COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Is there a way for Texas, and the other hotspots to enforce a stricter set of rules or something? I know the media can be quite the manipulative piece of crap, but going by the average social media user as a source, those parts of the USA are going for that complete collapse if this keeps on going like the way it is, and having a ******** of morons in places with responsibility isn't helping either.

Of course it can be solved with a simple polling. Is Covid real, yes or no. Yes? You get help when you get sick. No, go drink whatever the Orange man advices.

It's possible. The problem is the Governor of Texas is one of those proud-moron types - and a staunch ally of DT. So there will not be any rules provided/enforced from the state level. Individual cities (nearly every city in Texas is run by the party opposite the State leadership) might have the desire for rules...but there's a chance these could be overridden/invalidated by the state. That's not even getting into the fact that city-by-city enforcement is probably not effective in the long run.

That said, at some point even Dumb and Dumber (Abbot & Patrick) are going to realize they have such a calamity on their hands that they'll have to go all-liberal/commie on the problem.
If you ever needed a better example of the way our governor has handled this, remember that the Governor's Mansion remains closed indefinitely for tours b/c they can't be done safely, but literally everyone else is encouraged to be open.
If you ever needed a better example of the way our governor has handled this, remember that the Governor's Mansion remains closed indefinitely for tours b/c they can't be done safely, but literally everyone else is encouraged to be open.
It's sad how everyone was chastising New York for going overboard it seems.
Is there a way for Texas, and the other hotspots to enforce a stricter set of rules or something? I know the media can be quite the manipulative piece of crap, but going by the average social media user as a source, those parts of the USA are going for that complete collapse if this keeps on going like the way it is, and having a ******** of morons in places with responsibility isn't helping either.

Of course it can be solved with a simple polling. Is Covid real, yes or no. Yes? You get help when you get sick. No, go drink whatever the Orange man advices.

Sort of. States do have the power to implement lockdowns/stay at home orders, but the Constitutionality of them is kind of gray since by locking down a state you forbid people the right to assembly. It would be an interesting legal fight, but as it stands right now most courts are upholding stay at home orders (i.e. Michigan's Supreme Court). I suspect if a case made it to the Federal Supreme Court it might not win and then we'd be left with a standing law that says states can't lockdown.

States also can't close their borders with other states. Borders must remain open to allow for commerce, which pretty much means if anyone entering the state buys so much as a pack of gum, then they're allowed through the border. States can implement quarantine for out of state travelers though, but I'm not sure if they can enforce it or just highly suggest it.

Right now the best states can do is mandate the wearing of masks, however, I'm not sure if people who ignore that could legally be fined or not. They could try another stay at home order but I'm guessing at this point you'd see mass protests surrounding it and it wouldn't work.
I like the way we are doing masks in Texas. No one is being forced to wear a mask by the government. But, in the Houston area, the counties are requiring businesses to require that all employees, and customers wear masks.
It really is the best of both worlds. When you walk into a store everyone is wearing a mask, but when you are walking down the sidewalk, since there is no government requirement, random Karens can't yell at you for not wearing one.
I like the way we are doing masks in Texas. No one is being forced to wear a mask by the government. But, in the Houston area, the counties are requiring businesses to require that all employees, and customers wear masks.
It really is the best of both worlds. When you walk into a store everyone is wearing a mask, but when you are walking down the sidewalk, since there is no government requirement, random Karens can't yell at you for not wearing one.
Yeah, at the expense of a fine meaning the business then has to use its own employees to enforce the rules, something a lot of businesses prefer not to do.

Nothing more than another example of Abbott refusing to be the bad guy and leaving the blame of "mask enforcement" from upset Karens to be placed on any one but him.
Yeah, at the expense of a fine meaning the business then has to use its own employees to enforce the rules, something a lot of businesses prefer not to do.

Nothing more than another example of Abbott refusing to be the bad guy and leaving the blame of "mask enforcement" from upset Karens to be placed on any one but him.
So you would have the governor mandate masks for the whole state? It's gonna take a hell of a lot of Karens to enforce that.
I like the way we are doing masks in Texas. No one is being forced to wear a mask by the government. But, in the Houston area, the counties are requiring businesses to require that all employees, and customers wear masks.
It really is the best of both worlds. When you walk into a store everyone is wearing a mask, but when you are walking down the sidewalk, since there is no government requirement, random Karens can't yell at you for not wearing one.

