed' or 'reported' when someone either tests positive or ends up seeking medical attention (or ends up in hospital with COVID-19).

But the majority of infections likely do not end up requiring medical attention, and thus people in this category never get counted.

The more people who get infected without getting ill the better.... it not only means that the virus is less deadly than feared, it also means that there is a strong likelihood that far more people are already immune (to some extent anyway) than may otherwise be the case.

*Note that this isn't the same as deliberately unreported or underreporting positive cases, as is (very) likely the case in some countries...
We have also been hobbled by a certain test kit in which the negative result is incorrect 45% of the time.

We have also been hobbled by policies of NOT testing. For example, the daughter of a friend was told "unofficially, it's COVID-19, officially it's a cold". She lives in Ohio and despite checking all the boxes for symptoms, the policy at that time was only to test symptomatic patients if they were over 60 years old.

So this case will never be counted as an infection. Good for Trump, not for her community. Good luck relying on contact tracing.
We have also been hobbled by policies of NOT testing. For example, the daughter of a friend was told "unofficially, it's COVID-19, officially it's a cold". She lives in Ohio and despite checking all the boxes for symptoms, the policy at that time was only to test symptomatic patients if they were over 60 years old.

So this case will never be counted as an infection. Good for Trump, not for her community. Good luck relying on contact tracing.
The State of Washington has hired 2100 contact tracers, set them up in a cubicle farm, and tasked them with calling all who have tested positive. So far, that's 19,000 confirmed. Then they call their contacts and tell them to get tested and self-quarantine for 2 weeks. So far it's pretty low tech. Typically, this has been the responsibility of the local health departments, but the state has had to step in.
The country was ready and all to isolate itself and get into bunkers for months during the coldwar, why wouldn't we be able to do so now??

You've played too much Fallout, the bunkers were never for "us", they were to protect command and rescue structures. In the event of a strike the command structure would go for the bunkers while emergency vehicles and crews would head out of the cities to rural muster points.

The rest of us... * mushroomcloud.gif *
After near a month that I posted here, our situation couldn't be worse. The catastrophe, at least for me, is imminent.
Last Monday for the first time we confirmed more than 1000 deaths by 24 hours, and now we are 3rd worldwide in number of confirmed cases. We definitely will surpass 20 thousand deaths this week. Sure, by now other countries have worst numbers, but there are three factors that make me think about a disaster:

1- The death tax trend is upward, with a increasing limit.

2- We don't have (AGAIN) a Health Minister. The last one was dumped because, as a Physician, he didn't want to forcibly prescribe, by decree, the use of Hydroxychloroquine. The substance became the new panacea for the President and his bloodhounds, trying to forcibly re-open the economy. The vacancy is currently filled by an interim General, with no prior experience in public administration, and he already lied to the WHO about the efforts of the federal executive, remembering the military dictatorship times...

3- The President is a genocidal delinquent, plain and simple. He didn't move a feather for social distancing, attacked the governors that did it, including calling for disobedience, and by all means try to sabotage any attempt to make the right thing from others officials. Do you want an example? To sabotage social distancing, he signed a decree calling barbers and personal trainers (not because a giant gym company supports his government, no...) as essential workers. As the decree resulted in null results, since the governors/mayors have authority over this, he denied the emergency payment to... barbers and personal trainers.
Social distancing is being denied by his supporters, and by people that have to work by desperation.

But why the president decided to press full denial on this? Well there are another four factors:

A- His guru firmly affirms that all of this is a communist international plot to overthrow his government. Everybody in the world is part of the "Communist Plot", and the virus is a lie to create the Globalist government, funded by China, Soros, WHO, the media, the "left", the opposition, the gays and even the US Democratic Party (Biden is a commie!!!!). Convenently, he agrees.

B- He is a perv. He exalts the military dictatorship, called for mass exterminations when he was a deputy, honored torturers and praised them, not including his instances for fusillade suspects, his denial of legal due process, wanting to perform a civil war, racism, treatment of women with inferiority, xenophobia with immigrants (when black, or middle eastern), use of Christianity to bend public interests...

