COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Researchers at the University of Utah have released a study that looks at blood clotting among COVID-19 patients. Their findings suggest that there is hyperactivity when it comes to clotting and part of the reason we're seeing so many vascular issues with COVID patients. The study was published in The American Society of Hematology's journal, Blood.

Platelet Gene Expression and Function in COVID-19 Patients

And if reading a medical journal isn't your thing, but you're still curious, here's the article from the U about it.


I think you got the wrong link there. I'm not sure how it's possible that the average age of Florida's new cases is 21. Oh... heh... it's not:

The highest amount of new cases is in the 21 year old age group according to a random redit user in the thread linked above, a random user who has more credibility to me than the governor of Florida because for the average to be 21 they must be testing and getting positives from a ton of children, which hasn't been happening anywhere else in the world.
Florida and California are flirting with New York type peak numbers from the original outbreak. Taking the US as a whole, the situation is basically as bad as it has ever been.

You know at the beginning I thought the Golden State just didn't have what it takes to be #1. We kept at it though, and now I think we're in with a real chance to win this thing.
You know at the beginning I thought the Golden State just didn't have what it takes to be #1. We kept at it though, and now I think we're in with a real chance to win this thing.
The prize is a lifetime supply of cookies! Wait.... it isn't? What the....
Australia has been doing really well in case numbers, with nearly all states successfully putting a lid on it. I say nearly all states because Victoria is definitely in a bit of hot water...
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As of last night, Victorians can no longer leave the state, while those in hotspot areas (300,000+) can’t leave their suburbs. Some residents in apartments cant leave their rooms, and now have police guards, after the private security guards put in place, started sleeping with quarantined residents.

Sports teams have fled Victoria, leaving family behind for an unknown amount of time. They’ve had some more panic buying recently too. People have attempted to sneak into South Australia, just to get bogged.

My concern here, is that people are calling this the “second wave” when, in all honesty, we never really had a first one.

Mask usage in South Australia is completely non existent. Shopping centres are packed, with very few people seeming to use the supplied hand sanitisers in store, or even attempting to keep distance from other shoppers. If you’d been in a coma for 12 months, and walked to the hardware store, you’d never know what’s going on around the world.

Basically I think most Australians are sick of hearing about it, and we haven’t even experienced it properly yet. If this outbreak takes hold in Victoria, which is looking likely; and makes it across the border with essential travellers, which is possible; I fear Australia could see some pretty severe numbers in the near future.
The stupid hotel quarantine system is what ruined it for everyone. Daniel Andrews has to take more responsibility for this farce.
Once again as I said before, the Thing is proving that the USA is more idiotic and has more idiots than it thinks it has...

China and the communists are dangerous, but no more dangerous than following the orders of the idiots in our own house....

Let's first protect ourselves and stop the spread... Control it first then we can decide out to best reopen...

It does no one good if everyone is sick and dies...

We are about 4 months late... Starting from zero again.

Those cities who opened up too soon... It's on you!

Jumping the gun is what got you here...
Can't stay closed forever. Already companies hurting and/or closing. Only going to get worse.

I will say though that this whole mess actually proved one thing, that getting up and driving to a desk job isn't necessary anymore.
I never say to stay close forever...
It only is going to get worse because we never took this thing seriously until a week ago...

Can't stay closed forever. Already companies hurting and/or closing. Only going to get worse.

I will say though that this whole mess actually proved one thing, that getting up and driving to a desk job isn't necessary anymore.

I have been saying that for 15 years now...

... Along with getting 4 days work week, and legal non-frown-upon nap time right after lunch...

UBI would be a great addition...

Whoever can layout a realistic and feasable good plan for this, will automatically get my vote....
@Warte , is this actual news circulating in Brazil?
Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has Covid-19 symptoms, including a 38 degree fever, according to CNN Brazil. The controversial right-wing leader, who has been criticised over his handling of the pandemic in Brazil, has said he is taking hydroxychloroquine.

Results from Mr Bolsonaro’s Covid-19 test, administered at the Hospital das Forças Armadas in Brasília, are expected on Tuesday.
NJ R0 rate has raised slightly above 1 to 1.03. That would mean we are starting to see an uptick in cases coming soon here.
I found this to be interesting: Fujitsu has told 80,000 Japanese workers, almost all of its Japanese workforce, they will be permanently working from home from now on due to coronavirus.

Reason I find this interesting is that due to to the intensely cutthroat nature of corporate culture, Japan's population has been slowly but steadily decreasing over the last few years as people are too worried about being undercut at their jobs to consider marriage or starting a family (despite Japanese corporations having some of the most generous maternity/family leave programs out there). Working remotely has a pretty good chance of changing the perspective on that, especially since removing a long commute to/from work means more free time.

