COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
I personally think that this goes so far beyond the seat belt analogy. This is more like refusing to wear a seat belt and going drink driving every night until you crash.

Trump and much of his inner circle had a party... without proper social distancing or mask usage... at the White House!... and this is after repeatedly ignoring professional scientific and medical advice to avoid this kind of behaviour.

My only hope is that Trump learns a severe lesson from this, but somehow I doubt he will...
My only hope is that Trump learns a severe lesson from this, but somehow I doubt he will...

One could hope, but I'll put it at a 0.01% chance. He is very much driven by his ego.

He'll probably double down on his message:
-push the cure he received as a fix it all solution for everyone
I don't feel sympathy for a person who openly defied the best course of action to prevent himself from being ill.
I think it's important to remember that safety measures are to protect the human race collectively by limiting the spread of the virus.
I think it's important to remember that safety measures are to protect the human race collectively by limiting the spread of the virus.

Granted, but considering he likely caught it from someone who would've felt subject to his bullying ridicule had they worn a mask, the general concept you raise doesn't really apply.
I don't wish the man any harm, but I have to honestly admit that I do not wish him well.

The man is an utter disgrace - he is a bully, a liar, a fraud... I could go on.

He has openly mocked people for their disabilities, their illnesses, even (disgracefully) for their precautions against COVID-19. He has actively encouraged millions of people to disregard advice that saves lives.

Trump may not deserve to get ill, but he absolutely DOES deserve to face the consequences of his own actions, and also to face the consequences of his dangerous and utterly irresponsible comments regarding coronavirus.

This mirrors my thoughts, but stated better than I would.
Trump might not be in as good condition as he's saying.
I think a couple reports have touched on that the next 48 hours will be the most telling. I'm assuming they've got the timeline of his contracting it down and believe this is when the symptoms will begin to worsen.
If Trump believed that hydroxychloroquine worked so well to combat COVID-19, then why isn't he taking it now?
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Trump might not be in as good condition as he's saying.

And this is now part of the problem. Trump and his administration is well known for lying outright, and so when they report his condition it's basically meaningless. Nobody knows whether they're telling the truth or not.

Regardless of whether he's doing well or not, the country could use the straight news on what's going on so that they can be emotionally prepared. But the administration has made that impossible by being the political embodiment of the Little Boy Who Cried Wolf.
Anyone who watched the press conference with Trump's personal physician Sean Conley would have noticed that Conley was refusing to admit that Trump had been given oxygen.

His last words on the subject were:

So Thursday, no oxygen. None at this moment. And yesterday, with the team a while, while we were all here, he was not on oxygen.
He refuses to say that Trump needed oxygen on the night he was flown to the hospital - but why? It's pretty obvious that he has been instructed not to say, and presumably was also told not to flat-out lie - putting him in the awkward position of having to obfuscate when answered directly on the subject.

Full transcript is here:
Anyone who watched the press conference with Trump's personal physician Sean Conley would have noticed that Conley was refusing to admit that Trump had been given oxygen.

His last words on the subject were:

He refuses to say that Trump needed oxygen on the night he was flown to the hospital - but why? It's pretty obvious that he has been instructed not to say, and presumably was also told not to flat-out lie - putting him in the awkward position of having to obfuscate when answered directly on the subject.

Full transcript is here:
Presumably because the President thinks it makes him look weak and that's a major priority for him.
I reckon that one of my neighbours is either isolating or has COVID...

Yesterday, there was a group of three women standing (in the pouring rain) for around an hour, speaking to someone inside the flat below mine (two levels below)... and now again, there is someone outside the flat - except this time I can also hear coughing :ill:
I found a good method to increase the service life of my FFP2 masks. Usually, after a couple uses they start to smell because bacteria in the breath and air accumulates in the fabric and start a life of their own in there, which becomes unhealthy very quickly. You can expose the masks to the sun or use low temp settings in the oven to somewhat increase their life span, but eventually they will smell like burned grass and you have to throw them away.

Now, what I do is smoke a strong cigar and blow the smoke a couple times through the mask, that will increase the life span of the mask threefold, easily. Sounds funny but it totally works, I guess the nicotine and the hot ash directly blown through the fabric is highly efficient in dispatching fungi and all kinds of single-celled villains in there.

I don't recommend starting to smoke cigars now, but heck, if you smoke every now and then you might want to use it on the mask while you're at it. It totally works.
I found a good method to increase the service life of my FFP2 masks. Usually, after a couple uses they start to smell because bacteria in the breath and air accumulates in the fabric and start a life of their own in there, which becomes unhealthy very quickly. You can expose the masks to the sun or use low temp settings in the oven to somewhat increase their life span, but eventually they will smell like burned grass and you have to throw them away.

Now, what I do is smoke a strong cigar and blow the smoke a couple times through the mask, that will increase the life span of the mask threefold, easily. Sounds funny but it totally works, I guess the nicotine and the hot ash directly blown through the fabric is highly efficient in dispatching fungi and all kinds of single-celled villains in there.

