COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye

If you think that heat map is scary, you should see what the heat map and death rate look like for influenza in the US for this past year. The CDC has a cool little app for it if you're interested.
No, it really isn't.

Yep it is. I have family members who are stuck in China and in fear. I dont think its amusing to culturally appropiate a deadly disease.

Thats one of the ways how racism works. Someone from one ethnic background making a joke about another (referring to their country or ethnicity) and a person of that other ethnic background takes offense.
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OTE="Dennisch, post: 12996484, member: 161782"]This does not make it racism.[/QUOTE]

I am sure the intention wasnt racist. That is how most racist jokes start.

If you dont want to understand, then fair enough. I know you didnt mean harm or malice.

And this doesn't mean anything, since you're not the one deciding what is funny.

It involves my ethnicity. But I understand why you would think it isnt.
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I am sure the intention wasnt racist. That is how most racist jokes start.

If you dont want to understand, then fair enough. I know you didnt mean harm or malice.

What was your reaction to the Winnie the Flu gag?


What is there to understand? Kung Fu isn't a human, neither is the flu. Lighten up. There is no racism on GTP, and if there is, report it and let the staff handle it.
What was your reaction to the Winnie the Flu gag?


What is there to understand? Kung Fu isn't a human, neither is the flu. Lighten up. There is no racism on GTP, and if there is, report it and let the staff handle it.

Why are you reacting this way dude? I just stated I lost faith in humanity in a lighhearted way.
I know you just reposted it. No need to report it, because there is no intent of malice from your side.
Racist jokes dont need to be malicious, but can very much offend people. No need to judge or punish people, because of ignorance.

For example I have punched people who said "Sambal Bij" in my face in a racist way. You might think its funny, but I dont. "Sambal" isnt human neither is "bij", but boy do I think it is offensive. I get you dont and also probably dont want to understand.
I get you dont and also probably dont want to understand.

You know nothing about me, so you can stop this now. I have been around "foreigners" since the day I was born and still am. I grew up with them, and they came and come from every corner of the world. We always had "cultural appropriating" nicknames for each other. I was a kaaskop, and I still am. I just don't get offended if someone says that.
You know nothing about me, so you can stop this now. I have been around "foreigners" since the day I was born and still am. I grew up with them, and they came and come from every corner of the world. We always had "cultural appropriating" nicknames for each other. I was a kaaskop, and I still am. I just don't get offended if someone says that.

Chill dude. I was commenting the message not the messenger.

Context is everything. If you made the joke yourself, I would have actually found it funny. Because I kind of know you. However organising a is offensive to me. There is a difference if a friend says "sambal bij" or a total stranger. There is difference in intent. Just like if your mate calls you an "asshole" or "bitch" vs a stranger.

I am sure your "foreign"friends would stand up for you if you were in a minority situation and some ethnic asshole calls you "kaaskop" with malice.
Chill dude. I was commenting the message not the messenger.

There is a difference if a friend says "sambal bij" or a total stranger. There is difference in intent. Just like if your mate calls you an asshole vs a stranger.

I am chill, and I somewhat see you as a friend, since we all are having fun on GTP. This is just a lukewarm debate.
If you think that heat map is scary, you should see what the heat map and death rate look like for influenza in the US for this past year. The CDC has a cool little app for it if you're interested.
I looked at some of these numbers in the app and also on wiki. They seem consistent. If I'm doing my calculations correctly, they seem to show on average that since 2010 there have been 9 to 45 million flu infections annually. Of these, between one and two percent are hospitalized annually, and fewer than two tenths of one percent are deaths. Am I understanding that correctly?

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Apparently over 5 million people left Wuhan before the region was locked down...

That's an interesting article. There were some things said which didn't quite seem to me to add up:

The Mayor said there were about 2700 persons under observation in Wuhan.
The national minister Ma said 2400 hospital beds had been added in Wuhan and 5000 more were to be added there in 3 days.
Minister Wang said China's national production of 30,000 protective suits per day is only one third of what is needed in Hubei province alone.


As of yesterday the number of infections had officially spread to near 6000 and the deaths to 80.–20_Wuhan_coronavirus_outbreak
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Is there an estimate on recovery rates yet? I did a quick search but could only find metrics on the original 41 infected. Of which all but 6 recovered, those 6 died. All got pneumonia. If this stat holds true, we could be looking at something like a 10-15% death rate.
Is there an estimate on recovery rates yet? I did a quick search but could only find metrics on the original 41 infected. Of which all but 6 recovered, those 6 died. All got pneumonia. If this stat holds true, we could be looking at something like a 10-15% death rate.

I found the following on a questionable source from a Hong Kong Medical university professor..
Q: Question about fatality rate.

GL: Fatality rate is currently being measured only among people who are admitted and confirmed cases. So our best guess - of the hospitalization(?) fatality ratio is 14%. But let me emphasize that is not the CASE fatality ratio and certainly not the INFECTION fatality ratio... which will be much lower.

Q: Why advise draconian measures if so many factors are unknown? Overseas cases are being managed well currently with low fatality?

GL: Fatality ratio during the beginning of an epidemic is usually low. We learned that from SARS. For the first few weeks of SARS the WHO estimated 3-5% case fatality, it turned out to be 17% in HK. That's because of the timespan from infection to symptoms, to hospitalization, to treatment, to recovering or expiring - a full month. A cross-sectional cut will underestimate the true case fatality due to the characteristics of coronavirus (?). Secondly, overseas cases are self-screening for better prognosis (I am heavily paraphrasing that) because if you are very sick you won't travel and you can't pass the thermal screen. To base our actions on those cases which are caught early by thermal scans in otherwise healthy passengers is optimistic.

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Is there an estimate on recovery rates yet? I did a quick search but could only find metrics on the original 41 infected. Of which all but 6 recovered, those 6 died. All got pneumonia. If this stat holds true, we could be looking at something like a 10-15% death rate.

They're still trying to figure that out since the Wuhan virus strain is different from the typical Corona. I'd imagine they'd compare the rate between the two and try to get an educated guess from that as best possible. Since we really don't know the factors of those six compared to others.

They're not even sure their earlier point of origin is correct either.
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So part of this chart disagrees (by 10x) with my flu deadliness assessment. But like I said, flu has big error bars on what is considered a "flu death" vs. what is not. And I imagine that's an issue for each of these. Also, contageouness seems out of whack on a few of these. Anyway, here you go:

In 2003 I contracted what I believe to have been SARS, otherwise known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. I never went in to a health clinic to get checked out, so nothing is official here but my symptoms were identical of the illness and there were at least 11 cases within 25 mile radius of where I lived at the time. I had 105°F Fever (40.5 C), whooping cough, full respiratory flu symptoms (Chills, body aches, sinus congestions etc). It was easily the most ill I have ever felt in my life, and afterwards, I lost my sense of smell for 6 months. You could literally just tee on off right next me, and I wouldn't smell a thing.

If this new virus is anything like I described above, then I can see why people are freaked out.
A guy from Sweden spent 90 minutes on the train station in Wuhan and now he is upset that the Swedish authorities don't want to put him in quarantine and that the newspapers don't want to publish his story. Apparently, the fact that he put his foot in Wuhan briefly means that his opinion should weigh heavier than that of the chief epidemiologist.
Though I sympathize for those who were affected directly and indirectly by the outbreak, but I hope for an improvement and containment of the virus in the coming months.
With the increasing numbers and difficulty in tracking the spread, it's definitely hats off to medical staff from all over the world that have done a great effort in this fight.

Meanwhile, here's a link for the cases map which may be useful: