COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Interesting read

If the coronavirus is really airborne, we might be fighting it the wrong way

But research conducted by the US Department of Homeland Security has shown that in the presence of UV light, aerosolized particles of the size the Tulane researchers studied would disappear in less than a minute. A number of businesses have begun deploying UV-armed robots to disinfect hospital rooms, shopping malls, stores, public transit stations, and more.

Seems like the best strategy, even with incomplete knowledge, for indoor space would be:
1. Don't go to public indoor spaces
2. Failing 1, Masks always no matter what
3. All occupied interior spaces should have mechanical ventilation and should probably have positive relative pressure
4. UV lamps distributed throughout the space.*

I think we should all be wearing face-mounted UV masks.
Interesting read

If the coronavirus is really airborne, we might be fighting it the wrong way

Seems like the best strategy, even with incomplete knowledge, for indoor space would be:
1. Don't go to public indoor spaces
2. Failing 1, Masks always no matter what
3. All occupied interior spaces should have mechanical ventilation and should probably have positive relative pressure
4. UV lamps distributed throughout the space.*

I think we should all be wearing face-mounted UV masks.

Maybe everyone should buy Shatner masks and paint them white. Especially around the end of October... :sly:
I know we've had some discussion around the secondary effects of COVID-19, the lockdown, and how the virus is generally weighing on people's minds. I haven't really seen a ton of scientific-based evidence of the effects until I came across this today:

Incidence of Stress Cardiomyopathy During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic
(Cleveland Clinic)

For those that don't know what stress cardiomyopathy is, it's also called "broken heart syndrome" where the heart muscles become weak under severe physical or mental stress. Researchers through the Cleveland Clinic looked at 1914 patients and found a 7.8% increase in stress cardiomyopathy from February to May. The conclusion of the study is "these findings suggest that psychological, social, and economic stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic was associated with an increased incidence of stress cardiomyopathy."

I don't see where it talks about these patients dying and John Hopkins says the prognosis of cardiomyopathy is typically "excellent", so I assume they are all recovered or currently recovering from the cardiac episode.
My case of stress cardiomyopathy is generally treated with a 4730cc dose of 5-7% ethanol, repeated as necessary.

P.S. I totally buy in to the mental health problems that are coming out of this.
Just cancelled our flights to Madeira (my hometown), which we had booked back in January. The original idea was to visit my mother and spend a two week vacation there, with my wife and daughter.

About a month ago, when things looked calmer here, we actually considered going again. But it didn't take long to understand that lifting some of the restrictions means people instantly decided to be careless and go about their business as if nothing happened.

I see it with my own eyes locally - with the actions of my friends and work colleagues - but also on the news, where you see people throwing all safety measures out of the window for a spot at the beach.
Also, I was hoping tourists would be particularly careful and sensible about it, but the situation at Algarve just shows that they don't care as well, no matter which country they come from...

So yeah, it's all a lost cause as the world simply doesn't give a ****. Partying in big groups (and with no protection) is all everyone cares about.

All of this to say that I'm now 100% sure I won't be stepping inside an airplane (or even an airport), especially to a place like Madeira, in August, which is packed full with tourists from all around the world.

Staying home during vacation and telling my mother to be extra careful is all I can do for the time being.
All of this to say that I'm now 100% sure I won't be stepping inside an airplane (or even an airport), especially to a place like Madeira, in August, which is packed full with tourists from all around the world.

Staying home during vacation and telling my mother to be extra careful is all I can do for the time being.
I'm glad I got the chance to visit Lisbon for a few days a couple of years back. Your country is super civilised, like The Netherlands, but with good weather all year round. I'd love to return when I get the chance.

I hope your mother is staying safe and that the travel restrictions are eventually relaxed. I suspect the airlines are keeping a tight lid on the rates of infection within the industry so they don’t dissuade travellers even further.
I'm glad I got the chance to visit Lisbon for a few days a couple of years back. Your country is super civilised, like The Netherlands, but with good weather all year round. I'd love to return when I get the chance.

I hope your mother is staying safe and that the travel restrictions are eventually relaxed. I suspect the airlines are keeping a tight lid on the rates of infection within the industry so they don’t dissuade travellers even further.
Appreciate the words.
I can see how my words may be taken as heartless, but be honest. How do you expect this will all pan out? Do you expect that, in whatever country you live in, will the lockdown mean that the virus just dies out? Presumably if that's the case then do you ban all flights into your country from abroad? Surely the more people who get the virus and are subsequently immune, that is the way to stop the spread in THE LONGTERM.
I can see how my words may be taken as heartless, but be honest. How do you expect this will all pan out? Do you expect that, in whatever country you live in, will the lockdown mean that the virus just dies out? Presumably if that's the case then do you ban all flights into your country from abroad? Surely the more people who get the virus and are subsequently immune, that is the way to stop the spread in THE LONGTERM.
Restrictions had to be lifted, in my opinion. God knows the impact we'll have in economy already as it is.

