COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
This is what I find kinda confusing.
Trump says the risk is "low"
Dr. says, those that have it has an underlying condition. Lists several factors including being obese.
CDC so far reports about 39.6% of Americans are obese.
Which means that if it spreads 2 in 5 Americans could have complications?
I didn't say the commentary sensationalized anything. I said the headline did. The actual commentary was of little substance since it pretty much said the exact same thing that's been being said for weeks now. Anyone paying attention knows Sanders has momentum and that people will blame Trump of CoV-19 ends up bad.

My post was to show the headline and how dumb it was. It's no real secret that CNN isn't pro-Sanders (not as bad as MSNBC) and the headline comes across as a poor attempt to compare Sanders and CoV-19.

Capturing a still is also really the only way to show it tok since I couldn't find the clip on YouTube and couldn't embed it. I figured providing a link in the post would allow for people to watch it if they wanted too.

I know nothing about the commentator in question either. I'd rather get a root canal than watch CNN or Fox News.

You're just jumping to (the wrong) conclusions based (apparently) on a Facebook posting with an agenda that coincides with your preconceptions. That's the problem with the way Facebook & social media act to confirm pre-existing bias. . If you never watch CNN you might not be in a good position to judge where Smerconish is coming from. There's a mix of opinions expressed on CNN, certainly not all anti-Sanders, even if, in general, CNN promotes a more mainstream Democratic position. I don't doubt that the media you pay attention to reinforces your own positions ... which you share with us on a regular basis.
You're just jumping to (the wrong) conclusions based (apparently) on a Facebook posting with an agenda that coincides with your preconceptions. That's the problem with the way Facebook & social media act to confirm pre-existing bias. . If you never watch CNN you might not be in a good position to judge where Smerconish is coming from. There's a mix of opinions expressed on CNN, certainly not all anti-Sanders, even if, in general, CNN promotes a more mainstream Democratic position. I don't doubt that the media you pay attention to reinforces your own positions ... which you share with us on a regular basis.

I don’t think the issue is even with the actual segment, just the way CNN chose to title it, which I’m guessing the person doing the talking has little control over. It just seems odd to title a whole segment like they did when there was clearly 2 separate topics being discussed (Trumps reaction to the virus than Super Tuesday).
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who will take the Honor of first GT Planet user with Covid-19?

If someone actually does please explain the experience.
I am tentatively taking the lead in this particularly race. I am at what would appear to be the North American epicenter of community spread of coronavirus, not only the first case but also the first fatality.

Local TV is reporting shoppers stripping the shelves bare of toilet paper, tissues, Clorox wipes, hand cleaner, and medical grade nitrile gloves.
You're just jumping to (the wrong) conclusions based (apparently) on a Facebook posting with an agenda that coincides with your preconceptions. That's the problem with the way Facebook & social media act to confirm pre-existing bias. . If you never watch CNN you might not be in a good position to judge where Smerconish is coming from. There's a mix of opinions expressed on CNN, certainly not all anti-Sanders, even if, in general, CNN promotes a more mainstream Democratic position. I don't doubt that the media you pay attention to reinforces your own positions ... which you share with us on a regular basis.

The Facebook post just said something like "lol" and it was posted by someone who I have no idea what their political position truly is. So I'm not really getting anything from it other than I agree mainstream media is nothing more than infotainment that exists to solely make money any way it can.

Also, once again, I don't really care what Smerconish is saying. I watched it and it was pretty unremarkable in terms of opinion or information. But my beef isn't with what he's saying or how he said it. My problem is with the way CNN worded the headline (I don't think he wrote the headline either, he was probably told to fill up two minutes regarding topic X & Y). Putting the two together suggests they're linked in some way. If someone put the headline "Can Terrorism or Bernie Sanders be Stopped?" would that not come off as weird?

Sanders has nothing to do with CoV-19 and CoV-19 has nothing to do with Sanders. If you want to make a headline including several subjects, you put something like "today's fast facts" or "today's top stories". You don't pose a question regarding two things that have nothing to do with one another.

As for what media I pay attention too? For the most part, Reuters and AP with international news coming from BBC, as far as I know, in the US those are considered as neutral as you can get. The network I watch most though is ESPNews.
"The press needs to shut up!" ~ Dr. Drew.