I don't recommend starting to smoke cigars now, but heck, if you smoke every now and then you might want to use it on the mask while you're at it. It totally works.
To be honest as a smoker all we're doing is covering the smell with smoke. You're not "cleaning" it. We have 2 company embroidered masks. I have to wash them every week when I do my laundry. Other than that they'll smell like stale breath and cigarette smoke
Anyone who watched the press conference with Trump's personal physician Sean Conley would have noticed that Conley was refusing to admit that Trump had been given oxygen.

His last words on the subject were:

He refuses to say that Trump needed oxygen on the night he was flown to the hospital - but why? It's pretty obvious that he has been instructed not to say, and presumably was also told not to flat-out lie - putting him in the awkward position of having to obfuscate when answered directly on the subject.

Full transcript is here:
I mentioned this to my wife yesterday. Having worked in healthcare for 30 years, she said sometimes it comes down to what the patient will allow you to disclose. She had an example of someone who refused to let the surgeon say anything to her family about her having colon cancer so he had to respect that request.

The problem with this administration, like @Imari said, is that they've lied so much, even if they are telling the truth, or in this case what feels like kind of a half truth, you still don't believe it.

Point is, he might be limited by Trump as to what he can and can't disclose.
To be honest as a smoker all we're doing is covering the smell with smoke. You're not "cleaning" it. We have 2 company embroidered masks. I have to wash them every week when I do my laundry. Other than that they'll smell like stale breath and cigarette smoke

I think we actually kinda do, there are studies about nicotine having antibacterial properties, ash does have antibacterial and fungicidal properties and the technique of smoking things with various substances to disinfect them is a known practice. Maybe, a cigarette isn't enough though, proper cigars contain 180-250 milligrams of nicotine, the average cigarette about 8 milligrams.

My mask develops an intense smell of burned grass after about 3-4 uses (probably mold, when I removed mold during a restoration project it smelled the same), my ''smoked'' mask does not till 10 or so uses. I have a very keen nose, its by far my best sense, I'd notice the smell for sure even if it was diluted by tobacco smell.
Is there anything that isn't a symptom of Covid? Cough, sore throat, runny nose, head ache, fatigue or weakness, muscle or body aches, feeling feverish, chills, high temperature, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. And Health Canada's general catch-all: "feeling very unwell". Aside from all that, you are more than likely to have NO symptoms. No wonder this is such a nightmare for health care systems. :ill:
Is there anything that isn't a symptom of Covid? Cough, sore throat, runny nose, head ache, fatigue or weakness, muscle or body aches, feeling feverish, chills, high temperature, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. And Health Canada's general catch-all: "feeling very unwell". Aside from all that, you are more than likely to have NO symptoms. No wonder this is such a nightmare for health care systems. :ill:

I have to build symptoms into our online COVID test scheduling tool and it seems like I'm always adding new ones. I'm not sure how much it differs from organization to organization, but we look for a fever over 100.9, loss of taste and/or smell, respiratory issues, and swollen feet or toes. Ultimately, it's up to the provider to order a test or not based on what the patient tells them, but sort of the baseline are those handful of symptoms. Since we have a good stockpile of tests, pretty much anyone that presents with any sort of "flu-like symptom" gets tested though.
I have to build symptoms into our online COVID test scheduling tool and it seems like I'm always adding new ones. I'm not sure how much it differs from organization to organization, but we look for a fever over 100.9, loss of taste and/or smell, respiratory issues, and swollen feet or toes. Ultimately, it's up to the provider to order a test or not based on what the patient tells them, but sort of the baseline are those handful of symptoms. Since we have a good stockpile of tests, pretty much anyone that presents with any sort of "flu-like symptom" gets tested though.

It all seems a bit hopeless. Given that the vast majority of people are asymptomatic, but still capable of spreading the virus, testing people with symptoms is not a panacea. Has it been established that asymptotic individuals are less virusey & therefore less likely to spread it? For myself, physical distancing is not a problem in my day-today life, although it has meant I have been unable to operate my business properly, which will resulted in a 70% reduction in my income for the year. Obviously, there are many people in a similar situation ... although there are many more who are not (yourself, presumably). It's easy to see how Covid has had a very uneven impact, barely effecting many people, but devastating, both health-wise & financially for some, especially low income, urban, service sector workers.
Welp, looks like Ireland is heading for lockdown again. On Saturday there were 613 new cases, the highest since April.
I expect Scotland will follow suit very shortly.

It looks like we will get a two-week total lockdown - expect panic buying to start happening in the next few days...

I reckon closing the schools again, even for two weeks, will cause uproar. I know how difficult my friends (and family) found it the last time, but part of the pain was not knowing how long it was going to last. At least if they set a specific time limit then people will hopefully not be too worried about it.