If other large companies in Japan follow this trend, we may very well be seeing an example of a pandemic causing a large scale cultural shift. That's pretty significant.
Pre-print study about how Dengue Fever antibodies crossreact with SARS-CoV-2.

Dengue antibodies can cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 and vice versa-Antibody detection kits can give false-positive results for both viruses in regions where both COVID-19 and Dengue co-exist

I found this to be pretty interesting and it could help us get a better understanding of the virus.

I'm just thinking out loud here because I don't really know a ton about Dengue or it's treatment, but I spent my morning reading about it while gulping down some Red Bull. A couple of things stood out to me in my rudimentary reading about it. One is that back in December, Florida saw a small outbreak of Dengue. I wonder if at that time those patients had COVID and not Dengue. In Singapore, some patients were diagnosed with Dengue when they really have COVID, so the same could be possible in Florida.

Another thing that got me thinking was about the prevention and treatment of Dengue. It looks like the vaccine for Dengue only works against reinfection and if you get it prior to having Dengue it can make you incredibly sick. However, it seems like researchers could use the existing vaccine as a jumping-off point to developed a COVID vaccine. I'm not exactly in tune with bioengineering though so I could be completely off base on that.

Finally, it looks like the drug ivermectin is a common treatment for Dengue and seemingly works pretty well. After searching around a bit, it looks like there has been some research done regarding ivermectin and COVID which yielded some promising result in vitro.

The FDA-approved drug ivermectin inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro

Of course, in vitro and use in humans varies wildly, but at least it's a promising start to something that could work in the event a vaccine takes longer than expected to arrive.
Yes, it is just now confirmed he got Covid. Ironic isn't it?

My fear is that he will use this to once again push the hydroxychloroquine panacea. Edit: already did, at the announcement :lol:.
While I don't wish any harm on anyone, this does pose something of a philosophical and ethical dilemma - it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if someone who has repeatedly down-played the risk of the virus were to become seriously unwell because of it.


Both the White House and Downing Street have said today that they would have acted differently earlier on in the pandemic had they known that asymptomatic people can spread the virus... are you 🤬 kidding me? :ouch:

The UK government are saying this in an attempt to deflect blame over ca. 20000 deaths in care homes caused by the government's policy to clear out elderly patients from hospitals and send them (back) to care homes without bothering to test them for coronavirus. They now claim that they wouldn't have done this had they known about asymptomatic spread of the virus.

The US government continue to seek to maximise the blame for China, stating that had China released what it knew about asymptomatic spread of the virus earlier, then the US would have acted differently. Really??

It is hard to fathom the logic behind either of these positions... indeed, the truth is likely to be more easy to understand - that they are simply seeking to deflect the blame for their own stupidity, rather than anything else.

One doesn't require a Ph.D in virology to figure out that a virus might be spread by people who don't present with any symptoms... and yet the US and UK governments expect us to believe that their behaviour would have been significantly different had China just told us sooner about that possibility?! They must think we are complete idiots.

It also doesn't exactly require a genius-level intellect to deduce that perhaps it would have been a better idea to assume that anyone who has the virus is a potential spreader, and thus testing people for the virus before locking them into a compound with the most vulnerable people in the country might have been a more sensible approach.
While I don't wish any harm on anyone, this does pose something of a philosophical and ethical dilemma - it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if someone who has repeatedly down-played the risk of the virus were to become seriously unwell because of it.
In the comedy circle right now, that's been the hope for Brendan Schaub & Bryan Callen (& Joe Rogan to a degree). Callen & Schaub repeatedly mocked the virus, Schaub claiming he's a stats guy & the death toll to him shows it's nothing. They went down to San Antonio to do a show as they had been boasting (again, like Rogan) how awesome Texas is for not kneeling to the virus. Last Monday, they both tested positive. By Thursday, Schaub stated he had mild symptoms (lost taste & smell) but already recovered, continuing to mock it. He said he would continue quarantining, but later that day, he posted he went on a 20-mile bike ride in the California trails dubbing it, "Corona Ride". He deleted it when the MMA world (his previous career) reported on it bringing criticism from his former peers.

Callen on the other hand, shared a brief video asking everyone whose been around him recently to get tested. He continued to play off Schaub's mockery, but as of yesterday during their podcast, seems to have come around or is facing more symptoms. As they began discussing the comedy show in San Antonio, Schaub tried to interject & make an excuse, Callen cut him off, "You can say whatever you want but....", & proceeded to give a more in-depth apology, makes a bit of an excuse that Texas allowed them to do the show, but ultimately, acknowledges that they had been trash talking & look like idiots. He looks completely remorseful in his eyes, while Schaub's ego can barely muster, "If I had to do the show again a 2nd time, I wouldn't".

