I still dont understand why politicians are downplaying the numbers...
(rethorical question), they fear people see through their stupid decisions as public figures...
Is the USA putting out real numbers?Seems this may be even worse, since China is not putting out the real numbers...
America #1
You are the Best trump !
Seems this may be even worse, since China is not putting out the real numbers... Asia could very well be #1 here...
I still dont understand why politicians are downplaying the numbers...
(rethorical question), they fear people see through their stupid decisions as public figures...
Is the USA putting out real numbers?
Washington State DOH puts out daily counts of confirmed cases, reported deaths and reported tests. Conflicts in the numbers are sometimes noted in the reports. Data are removed when they are found to pertain to out-of-state residents, and death counts are revised when COVID was not the primary cause.Is the USA putting out real numbers?
Don't forget that the death peak is going to lag behind the case peak by a couple of weeks.Washington State DOH puts out daily counts of confirmed cases, reported deaths and reported tests. Conflicts in the numbers are sometimes noted in the reports. Data are removed when they are found to pertain to out-of-state residents, and death counts are revised when COVID was not the primary cause.
These are counts always accompanied by a disclaimer, "The state has struggled to report timely and accurate COVID-19 data amid software glitches and lagging results. It does not always report negative test numbers and doesn't provide data on recoveries."
We can see a recent trend. Confirmed new daily cases have well exceeded the April peak, but reported deaths are down by comparison. The very old no longer seem to be the bulk of the cases, but the cohort 20-39 are now getting 37% of all cases. There are 39 counties in the state, and each one is on its own lockdown schedule.
America #1
You are the Best trump !
Seems this may be even worse, since China is not putting out the real numbers... Asia could very well be #1 here...
I still dont understand why politicians are downplaying the numbers...
(rethorical question), they fear people see through their stupid decisions as public figures...
India has been reporting some pretty high numbers as of late. I’m pretty sure Iran and Pakistan are on the rise in cases too. They’re all part of Asia; it’s just that there’s a difference between east Asia and central/southern Asia. India, Pakistan and Iran weren’t hit that much by SARS if I remember right.Are the rest of the Asia putting out real numbers? Places like HK, Japan and Taiwan barely have any cases so they must be telling lies too.
This is a culture thing, Asians in general treat this outbreak very seriously because they all went through the SARS outbreak in 2003.
Seeing how there are a lot of morons who find it completely acceptable to sit in a plane with 200 others for a couple of hours to get drunk on the sunny beaches of southern Europe we will see the numbers rise again in Europe quite soon.
Sounds like the air filtration systems on planes are better than we've been giving them credit for. The guy whose tweet I posted has earned himself a pretty solid reputation here over the last couple of months which I don't see him throwing away on a BS retweet.See, I have an extremely difficult time believing that sitting in a closed tube with air recirculation with a lot of others is low risk travelling, when we've been told for months now to keep 1,5-2 meters distance from others.
Sounds like the air filtration systems on planes are better than we've been giving them credit for. The guy whose tweet I posted has earned himself a pretty solid reputation here over the last couple of months which I don't see him throwing away on a BS retweet.
See, I have an extremely difficult time believing that sitting in a closed tube with air recirculation with a lot of others is low risk travelling, when we've been told for months now to keep 1,5-2 meters distance from others.
Sounds like the air filtration systems on planes are better than we've been giving them credit for. The guy whose tweet I posted has earned himself a pretty solid reputation here over the last couple of months which I don't see him throwing away on a BS retweet.
Just because you're elderly and immunocompromised doesn't mean you will show symptoms. It's not like that, right?
The tweet I posted does state to wear a mask, and the 4 who did get COVID weren't wearing one properly. If you get it through your eye, that is plain unlucky.I did a quick search on this. It looks like the air filtration on planes is pretty good, but not good enough to keep you from getting it from someone seated near you. Now, if that person has a mask on, you might be in pretty good shape. So the point here is that the person who is sick (even if they don't know it) needs to have a mask. I haven't flown since before all of this started, so I don't know if that's a requirement to get on and stay on the plane. If they're serving food, people might be taking masks off to eat.
Regardless, don't forget eye protection on the plane. Your mask only does you so much good if the person to your right sneezes and a particle ends up on your eye.
This epidemiologist thinks he got it through his eyes on a plane.
The tweet I posted does state to wear a mask, and the 4 who did get COVID weren't wearing one properly. If you get it through your eye, that is plain unlucky.
New Jersey is now requiring face masks in public. According to this site, Rate of Transmission, the Rt is at 1.07. NY is at 1.04 and Connecticut, which has been just as aggressive, is at 0.84. All of these are estimates.It is somewhat infuriating that some people only seem to care about it if and when it affects them personally, or someone they know... by which point, they may have played an active part in ensuring that thousands of others pay a heavy price.
Meanwhile, the US has recorded almost as many new cases in a single day as Belgium (which at one point had the highest infection rate in the world) has had in total. That is a staggering number of new cases, and unless a lot of people change their behaviour very quickly, it is likely to get a lot worse. Indeed, for many states currently seeing a massive uptick, it is already too late.
New York, however, continues to see no increase in new cases yet - it is, however, probably due to a combination of factors (better lockdown measures, mask-wearing, and possibly an element of increased immunity) as opposed to say herd immunity, for which their is growing evidence to suggest may not be forthcoming.
I can't speak for others, but Texas def. has its huge share of Covid-skeptics who all have their own conspiracy theories from, "if 1 person gets tested 2-3 times, that person gets counted as 2-3 in case count, so the counts are inflated" to one that contradicts that, "there's more undocumented cases out there than what's being reported, so it's far less deadlier than being shared". Either the cases are no where as high as claimed, or they are & the mortality rate is even lower, it can't go both ways.Meanwhile, the US has recorded almost as many new cases in a single day as Belgium (which at one point had the highest infection rate in the world) has had in total. That is a staggering number of new cases, and unless a lot of people change their behaviour very quickly, it is likely to get a lot worse. Indeed, for many states currently seeing a massive uptick, it is already too late.