COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
Yes... I know. This has been repeated about a thousand times. And, as I keep saying, there is a portion of the population that is disproportionately represented at hospitals that need to be "treated at the same time". This portion of the population is the portion that needs to be spread out. The rest of us need to move on and keep working and going to school.

I'll bite. Let's follow your argument:
How big a share of the population do you think will need treatment for the virus if they get it? If you have numbers/facts that is welcomed to support your argument.
Yes, the US reaction has been weird so far. If Trump has actually ordered a reduction in (or limitation on) testing to keep the numbers looking low, that's insane, and possibly criminally so.
It would merely follow in the steps of other countries who have ridiculously low numbers based on their location (Turkey - 2, Russia - 34, North Korea - 0*)

*Possible they do not have any testing capabilities and thus the deaths in North Korea would not be differentiated from other illness deaths.
*Possible they do not have any testing capabilities and thus the deaths in North Korea would not be differentiated from other illness deaths.

I'm actually wondering if North Korea's testing procedures involve straight-up killing those suspected of being infected. That seems like the most logical solution given how awful North Korea is to its own people.
It would merely follow in the steps of other countries who have ridiculously low numbers based on their location (Turkey - 2, Russia - 34, North Korea - 0*)

*Possible they do not have any testing capabilities and thus the deaths in North Korea would not be differentiated from other illness deaths.
Not being distinguishable from Kim, Putin, or Erdogan, is not exactly a plus point in the Trump box.

"Plus point in the Trump box", title of your sex tape.
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North Korea also has a ridiculously small amount of cross-border travel, which obviously is going to keep their numbers down - if those infection figures are reliable or not.
I'm actually wondering if North Korea's testing procedures involve straight-up killing those suspected of being infected. That seems like the most logical solution given how awful North Korea is to its own people.
I am almost positive that is what was on the "projectiles" fired earlier this month. If they aren't shooting them into the sea, they are just killing anyone who has symptoms remotely resembling COVID-19.
Not being distinguishable from Kim, Putin, or Erdogan, is not exactly a plus point in the Trump box.

Saying the WHO's projected mortality rate is wrong on a hunch and saying that cases were going down (when they were going up), is absolutely something you would expect from Russia or North Korea.
I'm actually wondering if North Korea's testing procedures involve straight-up killing those suspected of being infected. That seems like the most logical solution given how awful North Korea is to its own people.
"We thought they had COVID-19 but they actually had acute lead poisoning."
The virgin "tyrannic, communist China locking innocent people down" vs The Chad "democratic Italy risking its economy to protect its people and Europe".

I looove these standards of coverage.

What they did was different.
And today it's the 4th day in a row I check multiple places for hand sanitizer and no luck.

I'm already assuming I'll get the virus sooner or later but this would be something essential, if only because on my job I deal with dozens of people every day, some of which are old.

Which is another problem, because of I get infected (before any symptoms), I'll be a potential contagious person, dealing with these people on a daily basis.
It's probably worth noting that if you can't find hand sanitizer, you can make it and it's pretty easy to do. Unfortunately, finding isopropyl alcohol might be a bit hard right now, but I'm guessing easier than trying to track down Purell.

How to Make Your Own Hand Sanitizer
NASCAR has postponed events at Atlanta and Homestead.

IndyCar has canceled their first 4 races.
I'm actually not that convinced that this will happen. I've seen some places chuck around 60% infected figures for reasons I don't follow (it'd take two weeks of unhindered spread for a virus with an R0 of 3.5 to infect 60% of a population, if we assume the viral load replicates sufficiently to become infectious but not symptomatic within 24h), but - unless we assume China is lying by two orders of magnitude, and suppressing testing to suppress numbers - even in Wuhan, the number is 0.5%. That's still the largest rate in the world - in Italy right now, the percentage of people infected is 0.025%. Spain is starting to spike, at 0.01%. Iran, in third place of highest total cases, is at 0.012%, and they'd all have to be suppressing numbers even more.

China saw new cases slowly increase over a fortnight, then jump to almost ten times the rate over a week, followed by a week in which it doubling. For three weeks it remained at that level - with some variation - before new cases started to decline back to a handful.

The ROW figures started to rise as the China cases started to fall. We've seen them slowly increase over a fortnight, then jump to almost ten times the rate over a week, then double over another week, and it's been pretty stable at 4k new cases a day for just about a week and a half now. While it seems to be at a peak, we can't safely say that'll last until next weekend then start to fall just because it did in China - China's approach may differ from other people's - but the pattern is pretty similar thus far. I need to check into active case numbers (ongoing, not resolved by death or recovery), but I recall the rate is either close to or equal to the new infections rate at the moment.