Rogan right now, continues to pander to whatever view his guest has. Most of the recent shows, he continues to mock the masks. With Bill Burr, Burr called him out in a humorous manner. With Jon Stewart, Jon fully challenged him. It's deeply hypocritical of him considering he's had a major infectious disease/virus doctor on explain it to him months back & he had a friend on who had a very severe case of the virus. Yet continues to mock masks while admitting he gets tested 3-4 times a week & has every guest tested, all through a doctor I guess is available for hire.

So, based on your statement that I agree with, the jury seems out right now. 1 doofus is still down-playing it b/c he claimed to recover in 3 days, the sidekick has finally admitted his wrong doing, & our main subject who tip-toes the line on downplaying the virus has yet to contract it.
I can't imagine how this can go wrong. Can we hold DeVos personally responsible if just ONE child dies from COVID-19 contracted because of this laughably stupid decision?
I'm fairly sure his or her parents would.
I think a lot of the research being presented recently (I believe @Joey D has even shared it) is that children remain pretty resilient to the virus for the most part. The stories of children having Kawasaki-disease are pretty much gone & Joey has said what's been found can be treated. To me, I think the issue lies more with the ease of children passing the virus off to the faculty. Kids are not the most clean beings by nature (which is fine in general), so it'd be easy for them to be asymptomatic carriers.
While I don't wish any harm on anyone, this does pose something of a philosophical and ethical dilemma - it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if someone who has repeatedly down-played the risk of the virus were to become seriously unwell because of it.


Both the White House and Downing Street have said today that they would have acted differently earlier on in the pandemic had they known that asymptomatic people can spread the virus... are you 🤬 kidding me? :ouch:

The UK government are saying this in an attempt to deflect blame over ca. 20000 deaths in care homes caused by the government's policy to clear out elderly patients from hospitals and send them (back) to care homes without bothering to test them for coronavirus. They now claim that they wouldn't have done this had they known about asymptomatic spread of the virus.

The US government continue to seek to maximise the blame for China, stating that had China released what it knew about asymptomatic spread of the virus earlier, then the US would have acted differently. Really??

It is hard to fathom the logic behind either of these positions... indeed, the truth is likely to be more easy to understand - that they are simply seeking to deflect the blame for their own stupidity, rather than anything else.

One doesn't require a Ph.D in virology to figure out that a virus might be spread by people who don't present with any symptoms... and yet the US and UK governments expect us to believe that their behaviour would have been significantly different had China just told us sooner about that possibility?! They must think we are complete idiots.

It also doesn't exactly require a genius-level intellect to deduce that perhaps it would have been a better idea to assume that anyone who has the virus is a potential spreader, and thus testing people for the virus before locking them into a compound with the most vulnerable people in the country might have been a more sensible approach.

If we were in another situation, yes I think that would be acceptable mocking someone that played full denial, acted like a perverse douche or down-played the pandemic in behalf of economic interests, partisanship or ideology, since the guy got what he deserve. I don't think stupidity should be normalized or encouraged, specially because of our social-media, nihilist society.

However, I can't suggest doing this to Bolsonaro in specific, although he still is a psychopath in chief, considering the possible outcomes:

If he gets very ill (or die): All we can't have right now is a far right martyr. One of the things that paved the way of him being elected was being stabbed by a lunatic during the campaign. This boosted his public image as a "myth" (and conveniently was used to miss all the debates). See, we have a tricky situation right now: While his original support cracked down, he still tops near 30% of support. However, this support is considered temporary (and is shifting from the original, neoliberal middle/upper class. His hardcore fascist base is believed to be 15%): many low income people are being lured to believe that the income aid was his idea (it was the congress). Although in essence he doesn't have an economic plan, him and his orbit are still considered pro-market, and a diffuse idea of a martyr could leave the door open for the continuation of the party in charge.

If he goes through mildly: Fascistoid leaders want to pervert the reality, creating the conditions for an institutional rupture. So then they can rule freely, without the restrains of democracy. Publicly desiring that he get worse could be used by their supporters as a way to invert the narrative, since we became the bad guys and this looks unsympathetic to the general eye. "See, those commies that are bad, wishing evil to our great leader, that is a good man fighting against the bad politics in the name of the people, and the will of God".

Both situations could revert the trend, that is he damaging his chances to continue ruling. After his operative got arrested, he became more calm in public, and many observers acts like he is an ex-president in charge, and the government is over. He is approaching the big tent, corrupt parties only to prevent being impeached, but is highly unlikely that hurtful reforms would pass, and the only things that he will still do is useless decrees. The last one was exempting people to use masks in churches or public places. He still is a coward after all, putting pressure to the governors for the coming recession and not taking any responsibility for anything. We still don't have a Health and an Education Minister. Still.

So I desire that he gets well. And then be impeached, arrested or completely crushed in the next election.
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Can't stay closed forever. Already companies hurting and/or closing. Only going to get worse.