But that's not the point.

The point is that people don't take the minimum, basic precautions. They don't care.
If everyone did, it would be much safer to be around public places or even enter a plain.

You mention long term and that's exactly what we are NOT aiming for: to be infected as later as possible.
Even in a scenario without a vaccine, everyone benefits from the advance in the knowledge of the virus and eventual new medicine that might emerge.
I can see how my words may be taken as heartless, but be honest. How do you expect this will all pan out? Do you expect that, in whatever country you live in, will the lockdown mean that the virus just dies out? Presumably if that's the case then do you ban all flights into your country from abroad? Surely the more people who get the virus and are subsequently immune, that is the way to stop the spread in THE LONGTERM.
Yet no person is 100% guaranteed to survive COVID-19. In addition, there are no studies that I have seen showing people who have recovered from the virus are completely immune to having it again.
I can see how my words may be taken as heartless, but be honest. How do you expect this will all pan out? Do you expect that, in whatever country you live in, will the lockdown mean that the virus just dies out? Presumably if that's the case then do you ban all flights into your country from abroad? Surely the more people who get the virus and are subsequently immune, that is the way to stop the spread in THE LONGTERM.

They're not heartless, they are a clear sign of ignorance.

All the measures taken are to manage the outbreak as not to overwhelm society with a lot of sick and dead people. And if people cooperate, it can be done, as plenty of countries have shown. If you have people who are willingly ignorant or just plain stupid, you get what is happening in several states in the US.
I can see how my words may be taken as heartless, but be honest. How do you expect this will all pan out? Do you expect that, in whatever country you live in, will the lockdown mean that the virus just dies out? Presumably if that's the case then do you ban all flights into your country from abroad? Surely the more people who get the virus and are subsequently immune, that is the way to stop the spread in THE LONGTERM.

Lockdowns were never meant to have COVID-19 stop being a thing, they were to prevent healthcare facilities from being overrun. Unfortunately, in the US, some areas are rapidly approaching a caseload that will require lockdown again or else people will start dying because they can't get treatment.

And the way to stop the spread of the virus long term is a vaccine. In the short term, people need to wear masks, practice good hygiene, and maintain an appropriate physical distance. They should also limit their time in public places as much as they can and avoid gatherings. I know it's not ideal, humans are social creatures, but it beats dying, developing a long term health issue, or just feeling like absolute crap for 5-90 days.
When I get back to work I'll have to be very careful as I'm in a vulnerable medical group, as is my Wife. We will both take any and every precaution that we can as, without going into detail, this virus is bad news for us. But no matter how much we prepare, my feeling is that all it will take is one accident or lapse of concentration on someone elses part, and one of us will bring it home to the other without knowing. I already have "friends" who say this virus is a load of bull, nothing to be afraid of etc. I talk to them over Zoom or Houseparty as I don't trust their thinking or behaviour. Will it change our lives? Of course, it already has. Will it change our future? Yes it will, as I'll no longer nip into the shop for a bacon roll or sandwich at lunchtime, as I think it is bad enough if I get it but if I were to bring it to home my wife then I could not forgive myself.
Anyway just my tuppence worth.
Maybe you could show your ''friends'' this story about an 30 year old that thought it was a hoax too. It didn't end well for him unfortunately.

That's the thing, I send my friend all these links and he still says he doesn't believe it. I'm sure he does it to wind me up but my concern is that some random event will end up with him catching it and bringing it back to his family, as he seems to go through life with a "🤬 it" attitude. It is a selfish attitude but I have to think of my families health.

EDIT: I'll be damned if I'm bringing this home because of some arse that would rather be "cool" and not wear a mask, just so he can appear big to his mates. Try acting big and cool when you're on a ventilator breathing your last, wishing that you had listened.
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This is an article from UC Davis about the effectiveness of masks and physical distancing.

Your Mask Cuts Own Risk by 65 Percent

“So we don’t know who might spread it,” Blumberg* said. “We do know social distancing reduces the risk of transmitting the virus by 90 percent, and wearing masks decreases the risk by 65 percent.

“Wearing a mask affects everyone,” he said. “If you care about your family or friends, or if you care about your community, wear a mask.”

*Dean Blumberg, chief of pediatric infectious diseases at UC Davis Children’s Hospital
That's all good information, except people are moving away from protection.

More people are lowering there masks at the gym. Some guy was coughing through his mask on his hand. No masks at the park and not too much distancing.

I can see how my words may be taken as heartless, but be honest.
Are you going to be as well?
How do you expect this will all pan out? Do you expect that, in whatever country you live in, will the lockdown mean that the virus just dies out?
The reason we are facing a lockdown again is b/c our society in the states suffers from the selfish. It's a very easy concept. Option A: We lockdown & everybody loses. Option B: We open up & do things normal (as can be), but you have to wear a mask & social distance. The selfish refused Option B, so we're going with Option A. It's that simple.