C- He though that it could let the economy in the hands of the Economy Minister (Paulo Guedes, a Chicago Boy disciple) going through the motions, while he was performing his behavioral wars. During the campaign he had a massive support among neoliberals, libertarians, market players and businessmen, calling for administrative, pension and tax reforms, relaxation of environmental laws, and also labor rights suppression. With the current situation, his economic dream went down the bus, and he panicked.

D- The Federal Police is approaching in two lines of investigation that will prove his and his son's involvement with crimes. One leads towards his links with Police Militias (aka Organized Crime), ghost appointees, corruption and funds deviation. the other one is reaching what we call now the "Hate Cabinet", an organized virtual group, probably funded illegally with both public and defrauded campaign money (and possibly foreign funds too), with the purpose of creating fake news against opponents, bullying and threatening adversaries and politicians, spreading illegal propaganda in both internet and real world.
This led to him forcing the Justice Minister to resign, when he denounced the attempt to obstruct the investigations by the Federal Police. But make no mistake, the ex-Minister Sergio Moro is as dangerous to the rule of law as Bolsonaro, but he knows that the president has no democratic future, and wants himself to be a presidential candidate on the next election. He panicked.

All of this during a pandemic.
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CoViD19 is the one drop in the bucket that will be pushing everything that have been on the brink of collapsing, to basically collapse...

The entire world is in need to scratch everything we have been doing and start a new.

There have been way too many bad people leading their societies and the common people to suffer...

This is the purge we need, unfortunately the rich will again have the upper hand...

The way we all have been operating cannot continue anymore.

Leaders that should not be leaders and corporations exploiting people all over the world... I honestly think it all gotta stop...

We need a new way of function as a human society, more fair for all, more equitable... This is the opportunity to be good, not do bad.

Am I fooling myself ? am I too idealistic ?
Is it better to be idealistic or to be (financial) savages?

Edit ON 5/22/20:
Added the adjective "financial" to savages, because in modern times, guns don't kill or hurt... It is the finance that give the upper hand, which continue to kill/destroy families and people from being decent human beings... And the people who negatively manipulate money to hoard and to keep all for themselves are SAVAGES!
HAPPY memorial weekend everyone... Let's have a second wave of CoViD19 reported cases in 2 weeks ;)
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The Navajo Nation now has the highest infection rate in the country.

Navajo Nation surpasses New York state for the highest Covid-19 infection rate in the US

This is partly because the Navajo Nation is quite literally in the middle of nowhere. I went through there a couple of years ago and it's super desolate. It's mostly just sporadic houses/shacks and uranium mines, so getting to any form of actual care is pretty difficult. Also, large families all live in the same house, so separating from one another is also pretty difficult.

Wonder if the Cheyenne River & Oglala Sioux Tribes will use this as evidence for them keeping their highway checkpoints (to keep unnecessary visitors out & overwhelming their own healthcare) in place now that the South Dakota governor is asking the White House for help.

Capital of Alabama reports a doubling of cases & a maxed out ICU.
The mayor of Montgomery, Alabama, says the city’s health care system has been “maxed out” as cases of coronavirus have more than doubled in May—a sharp contrast to the slowing coronavirus spread that’s taken place across much of the U.S.—while city businesses were allowed to reopen May 11, even as it appeared that Alabama hadn’t hit White House reopening guidelines.

“Right now, if you are from Montgomery and you need an ICU bed, you are in trouble,” Reed said, adding “we are at a very critical point in our health care system’s capacity to manage this crisis. They are at a capacity that is not sustainable.”
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I'm not sure we have a Fauci any more, do we?
There's been a couple articles claiming the administration has purposely kept him away from the media, but at the same time, I believe he did say he was going into a quarantine b/c he had interacted with the White House staffer who tested positive.
There's been a couple articles claiming the administration has purposely kept him away from the media, but at the same time, I believe he did say he was going into a quarantine b/c he had interacted with the White House staffer who tested positive.
He is in a modified quarantine due to the proximity to the person who tested positive.