I'm not sure if its the best of both worlds if people are not complying. At some point its immaterial who is forcing you to do something, its whether or not the results are effective.

People in California must wear face coverings when they are in the high-risk
situations listed below:
• Inside of, or in line to enter, any indoor public space;
• Obtaining services from the healthcare sector in settings including, but not
limited to, a hospital, pharmacy, medical clinic, laboratory, physician or
dental office, veterinary clinic, or blood bank;2
• Waiting for or riding on public transportation or paratransit or while in a
taxi, private car service, or ride-sharing vehicle;
• Engaged in work, whether at the workplace or performing work off-site, when:
• Interacting in-person with any member of the public;
• Working in any space visited by members of the public, regardless
of whether anyone from the public is present at the time;
Working in any space where food is prepared or packaged for sale
or distribution to others;
• Working in or walking through common areas, such as hallways,
stairways, elevators, and parking facilities;
• In any room or enclosed area where other people (except for
members of the person’s own household or residence) are present
when unable to physically distance.
• Driving or operating any public transportation or paratransit vehicle, taxi,
or private car service or ride-sharing vehicle when passengers are present.
When no passengers are present, face coverings are strongly
• While outdoors in public spaces when maintaining a physical distance of
6 feet from persons who are not members of the same household or
residence is not feasible.

It's pretty rational guidance! Basically - can you put a safe distance between yourself and others? No, ok wear a mask. The last bullet point effectively removes Karen's ability to yell at you...though if you are less than 6ft from Karen without a mask on, I think she's within her rights to yell at you.

So you would have the governor mandate masks for the whole state? It's gonna take a hell of a lot of Karens to enforce that.
Or accept in good faith that the population is going to follow the law during the most severe public health crisis in a century?
It's ironic you think Karens are the ones who want mask enforcement when there's literal subreddits dedicated to these dumb *****es getting upset over having to wear masks....
Ok, but you didn't answer my question.
So you would have the governor mandate masks for the whole state? It's gonna take a hell of a lot of Karens to enforce that.

Look I'm not one for government interference, but at this point what else are you going to do? People aren't willingly wearing masks because they're idiots and by people not wearing masks, it's harming others.
Yes. Texas is big. There is a huge difference between Houston, and Des Moines Texas. Leave it up to local authorities.

It’s not the sort of issue that’s best left to local authorities since people will travel between cities and states. So your options are either house arrest when everything locks down again or putting on a mask.
Yes. Texas is big. There is a huge difference between Houston, and Des Moines Texas. Leave it up to local authorities.

Are you sure there's a Des Moines Texas? I lived in Texas for 20 years and I've never heard of it. Google is also not turning anything up, nor this site that claims to have the names of 3,000+ Texas towns.
Yes. Texas is big. There is a huge difference between Houston, and Des Moines Texas. Leave it up to local authorities.
That'd be a perfectly fine solution if the Governor's approach hadn't been, "You may all set your own rules. No, wait, no, not like that!"

You can't leave it to local authorities, then tie their hands. Either set a standard for the state, or just get out of others' way.

Edit* Here's a reason why @Northstar is right. Tarrant County (all of Ft. Worth & west of Dallas) has put in place a mask-requirement for all businesses. The city of Colleyville, which resides within' the northeastern part of Tarrant, has come out & said they will not adopt Tarrant's requirements. This is the same city that opened up first, and people admitting to driving within' an hour away just to go out & eat.

This is exactly the reason a state-wide mandate needs to be implemented. B/c even with the major county is taking it upon themselves per Abbott's instruction, smaller bodies within' that county can & are refusing to follow suit.
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The virus will rip through there like wildfire. Bloody hell.
I went to the supermarket this morning and was disappointed by the behaviour of some people, as compared to various visits in the recent past. Very few customers or staff were wearing masks, and precious few were observing social distancing, even to 1m. Several times I waited/stayed back from people, only for someone else to just fill the gap or brush past me... it was pretty annoying, though at least I was wearing a mask.

Slightly irrelevant aside: an old couple were ahead of me in the queue for a till, and the guy was getting antsy about having to wait (we had to wait a grand total of around 3-4 minutes :rolleyes: He was also covered in Nazi tattoos, including an SS badge on his neck, a swastika on his bicep, and skull and a knife on his forearm. Good luck telling someone like that how to behave. Ironically, he was observing social distancing at least... perhaps he is in favour of national socialist distancing?
Well, at least COVID-19 cases in Florida are levelling off...
