Here's my back-of-a-fag-packet graph comparing the COVID hospitalisations versus cases in Scotland right now...
Hopefully it shows a fairly good situation.
View attachment 1016548
Tl;dr - the number of hospitalisations we are seeing today (hosp 2, RHS) is significantly lower than the hospitalisations from the same number of cases in the previous wave (hosp 1).
When cases started to rise from a low background in the second wave (late last year), hospitalisations lagged almost exactly 2 weeks behind cases. Now, we are seeing a similar trajectory in terms of new cases, starting from a slightly higher baseline.
This graph shows the seven day rolling average of cases as a dotted red line, and hospitalisations as a solid orange line.
I've added a few lines on there manually... a baseline for the start of the 2nd wave and a second baseline for the start of this new wave.
I've then drawn a line to mark today's case level ('cases 2') and then drawn another line (cases 1) which marks the same level of cases relative to the baseline for the previous wave. Then, from that case level, I've dropped down to find the number of hospitalisations on that date.
Finally, I've taken the hospitalisations in the earlier wave and marked where they ought to be in the current wave if all things were equal.
As you can (hopefully) see, they are nowhere near where they 'should' be... current hospitalisations due to COVID are considerably lower than they were at the same point in the earlier wave.
Cases are rising as fast as before, however, and hospitalisations are also increasing, but it does (at this early stage) at least look like the 'link' between cases and hospitalisations may have bee significantly disrupted.