COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Honestly, @ryzno, my dentist is a tiny little lady person and she wears a mask in a hot room all day without struggling.
Good for her. Though if she's a dentist and works in a "hot room" she needs to find a better job. Any time I've gone to the doctor or dentist it's usually cold in there. Also I assume she doesn't smoke...
I've spent the last 2 weeks working on a house replacing the windows. I have to wear a completely different kinda mask 6-9 hours a day due to the dust from cutting the stucco around the windows, mind you it's been in the upper 80's-lower 90's with humidity out the wazoo and a heat index over 100, while sweating my McNuggets off! It's not even August yet...I also have to wear it when cleaning up inside the house cause the owners still are living there as we work.
So excuse me if I don't feel bad for her.

Also, if he's not well enough to wear a mask, he should stay home in order to avoid spreading the disease to others.
He's well enough not to have caught it... If we do have it we're asymptomatic I guess or damn lucky, cause we really don't care.
We shouldn't have to inconvenience ourselves cause someone has a weak immune system. Maybe they should stay home.
Now I do keep a bandana in my pocket to throw on my if someone says something to avoid a conflict...but I really don't care and again, if someone gets sick cause of me maybe they should've stayed home.
Good for her. Though if she's a dentist and works in a "hot room" she needs to find a better job. Any time I've gone to the doctor or dentist it's usually cold in there. Also I assume she doesn't smoke...
I've spent the last 2 weeks working on a house replacing the windows. I have to wear a completely different kinda mask 6-9 hours a day due to the dust from cutting the stucco around the windows, mind you it's been in the upper 80's-lower 90's with humidity out the wazoo and a heat index over 100, while sweating my McNuggets off! It's not even August yet...I also have to wear it when cleaning up inside the house cause the owners still are living there as we work.
So excuse me if I don't feel bad for her.

Our dentist doesn't open the window because it lets the smoke in from outside. I know you and your dad like fags so I think you'll understand. It's NHS so completely free treatment but they don't have aircon :)

I think the point is that it's more difficult to breathe, by definition, but it isn't "hard". I'd also say that you and your dad's love of fags puts you in one of the reduced-lung-capacity danger categories, all the more reason to look after yourselves! I'm sorry to hear about your McNuggets, I think everybody is :lol:
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In Washington State and probably elsewhere around the US, the infection numbers are rising at record rates to astonishing numbers, numbers likely to amount to over 100k new infections per day. On the other hand, the death toll is shrinking. I explain this as the cohort 20-39 giving up on masks and other forms of social distancing in favor of partying and working in a way much closer to normal.
Well that sucks.

Yes, I know how aircon works. B'dum tssh. I'd rather get free (or veeery low cost) dental treatment with no aircon than pay private prices :D

In Washington State and probably elsewhere around the US, the infection numbers are rising at record rates to astonishing numbers, numbers likely to amount to over 100k new infections per day. On the other hand, the death toll is shrinking. I explain this as the cohort 20-39 giving up on masks and other forms of social distancing in favor of partying and working in a way much closer to normal.

What strikes me is how state-by-state the response seems, not that it's much better across Scotland, England, Wales, and the other one. Lots of countries still seem to be struggling with pro-active centralised brain-power.

What about when every business requires you to wear a mask. Then where will you go? Will we get new versions of the "speakeasy" for non-mask wearers? :rolleyes:

Breath-easies. "Where everybody knows your name... you filled a form in when you came".
What strikes me is how state-by-state the response seems
One of the downsides of a decentralized government. In times like these we're supposed to look up the ranks from local officials like city councils to governors, senators and representatives, and eventually the president himself. But we're not getting anything from those higher levels of authority so it's down to each individual area sometimes down to each village (group of towns). It's almost a form of anarchy
When confronted by a novel global enemy, the many independent countries and smaller political jurisdictions are going to engage their enemy in ways they are familiar with and ways that make sense to them. Some will fail and some will succeed. Lessons will be learned, and next time the response may be better. The US is by design not a centralized top-down authoritarian system like some others. We have state governors, city mayors, various health officials and school districts who have a lot do with their local situation, laws and practices.
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all"
For a silly cartoon show, Futurama has some of the most poignant and intellectual moments in all of television.