After the stock market dropped nearly 2000 points on Thursday the 20th and Friday the 21st, I decided stocks were on sale and the following Sunday dropped about $7k on some stock orders. I had been holding off buying because the market was so high.

Monday around lunch time I was up $60. By the time I got home from work that was gone, and I was $30 in the hole. But, it seems the panickers weren't done panicking. I am now down over $300.:mad:
The Facebook post just said something like "lol" and it was posted by someone who I have no idea what their political position truly is. So I'm not really getting anything from it other than I agree mainstream media is nothing more than infotainment that exists to solely make money any way it can.

Also, once again, I don't really care what Smerconish is saying. I watched it and it was pretty unremarkable in terms of opinion or information. But my beef isn't with what he's saying or how he said it. My problem is with the way CNN worded the headline (I don't think he wrote the headline either, he was probably told to fill up two minutes regarding topic X & Y). Putting the two together suggests they're linked in some way. If someone put the headline "Can Terrorism or Bernie Sanders be Stopped?" would that not come off as weird?

Sanders has nothing to do with CoV-19 and CoV-19 has nothing to do with Sanders. If you want to make a headline including several subjects, you put something like "today's fast facts" or "today's top stories". You don't pose a question regarding two things that have nothing to do with one another.

As for what media I pay attention too? For the most part, Reuters and AP with international news coming from BBC, as far as I know, in the US those are considered as neutral as you can get. The network I watch most though is ESPNews.

I don't want to beat this to death, because it's not that important, but ... I think you are making assumptions that are not really correct. The commentary is not "anti-Bernie Sanders". I assume it was part of a longer discussion in the main part of the segment. It suggests that Bernie Sanders is a powerful force in the race for the Democratic nomination & may be unstoppable in undermining the Democratic establishment ... & CoV-19 is a powerful force in global economics & may become a powerful force in undermining support for the Trump presidency. Linking them together in the "title" for the segment was a clever (or not) conceit, but I don't think it was an example of a CNN "anti-Bernie" agenda. At all. That's really the only point I am trying to make. Taking it out of context, it's easy to make it look like that & postings on social media are FULL of that kind of thing, as we can see in the Political Cartoon/Image/Meme thread.

Unlike you, I watch a lot of CNN. Along with CBC, BBC & NPR it's one of things I have on when I'm doing stuff in the kitchen. I'm familiar with all the main "personalities" on CNN. Although the shtick is certainly consistently anti-Trump, I think the experience with the 2016 election & the complicated Democratic field in this election & have made it impossible for CNN to adopt a consistently pro or anti anyone position regarding the Democratic candidates. Within that line-up of CNN commentators, Smerconish, who has a Republican back-history, is positioned as their "pragmatic centrist".

With regard to CoV-19, I am starting to understand that the facts are that it has a much higher mortality rate than regular flu strains, especially in more vulnerable sectors of the population & is highly contagious. Therefore, it can't be allowed to simply "run its course" as it would likely end up infecting a large part of the world's population & might result in the deaths of tens of millions of people. The strategies for containing it will have significant global economic repercussions, so the markets are very jittery. My own personal decision around CoV-19: my wife & daughter booked a 5 week trip to Europe about a week ago. Even if the direct health risks are not that great, the possibility of serious disruptions to travel may make it inadvisable to go.
Well, after touching down in the UK with my octagenarian mum (pictured) having escaped the virus after three and a half weeks in Singapore, I've utterly failed in my bid to become the first GTP member to test positive for full blown COVID-19.


We were very surprised at how slack the detection regime appears to be here in the UK for Sing and HK returnees on touching down at Heathrow. Nobody waved so much as a thermometer at us. The DoH ran checks on the plane shortly after touchdown though so hopefully they trusted Cathay Pacific's screening procedures.
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Well, after touching down in the UK with my octagenarian mum (pictured) having escaped the virus after three and a half weeks in Singapore, I've utterly failed in my bid to become the first GTP member to test oositive for full blown COVID-19.

View attachment 895964

We were very surprised at how slack the detection regime appears to be here in the UK for Sing and HK returnees on touching down at Heathrow. Nobody waved so much as a thermometer at us. The DoH ran checks on the plane shortly after touchdown though so hopefully they trusted Cathay Pacific's screening procedures.

Looks like a tigermom for sure!