Option C: Go completely back to normal was the route the selfish attempted to take & now the medical system in the US is being over taxed.
Presumably if that's the case then do you ban all flights into your country from abroad?
What do you think is going on around the world? You do know the EU has actively barred the US from entering right? There was just a story shared last week of American tourists arriving in Italy & sent back home to Colorado. IIRC, going in/out of Australia right now is not permitted for the general public, but Aussie members can correct me if wrong.
Surely the more people who get the virus and are subsequently immune, that is the way to stop the spread in THE LONGTERM.
I don't think there's bullet-proof evidence yet to show if immunity is forever. I know months back, there were claims of people catching it again that turned out to have multiple variables that could've created a 2nd diagnosis such as false positive or the virus never actually having left. Haven't seen any similar stories yet that confirm a 2nd actual re-infection, but it wouldn't surprise me if I just haven't come across such a story yet.
going in/out of Australia right now is not permitted for the general public, but Aussie members can correct me if wrong.

I believe only Australian citizen return travellers are now allowed. They also must pay for their own $5000 fourteen day hotel quarantine.

Beyond that, interstate travel is now extremely regulated, with $10k + fines and 6 month jail time for trying to sneak across state lines... which are being patrolled by the military.
I believe only Australian citizen return travellers are now allowed. They also must pay for their own $5000 fourteen day hotel quarantine.

Beyond that, interstate travel is now extremely regulated, with $10k + fines and 6 month jail time for trying to sneak across state lines... which are being patrolled by the military.
Residents (mainly New Zealanders living in Aust.) and their immediate family members that are returning here from work or holidays are also allowed to enter.
Here in Hamburg, Germany, things seem to be getting better. Went out on both Friday and Saturday night with friends and there were thousands of people on the streets, bars and restaurants just like usually. Only thing different is the need to give out name/contact/address before entering an establishment and in some of them the employees wear masks (clients don't).

Went home at 5h30am.

Yesterday there was one new C19 case in Hamburg.
Beyond that, interstate travel is now extremely regulated, with $10k + fines and 6 month jail time for trying to sneak across state lines... which are being patrolled by the military.

Here in Hamburg, Germany, things seem to be getting better. Went out on both Friday and Saturday night with friends and there were thousands of people on the streets, bars and restaurants just like usually. Only thing different is the need to give out name/contact/address before entering an establishment and in some of them the employees wear masks (clients don't).
It's amazing how much some people Facebook rage with the little restrictions we have. I think these folks would literally pass out from all the screaming they'd do, if they experienced how strict your countries are.
My former boss (and Associate Director of the Centre for Virus Research in Glasgow) just posted this:

Although still rare and mostly anecdotal (from doctors), it would appear that SARS-CoV-2 can, like other coronaviruses, infect the same person twice.

There is growing evidence that some people don't develop antibodies after SARS-CoV-2 infection, and there is also some evidence to suggest that immunity produced by antibodies may be short-lived.

If herd immunity turns out to be a pipe dream, then it may have to come down to better treatment e.g. antivirals and, unfortunately, for some people it could mean having to avoid infection for the foreseeable future.
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My former boss (and Associate Director of the Centre for Virus Research in Glasgow) just posted this:

Although still rare and mostly anecdotal (from doctors), it would appear that SARS-CoV-2 can, like other coronaviruses, infect the same person twice.

There is growing evidence that some people don't develop antibodies after SARS-CoV-2 infection, and there is also some evidence to suggest that immunity produced by antibodies may be short-lived.

If herd immunity turns out to be a pipe dream, then it may have to come down to better treatment e.g. antivirals and, unfortunately, for some people it could mean having to avoid infection for the foreseeable future.
Info and tips on how to defend against aerosol transmission:
It's amazing how much some people Facebook rage with the little restrictions we have. I think these folks would literally pass out from all the screaming they'd do, if they experienced how strict your countries are.
Unfortunately, some selfish people in Australia are still trying to bypass some of the border restrictions. People have been fined and caught, but you have to wonder how many would have slipped through the cracks before border security was increased.
It's amazing how much some people Facebook rage with the little restrictions we have. I think these folks would literally pass out from all the screaming they'd do, if they experienced how strict your countries are.

Here in Hamburg people stayed in for 1 or 2 months straight, can't quite recall because I've been working non stop as before the pandemic. But Hamburg was never as affected as other regions in Germany.
You'd think this is The Onion, but it's not:

Utah group organizes 'flash mobs' at grocery stores to oppose face masks

I did a bit of digging and apparently it's a group of really whacked out Mormons that started all this and think the "prophets" told them about all this. They essentially want to create a small government theocracy in Utah where Mormon values are considered "law".

I mean I know where I live, but honestly, where the hell do I live? If COVID-19 has taught me anything, it's that the number of complete jackasses in the world is much, much higher than I initially thought.