I will say though that this whole mess actually proved one thing, that getting up and driving to a desk job isn't necessary anymore.

What’s more important though, people’s wallets or their lives? Americans in general seem to more concerned about wallets than lives. People are getting sick and dying in record numbers, yet all everyone seems to be concerned about down there are the businesses and economy. It’s pretty sad that people’s health and well being have such little value in the US.
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What’s more important though, people’s wallets or their lives? Americans in general seem to more concerned about wallets than lives. It’s pretty sad.

We have a way to allow the economy to keep running and keep people safe, it's proper face coverings. However, the Karens and Richards of the world don't think they should have to wear masks because they're selfish asshats.

If we had somewhere between 90-100% mask adoption, our transmission rate would fall drastically after about two weeks. There would still be cases, but it the curve would be falling instead of rising.
We have a way to allow the economy to keep running and keep people safe, it's proper face coverings. However, the Karens and Richards of the world don't think they should have to wear masks because they're selfish asshats.

If we had somewhere between 90-100% mask adoption, our transmission rate would fall drastically after about two weeks. There would still be cases, but it the curve would be falling instead of rising.

I agree, Canada was able to contain it quite well in comparison by doing many of those things. It’s a shame that King Clown has your country so divided that you can’t get enough people on the same page. I really hope you guys are able to get it under control soon. :cheers:
What’s more important though, people’s wallets or their lives? Americans in general seem to more concerned about wallets than lives. People are getting sick and dying in record numbers, yet all everyone seems to be concerned about down there are the businesses and economy. It’s pretty sad that people’s health and well being have such little value in the US.

Its also short sighted not to see that having a much larger proportion of Covid victims dying or developing long-term illnesses will also impact the economy for longer and in ways that are not so quickly reversed.
What’s more important though, people’s wallets or their lives? Americans in general seem to more concerned about wallets than lives. People are getting sick and dying in record numbers, yet all everyone seems to be concerned about down there are the businesses and economy. It’s pretty sad that people’s health and well being have such little value in the US.
They also have the dilemma of stay home and be sick or go to hospital for testing and treatment, guaranteeing a 6 figure bill if they pull through.
They also have the dilemma of stay home and be sick or go to hospital for testing and treatment, guaranteeing a 6 figure bill if they pull through.

A majority of people ending up in the hospital are over the age of 65, meaning they have Medicare. A hospital stay for a Medicare patient without any supplemental coverage and who's in the hospital for less than 60 days is about $1,400. Many Medicare subscribers have supplemental coverage though, so their bills will be much less if anything at all. For those under 65 and not on Medicare, the bills are largely going to depend on your insurance. I had a coworker with underlying conditions end up in the hospital due to COVID and stayed there for 15 days. They told me their bill was around $2,000, however, they were not in the ICU.

There's a misconception that America pays a ton for healthcare. That's not really the case for many people and you only really ever hear about the cases where people get charged some insane amount. Health system will also work with you if you're unable to afford your bill, assuming it's not a privately owned hospital and operates as a non-profit or not-for-profit. Typically, if you pay them something every month, you're fine and it can be as low as $20 a month. I even do payment plans when I have a large bill since it makes budgeting a bit easier. Health systems will also, typically, get you hooked up with a program if you're unable to afford your care too so that they can help out as well.

It's really dangerous that the narrative of expensive healthcare is pushed in America (not saying that's what you're doing by any means). It keeps people from getting healthcare when they really do need it. Any non-profit or not-for-profit health system is going to help you as much as they're able too. In many cases, huge chunks are written off too since all goes into whatever creative accounting/tax preparations the bean counters do.

There's also government money available for COVID cases that health systems can get. I'm not sure of all the ins and outs of it since I don't sit in on those meetings, but I know enough to know that there's something sitting out there for it.
I think a lot of the research being presented recently (I believe @Joey D has even shared it) is that children remain pretty resilient to the virus for the most part. The stories of children having Kawasaki-disease are pretty much gone & Joey has said what's been found can be treated. To me, I think the issue lies more with the ease of children passing the virus off to the faculty. Kids are not the most clean beings by nature (which is fine in general), so it'd be easy for them to be asymptomatic carriers.

So far it doesn't look like kids are good at getting it OR spreading it. Also I have a 7 year old who wears a mask all day at school each day (except for eating, which is done significant distance). The school staff also wears masks.
Ivermectin is used on cattle and we also use it as a heart worm medicine for dogs. Unlike large animals where it is injected a dog will need to take it orally.

Unlike many places in the US here in BFE US, we are still seeing more deaths from heroin/fentanyl than the Rona.
America #1


You are the Best trump !

Seems this may be even worse, since China is not putting out the real numbers... Asia could very well be #1 here...

I still dont understand why politicians are downplaying the numbers...
(rethorical question), they fear people see through their stupid decisions as public figures...