Whilst the numbers are predictions based upon a model, it is also based upon past similar occurences. I don't see how you could find an exact number of actual casualties, when we can't even tell whether 5 test results are from 1,2,3,4 or 5 people(retesting is a bitch)..... but it suits the project to over-egg the pudding.
Whilst the numbers are predictions based upon a model, it is also based upon past similar occurences. I don't see how you could find an exact number of actual casualties, when we can't even tell whether 5 test results are from 1,2,3,4 or 5 people(retesting is a bitch)..... but it suits the project to over-egg the pudding.
Past similar experiences aka The Spanish Flu?
I think that's the latest we have had that was similar. And they had no test so we only know the death toll..
Even my dad 68 hates them and stopped wearing one after he got light headed walking through the Wal-Mart. He's doing pefectly fine.
He feels he's putting HIS health at risk wearing one. He said and I quote "It's hot and makes it harder to breathe."

I'm guessing the aircon in Walmart is cranked up to 11. It's one of the incomprehensible facts of life in NA - when it's hot outside & you're wearing few clothes it's so cold inside that you're freezing ... & when it's cold outside & you're wearing lots of clothes it's so hot inside you're sweltering. :odd:
He's well enough not to have caught it... If we do have it we're asymptomatic I guess or damn lucky, cause we really don't care.
We shouldn't have to inconvenience ourselves cause someone has a weak immune system. Maybe they should stay home.
Now I do keep a bandana in my pocket to throw on my if someone says something to avoid a conflict...but I really don't care and again, if someone gets sick cause of me maybe they should've stayed home.

Let's try this with any kind of harm. If someone gets a broken arm because of me, maybe they should've stayed home. If someone goes blind because of me, maybe they should've stayed home. If someone dies because of me, maybe they should've stayed home. Let's try it with some diseases, if someone gets cancer because of me, maybe they should've stayed home. If someone gets HIV because of me, maybe they should've stayed home.

So you can clearly see that line of reasoning doesn't hold up. I'm not saying you're responsible for spreading everything you didn't know you had or could spread. But... you are aware of a pandemic right now and you are aware that you could spread it asymptomatically so...

You don't get to behave negligently and recklessly with respect to the lives of others and just claim that they should have stayed out of your way.


To put a slightly finer point on this... if someone gets COVID because you refused to take care in public, it's your body which is producing this virus, and your careless actions which result in the infection of someone else. And if it can be shown that someone died or was injured because you knowingly refused to take personal responsibility for your situation, you have committed a crime.

Edit 2:

And to put an even more finer point on this. This is way past being a jerk or a-hole. This is way past being a self-centered douche. What you're doing is very nearly advocating that you can criminally harm people.
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No I'm not. I'm a suggesting that a) it's not as bad as you think and that the media hyperbole has you all running scared for your masks and to stay in lock-down, and b) do you think that we should all be locked down during the flu season, or are the deaths caused by the flu every year not as important. My view is that the flu and covid should be treated in exactly the same way, and if that means that in the past you have had the flu and gone to work, then you would be guilty of the same thing that I have suggested. And be honest, who hasn't gone to work when maybe they shouldn't have?
it's not as bad as you think
Stop there. Yes. Yes it is. Sometimes things aren't all happy unicorns and rainbows and the world takes a huge dump on itself. I'd say just deal with it but it seems you can't.

People are dying from a disease that we currently have no cure for. How is that not the most important thing right now? This comparison to the flu that people make is simply asinine.

who has* gone to work when maybe they shouldn't have?
Doesn't make it right.
Take a look at the average death toll for the last 10 years, January to June, and compare to this year. There where Flu epidemic most of those years, yet we have a lot more deaths this year. That proves that Covid isn't just another flu.
It might be once we get a vaccine, if we ever do
Now I do keep a bandana in my pocket to throw on my if someone says something to avoid a conflict...but I really don't care and again, if someone gets sick cause of me maybe they should've stayed home.

Wow, that's cold. "I don't care if people die because I can't wear a mask without being uncomfortable"
I think there's a solid driving analogy here.

- Driving on public roads assumes risk / Going out in public during a pandemic assumes some risk
- Taking proper precautions could still result in an accident / Taking proper precautions could still result in spreading the pandemic
- Drunk driving will get you a fine even if you hit no one / Refusing to wear a mask when required could get you a fine even if you don't spread it
- Drunk driving can get you in more trouble if you harm someone / Refusing to wear a mask when required should get you in big trouble if you harm someone
- Running people over with your car is homicide / Intentionally spreading the virus is homicide

Refusing to wear a mask is roughly like drunk driving.
Absolutely right. After all, we issue regular up-to-date vaccines for both. Right?
Not always the right ones.

How's the AIDS vaccine coming along? Who says we'll ever get a vaccine?

It's not about lives vs money, it's about who dies and how many. Covid may kill hundreds of thousands of frail people, but the lock-down may cost even more deaths of the young. And if you disagree then explain to me how you did the maths, or even someone else's maths that shows that more life-years will be saved than it costs. I've already put my reasoning.

