Is there any point or necessity for testing when a person has no symptoms? I do not think so. My personal physician has advised against unnecessary testing on the grounds that the tests themselves are still unreliable.
Is there any point or necessity for testing when a person has no symptoms? I do not think so. My personal physician has advised against unnecessary testing on the grounds that the tests themselves are still unreliable.
One question that's been burning in my mind is how long is this going to play out in a broader sense. We'll never be really over this until everyone is over it.
Lets take just California for instance. Knock on wood, we've had a decent response and the spread of Covid has been fairly limited considering the size of the state. Let's game this out. Say we stay locked in until new cases go down to zero. Great, we beat Covid-19! Awesome. But what if another state still has a raging outbreak? Can we realistically shut the state borders to prevent another recurrence? It doesn't seem feasible. On a global scale, how long is it going to take for a country like South Korea, which has largely overcome the virus, to feel comfortable enough to let Americans in? It could be years based on how badly the US has fumbled! I could see pockets of Covid lingering in the 'States basically indefinitely. Will Americans, in particular, be subject to mandatory quarantines when traveling abroad for the foreseeable future?
I guess the answer to all of this is extremely rigorous testing infrastructure and active field teams that can quickly tamp down outbreaks without locking down huge swaths of people.
Man. This sucks.
To be fair, Florida started the tit for tat in quarantining visitors from NY. If there is such a disconnect between the federal government and the states in terms of how to combat this, then you will constantly see hotspots break out.Well, it looks like I was somewhat right about the consequences of American's complete inability to combat this virus.
New York, New Jersey and Connecticut impose 14-day quarantine on travelers from coronavirus hotspot states
E.U. may block travelers from America as U.S. struggles to contain coronavirus
Unfortunately, our early success in California is currently unwinding. Oh well, I guess we'll just scream into the ether until our state collapses.
I propose an Epitaph for the USA:
To be fair, Florida started the tit for tat in quarantining visitors from NY. If there is such a disconnect between the federal government and the states in terms of how to combat this, then you will constantly see hotspots break out.
I'm even ignoring the imbeciles who see no need to ever wear a mask. Leadership seems to embolden their stupidity.
The centralized plan of less testing to keep the numbers down doesn't seem to be effective. Maybe they should try a different approach.I think this is my broader point. There is no centralized authority on the matter. That would be fine if we were actually a collection of nation states and could close borders, but we are emphatically not that. It's a national, interstate issue with very minimal national guidance. Until there is centralized authority, we'll be fighting this virus indefinitely.
I think this is my broader point. There is no centralized authority on the matter. That would be fine if we were actually a collection of nation states and could close borders, but we are emphatically not that. It's a national, interstate issue with very minimal national guidance. Until there is centralized authority, we'll be fighting this virus indefinitely.
The "Oxford vaccine" (US produced) has entered the human trial stage.
I got interested, so I went looking for a website that keeps track of which vaccines are where in the process. Wasn't disappointed.
You could've done worse than looking on this thread as @Touring Mars posted this URL a couple of pages back and has added it to the first post of the thread.I got interested, so I went looking for a website that keeps track of which vaccines are where in the process. Wasn't disappointed.
Here's an interesting resource from the NY Times, tracking the development of vaccines for SARS-CoV-2:
From what I understand, they've been talking about that for yeeeeeears.Better be fast, as Amsterdam wants less of those. Fewer tourists, especially those coming to Amsterdam to do what Amsterdam is famous for. Fewer ladies of the night, coffeeshops are slowly banned from the centre, they want a city centre for people from Amsterdam, or a dead centre.
Romanian TV being savage.
Bit of info: High ranked tennis player Novak Djokovic wasn't taking Corona seriously and decided that he should organise a couple of tennis tournaments in Serbia and Croatia, and really weird, people got infected, including Djokovic himself.
She mentioned god a lot too.Play stupid games win coronavirus.
A man in the UK who was seriously ill with COVID-19-like symptoms has tested negative for antibodies... and this is apparently not unusual.
The idea that antibody tests could be used to accurately determine the true spread of the virus hinges upon the assumption that all infections cause people to raise antibodies, which seemingly is not the case.
The good news is that existing studies that have estimated the spread of the virus by looking at positive antibody tests could well be underestimating the true spread of the virus, and it could also suggest that protection against the virus doesn't require antibodies.
So this would be like a yearly flu shot, but we'd need it 13 times a year? That sounds disconcerting.Could also suggest that when a vaccine is available we'll all be getting vaccinated every 3 weeks? I think I read somewhere that having had other strains of coronavirus may confer some reduced severity for COVID-19. So perhaps even if you're not immune, a vaccine would greatly improve the outcome.
What pandemic?A beach in Bournemouth, England today...
View attachment 934264
Just imagine how busy it would have been without a pandemic...
I don't know how much more proof people need when the largest medical complex in the world has to issue a statement saying their ICU is being stretched and they may have to "make difficult choices of delaying much-needed non-Covid care to accommodate a greater number of Covid patients".
Edit* Apparently non-emergency surgeries are now being denied unless day-in, day-out until further notice.
I don't know how much more proof people need when the largest medical complex in the world has to issue a statement saying their ICU is being stretched and they may have to "make difficult choices of delaying much-needed non-Covid care to accommodate a greater number of Covid patients".
It's really no different here; the grocery stores still have plenty of mask wearers, but the trouble is coming from the restaurant/bar/nightlife scene.I think many people keep forgetting that more than just COVID patients need the ICU. Glad to see a major health system addressing that in a point-blank way, although it'll probably fall on deaf ears since that seems to be the way the country is headed. We're having a similar issue here too, our ICUs are full or almost full with about 65% of those occupied beds being COVID patients. We have some wiggle room with temp units, but that's not sustainable if the trend continues.
I'm not sure how it is in Texas, but here in Utah, more people refuse to wear a mask than actually wear one. The most common reason is that it's their right not to wear one and that the government is trampling on their freedoms. I used to explain to them by not wearing a mask you're infringing on the rights of others because if you give them the virus and they die, then you're responsible for taking their life. I was called a commie for that one, so I just quit trying to make people understand and will instead just be flat out rude to them. It's not beneath me to use physical means to provide distance between me and a non-mask wearer either, it's self-defense at this point.
Our state won't mandate masks either because it's an election year and our Lieutenant governor is running a hotly contested primary. He's also the head of our COVID committee that hasn't met in over a month. Basically our governor doesn't want to mandate masks and screw up his homeboy's chances of securing the nomination. Our county mayor is set to go around that though and mandate masks in Salt Lake County. That's going to go over like a lead balloon.
From one graph I saw, TMC is at 1,298 ICU beds used & the general limit is 1,330, with a surge limit of 2,207. Of course, Anything past 1,500 is marked as warning. Right now, the dial is just inbetween "no concern" & "moderate concern".I'm seeing reports today that they've run out of ICU beds. They're converting regular beds and sending adults to children's hospitals.
Realistically speaking, it's too late to be asking the public to help. Of course Houston (and Texas in general) needs to get on this now, but even if big changes are made today, there's a lag time on the effect. Texas is in for some pain in the short term. While I personally know a handful of Texans that think COVID is a joke, I also have friends there that are taking it very seriously. It's not a good position that state is in.
That said, the whole 'I'm not wearing a mask, don't tread on me!' thing grates with me. I'm all for individual rights, but there is also a collective responsibility here too... but perhaps appealing to some people on that basis is never going to work (hence the 'commie' accusations),
but perhaps appealing to individual rights is a better approach i.e. by not wearing a mask, you are making your entire support network (health care providers, food suppliers, essential services etc.) less able to help you.