Might as well let everyone get the virus too. It will definitely flatten the curve!Flattening the curve vertically.
Depends on the part of the country. Sadly, the idiots outnumber the cautious in more than a few areas.I wonder what needs to happen to the USA for people to take things serious. You guys need an actual plague or something because this is just ridiculous.
Gonna need the virus to mutate and become deadlier; at this point, too many people "not afraid to die" continue to believe they'll live because they're under 60 & the moderate symptoms make up 80% of cases. They refuse to acknowledge survivors regardless of severity now living with various issues.I wonder what needs to happen to the USA for people to take things serious. You guys need an actual plague or something because this is just ridiculous.
Imagine being so monumentally stupid that you feel the need to protest the mandatory use of masks:
I can't even with how dumb these people are. And what's even worse, there's a 99% chance these were the same morons who were going around saying "all lives matter" just a few weeks ago. Clearly no lives matter if you don't want to do your part to slow the spread of COVID.
This type of statement really annoys me. Wanna know if you’re more likely to die from driving there? How about you research it?
That's all it is. It just so happens that the voices of reason are "leftists". Odd how that works...It's because the "leftists" said to do it,
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - People within the municipality must wear a mask indoors starting 8 a.m. Monday, Anchorage Mayor Ethan Berkowitz announced Friday.
"Emergency Order 13" states people must wear a mask that covers both their nose and mouth anytime they are indoors outside a home.
The mask requirement applies to settings like businesses, restaurants, offices, public transportation and other communal spaces. The order says that employers are responsible for making sure employees have masks in the workplace, though they are not responsible for patrons as long as signage noting the requirement to wear a mask is posted.
So that will be showing as a decrease on the graph on this evening's news?![]()
No need for the virus to even mutate - the situation will become deadlier as less is done about containing the spread.Gonna need the virus to mutate and become deadlier
We could be about to find out...I wonder what needs to happen to the USA for people to take things serious.
Went on a road trip today. Drove through several small northern Arizona towns. One of them was having a Jazz music festival, maybe a person here or there wearing a mask. Large majority were not. Stopped in the next town for drinks, nobody wearing one. Next town, quite a few. Last town where we stopped to eat, maybe a handful of people and that's it.California and Texas are still skyrocketing (and Florida). But man, if you normalize for population, Arizona is going to space.
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“"We are probably in a lot more risk of dying in a car accident and driving here instead of getting COVID-19 here and dying,” said Robyn Openshaw who organized the event in two days.”
This type of statement really annoys me. Wanna know if you’re more likely to die from driving there? How about you research it?
Salt Lake County population- 1.16 Million
Salt Lake County deaths to date- 106
Salt Lake County deaths per million- 91.37
First community spread case- 14 March
Days since first community spread- 105
= 29% of a year.
I can’t find up to date Salt Lake County Road stats, so we’ll pull it out of Utah numbers.
Utah population- 3.206 million
Utah Road deaths 2018- 264
Utah Road deaths by million- 82.3
Over 29% of a year- 23.86 per million
91.37/23.86 = 3.82
So, In Salt Lake County, for every 3.8 people who have died of the virus since it started, 1 has died on the roads.
You are literally organising a rally on an assumption that is easily proven to be massively false. Shut up, put on a mask and go home, Robyn.
Unless they are terminal I'll that's a very cynical outlook. Nothing says that an 85-year in old can't live happily to 105.and how many of them would be dead within the next year anyway?
Same here in Sweden actually. But the strange thing is that our neighbors have the same demographic as us and have had the virus in their nursing homes too. But our death toll is vastly bigger. We didn't close schools and I believe it might be a factorSorry grandpa, take the nursing home numbers out of the stats and we'd be looking at reasonable data, as it stands the figures are bollocks.
German test shows that the children have same amount of viruses adults. Just no symptoms. I don't think any know for sure that they doesn't pass it. Any other viruses are passed in the incubation period, why wouldn't they pass it?Interesting. I believe the UK has about 21000 nursing homes, Germany 16000 nursing homes. That would statistically increase the seasoned victims in the UK, compared to Germany, and if anyone wants to venture a figure then please do. Closing the schools may not have been a factor, children , relatively speaking haven't suffered from the virus at all, compared to other age groups. They don't suffer from it nor do they pass it on.
Well our healthcare system sucks. And I would bet a lot of people are getting severely sick or dying because they refuse to see a doctor considering how much they'd have to pay for it...America is not just #1 in the world by Deaths, but now #9 in the world ranked by Deaths per Million. That puts us in the top 5%, and not in a good way.
To some people, they would consider it better for their family for those afflicted to die without care because a funeral could cost less than proper treatment.Well our healthcare system sucks. And I would bet a lot of people are getting severely sick or dying because they refuse to see a doctor considering how much they'd have to pay for it...
@x3ra ...and as yet there is not enough evidence to suggest that light-touch regulations and restrictions are sufficient to avert a public health and economic catastrophe by trusting that enough people will simply 'do the right thing'. Indeed, if current patterns of behaviour in the US are anything to go by, there is clearly not enough being done voluntarily to control the spread of the virus in some of the most economically important states in the country.