[EDIT]Does the analogy of driving a car apply to the normal flu season then? You'll be wearing a mask and not going to the pub/golf-club/operatic society/etc every winter then?

Presumably you personally develop new flu vaccines every year based on your epidemiological assessment of the relative occurences and locations of each strain? And, clearly, you do a much better job of it.

With that said your article suggests the professionals are also doing a pretty good job of it, especially when you consider the scale of the task. That 15% of vaccines may not be directed at the strongest strain doesn't mean those vaccines won't be effective of course.

How do you rate the Covid vaccine compare to the flu vaccine?
[EDIT]Does the analogy of driving a car apply to the normal flu season then? You'll be wearing a mask and not going to the pub/golf-club/operatic society/etc every winter then?

That's basically like saying you refused to stop at a stoplight when there was no stoplight. The flu has a vaccine, the standards for what is "responsible driving" is not the same for that intersection. There's a traffic circle at the flu and a stoplight at COVID.

In case you're wondering who sets the standards, it's a reasonable person standard. If you refuse to wear a mask during flu season you probably didn't walk past 3 signs and 15 public service announcements asking you to wear one in order to do that. In short, you were warned this was reckless and you did it anyway. If I could point to a flu vaccine and say "I didn't think I had the flu" that really helps make the case that it was an accidental spread (if I spread it).
Still banging on about the masks. Okay, even I can see how they may prove better than nothing, but even the science doesn't know how much it will improve your chances of not passing it on(I've looked and can't find anything that tells me how effective a mask is, and I don't mean a medical mask).

Now it's your turn to shine, show me how much better a mask is than not.
Still banging on about the masks. Okay, even I can see how they may prove better than nothing, but even the science doesn't know how much it will improve your chances of not passing it on(I've looked and can't find anything that tells me how effective a mask is, and I don't mean a medical mask).

Now it's your turn to shine, show me how much better a mask is than not.

You find nothing because you don't want to. You come across as someone who finds his wisdom on Facebook, and the Youtube comments on videos of people who share the same nonsense as you're spouting.

Here's an analogy that easier to understand:

If we both don't wear pants I can piss on you and you can piss on me. If I wear pants you can piss on me but I no longer can piss on you. If we both wear pants, we are protected from each others piss.
My view is that the flu and covid should be treated in exactly the same way
The flu has a vaccine. Covid does not.

Next argument.
but the lock-down may cost even more deaths of the young. And if you disagree then explain to me how you did the maths, or even someone else's maths that shows that more life-years will be saved than it costs.
Burden of proof is on you to support the claim, not us to disprove.
Now it's your turn to shine, show me how much better a mask is than not.
You're the one making the claims, you're the one who can take the time to go find proof.
He's well enough not to have caught it... If we do have it we're asymptomatic I guess or damn lucky, cause we really don't care.
Have either of you been tested? If not, your claim is nothing but assumption.
We shouldn't have to inconvenience ourselves cause someone has a weak immune system. Maybe they should stay home.
The irony is sharing that you're able to wear a mask for 6-9 hours a day for work, but can't wear one after hours b/c it's an inconvenience.
Now I do keep a bandana in my pocket to throw on my if someone says something to avoid a conflict...but I really don't care and again, if someone gets sick cause of me maybe they should've stayed home.
You're dad's 68, you should both probably care since he's in the prime demographic to pass from this. But, if something does happen, don't expect any sympathy here now since "you don't care".
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Still banging on about the masks. Okay, even I can see how they may prove better than nothing, but even the science doesn't know how much it will improve your chances of not passing it on(I've looked and can't find anything that tells me how effective a mask is, and I don't mean a medical mask).

Now it's your turn to shine, show me how much better a mask is than not.

How about you show me. If you were going to have major surgery, how would you feel about your surgeon not wearing any face protection? If you were going to visit someone dying of COVID in person, would you not bother with a mask? Would you not care if they had one?

You know they work. Let's not pretend.
The flu has a vaccine,
Kinda, the last few years it hasn't been that effective.

Have either of you been tested? If not, your claim is nothing but assumption.
No, but considering everything I've said I wouldn't be surprised.
You want to know why there is a surge in confirmed cases?
A: The riots didn't help a thing.
B: More people are being tested cause it's more readily available.
C: Wal-Mart...

Seriously... It isn't as bad as it's made out to be.
Whenever we figure out how to get it "under control" or time does it's thing, it'll probably be less per year if not even with the common flu.

The irony is sharing that you're able to wear a mask for 6-9 hours a day for work, but can't wear one after hours b/c it's an inconvenience.
After wearing that when I have to, a mask is the last thing I want to see.
But, if something does happen, don't expect any sympathy here now since "you don't care"
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