Even accounting for unknowingly infected and never tested (mild symptoms) of two-thirds or more of the actual infected count, we're still only seeing tiny proportions of populations becoming infected.

I'd like to know a little more about this. So how is it possible that nobody has immunity (and everyone has lungs), and yet some people won't be infected? Do some people have a natural immunity? I go through life assuming that anyone participating in public can come down with just about any virus, and that eventually they will (barring a vaccine).

I'll bite. Let's follow your argument:
How big a share of the population do you think will need treatment for the virus if they get it? If you have numbers/facts that is welcomed to support your argument.

I have not seen hospitalization rates broken down by age. I have seen mortality broken down by age, and it is far and away the elderly that are dying of this disease. In many cases, there was some other underlying factor. I've posted those statistics here before, and I don't think anyone is debating that.

Hospitalization rates seem to be all over the map. I've seen as high as 20%, and as low as 3%. We have pretty solid numbers on death rates though, and 95% of all COVID-19 deaths (not long ago) were over age 50. I suppose it's possible that most of those people were not hospitalized, and that actually it's people younger than 50 who are being hospitalized and recovering, and that the people who are dying are just dying at home, but I'd rate that as nearly impossible. Certainly not believable.

I'm guessing (and it is just a guess at this point), that hospitalizations are also 95% over the age of 50. So that is the segment of the population we should be focused on.
So there is to be a charge, it's just that you don't think you should be the one that pays it.
I'm in Canada, so I already paid for my test via taxes. The whole US health system discussion doesn't need to occur right now, but this is also not the time to discriminate between haves and have-nots. On top of that, the less well off people who can't afford testing are also probably the ones living in closer contact with others, making this thing easier to spread.

Doing nothing can be better than doing something, but it is a false dichotomy.

I understand that many of you are scared, and you sound scared on this forum. I want to provide you with a reality check for a moment.

You're probably going to get coronavirus.
Where did I say I'm scared or panicing? Im one of the ones laughing at the lines at supermarkets right now. Because we gradually stocked up on non-perishables over the last couple of weeks. While I agree this isn't the plague, it is still something. Responsible precautions are responsible.
NHL: Hockey season is canceled

Canada: Hold my Molson

‘We’ve got the virus vaccine’
A Canadian company has claimed it's found the cure for the deadly coronavirus.
Except that it still needs the 12-18 month approval process before anyone sees it.

The real fun fact is that he was with Trump very recently

So was this guy (or people very close to him)
Sadly, there is not much you or I can do about that.

I can moan about it online 💡

I am so constantly disappointed by all of this. Yesterday at the supermarket I saw a woman, who was probably in her 60s, run out of hands to hold everything she needed to hold while checking out. She was holding her keys in one hand, the hand she used at the checkout counter to bag her products and tap the touchscreen, and took those keys and put them in her mouth to hold them while she collected her stuff... in her mouth...

She's squarely in the crosshairs of this virus, which is spreading in her community - largely untested and unchecked, and she's in public, and she's not wearing gloves, and she's taking those hands directly from a dirty touchscreen that 100 people just touched and used them to put her dirty keys in her mouth.

At the same time, my kids school is closing. Kids are not particularly at risk of this virus right now, and neither are their parents. This means I have to figure out how to get work hours in while juggling rugrats at home. The threat of quarantine is sending me out into public to collect supplies, which are running out, keeping those supplies out of the hands of people who would actually need to be quarnatined.

I can hardly stand it. It's just non-stop stupidity.
We just hit 200 confirmed cases here. Pretty worrying for more people as the unknown situation keeps getting from bad to worse.
Oh, to not feel left out.

The University of Texas has canceled classes on Friday, March 13, after Austin Public Health announced there are two confirmed cases of coronavirus in the Austin area.

"Given the rapidly evolving situation, we now believe it is in the best interest of the campus community to close," UT shared on Twitter.

UT added that only essential personnel should work on its campus on Friday.

Health officials said both COVID-19 cases are believed to not be community spread and urged residents not to "panic," but to prepare and practice personal hygiene.
And then there's this:

One of the patients is a man in his 60s and the other patient is a woman in her 30s. Health officials believe the woman contracted the virus in Houston.
Expected survival rate of 50%?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! /s