In the Netherlands from having 0 cases for a long time we have now 10 reported cases of infection in just a few days. I work in the restaurant business and to my knowledge dutch people are not that bothered by all the fuss and I have experienced little decline in revenue till know. I hope the infection rate wil;l be squashed down sooner then later.
Well, after touching down in the UK with my octagenarian mum (pictured) having escaped the virus after three and a half weeks in Singapore, I've utterly failed in my bid to become the first GTP member to test positive for full blown COVID-19.

View attachment 895964

We were very surprised at how slack the detection regime appears to be here in the UK for Sing and HK returnees on touching down at Heathrow. Nobody waved so much as a thermometer at us. The DoH ran checks on the plane shortly after touchdown though so hopefully they trusted Cathay Pacific's screening procedures.

Gezzus Mikey! Did your mum give you permission to post that?!

That's a woman with a lot of self confidence! :bowdown:
Concerns that veterinary patients could be susceptible to the pathogen that causes COVID19 heightened today with an announcement by Hong Kong authorities that “a pet dog had been tested weak positive to the COVID19 virus”.

The dog belongs to a person infected with the virus, according to the government statement. The pet is being kept for now by the Hong Kong Agriculture, Fisheries, and Conservation Dept.

The weak positive results came from samples taken from the dogs nose and mouth. The dog has no clinical signs of illness.

The announcement says: The Department will conduct close monitoring of the dog and collect further samples for testing to confirm if the dog has really been infected with the virus or if this is a result of environmental contamination of the mouth and nose. Repeated tests will be conducted for the dog and it will only be returned when test results are negative.

The Department is “strongly” advising that pet mammals belonging to people with confirmed cases of COVID19 be submitted for quarantine and veterinary surveillance for 14 days.

This information was posted on VIN (Veterinary Information Network. It is a private site for the veterinarian community. This is why I have not disclosed links to the above information.
I have placed an email request asking if these links can be shared outside of VIN

Thanks for your patients
I thought it better not to comment on that post lest I be accused of moral confusion again.

Gezzus Mikey! Did your mum give you permission to post that?!

That's a woman with a lot of self confidence! :bowdown:
Mum's in on the joke. Look, she's smiling.


I think by the time you hit your mid eighties you tend not to care about such ephemera as aesthetic appearance. Either that or she doesn't know how to access my Facebook feed.
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Completely anecdotal:

A friend, of a friend, of a friend (yes, 3 levels deep) has Covid-19 down in south bay (Santa Clara area) and the top level friend has noticed that "everyone" in silicon valley is sick. Could be just normal colds and what not, it doesn't seem too far-fetched that there could be community spread as we speak down there. I haven't seen too much evidence of sick people in San Francisco, and even less up here in Marin. But if there is going to be an outbreak in the USA, it will almost certainly be here. Fortunately for the Bay Area, basically everyone here is like 32 so the mortality rate would theoretically be pretty low if there was a large outbreak. I'll relate the word on the street as best I can!

Went shopping today. Every store (and I mean every store) was completely sold out of:

Hand santizer
Face masks
Disposable gloves
Canned anything.

Californians are prone to worry. Notably no refrigerator items were close to being sold out. Too much power outage trauma I suppose...

So I gather that America plans to carbo-load Covid away. Any supply shortages in your neck of the woods?
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@Eunos If my experience in SE Asia is any indication I suspect toilet paper will be the next to go as they need the materials to make more face masks.
@Eunos If my experience in SE Asia is any indication I suspect toilet paper will be the next to go as they need the materials to make more face masks.

Great tip! Thankfully paper is one thing I don't think the USA will be short of. Really, we should be ok in terms of consumables, but if people aren't going to work...
Great tip! Thankfully paper is one thing I don't think the USA will be short of. Really, we should be ok in terms of consumables, but if people aren't going to work...
Unfortunately the one virus which is hardest to guard against is disinformation. Now that local stocks are back to normal (actually there was no real shortage as far as I know) the Singapore government had to issue an official statement (which I can't find at the moment) telling panic buyers that they wouldn't get any refunds if they returned their paper. The supermarkets are happy - you could say that they're cleaning up.

I only hope the UK doesn't follow suit and buy up all the fluffy brands like Andrex and Triple Velvet as we may then have to fall back on less absorbent alternatives such as Izal or Badger's Arse.

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