CRAP DiRT Rally Club [PS4] Racenet League Events live

I will go home at lunch and see what's what. Yes, I hit the "request to join" tab...maybe it wasn't instant. I'll check at lunch and drop a line so you don't waste your time. Thanks again for getting back to me. Appreciated...

I think I had set the league to automatically accept requests to join. once joined you should be able to access the events in the leagues section
@JohnScoonsBear - you did and all is well. I've now got both the Rally and Hillclimb leagues in my league section. Joining was a success...errrr, the first three stages of Wales maybe weren't. In my enthusiasm, Sweet Lamb brought me back down to Earth. Lost over a minute with a couple of unfortunate meetings with fence posts and two rolls. The next two stages were quite a bit smoother...but enough to break the top ten. three more stages to go in effort to move up the board and not embarrass myself ;)
There'll be plenty of embarrassment when I try the hillclimb...but I suppose there's only one way to learn the way up the mountain.
Thanks to you all for allowing me into the league...I'm looking forward to you all pushing me to be faster!!!
Good run at Bronfelon, enough to break the top ten - man that fast section (2nd - 3rd check point) is exciting... Two night stages to go (yikes).
It's not "cheating" if I take a few "hot laps" in "Custom Events" before setting a competitive time in the league is it?
Good run at Bronfelon, enough to break the top ten - man that fast section (2nd - 3rd check point) is exciting... Two night stages to go (yikes).
It's not "cheating" if I take a few "hot laps" in "Custom Events" before setting a competitive time in the league is it?

Flying from start to finish or slowing down time when driving is cheating :) hot lapping is practice, and we need practice to become better ;) 👍
Flying from start to finish or slowing down time when driving is cheating :) hot lapping is practice, and we need practice to become better ;) 👍

Thanks man. I feel better... I'll definitely need practice for the night stages...especially the last stage, Bronfelon at the rain. What an awesomely diabolical choice of a final stage. I love it...
As it turns out, the fifth stage was just brutal. Had to fix a puncture two sectors in along with two separate spins. Lost a ton of time. Almost two minutes. Drove Bronfelon cautiously as I wasn't sure my car (at least what was left of it) would make it. I'm okay with breaking the top ten, but I see it'll be a challenge to break the top five. All five are pretty tight, separated by only 45 seconds. Looking forward to the next event.

@Eyeseeh50 - not at all, I dig it!!!
Round 2, Rally Wales, of the current Crap Dirt Club League has come to an end. 24 drivers started the event, 16 managed to make it through the wet slippery and often dark conditions of Wales.

Well done to all participants!

Here are the final results and the official standings.

June Rd2-1.JPG

June Rd2-2.JPG

June season table.JPG

The racenet league standings are starting to be quite different to the official Crap league table.

League 1.JPG

League 2.JPG

Next we are off to the snow/icy roads of Monte Carlo with the R4 class of car.

Good luck to you all.
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Well that's me managed to complete the latest round of the CRAP Dirt league.
I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of being cautious while high up in the hills with roads covered in snow and then pushing harder as the roads cleared. I found SS3 particularly slippery for some reason.

Here are a few videos of my progress,

SS1, nothing much to report apart from slight contact with a wall 3 corners from the flying finish.

SS2, again nothing much to report.

SS3, found this stage particularly slippy for some reason losing a little time.

SS5, forgot to record SS4 so on to the first night stage where I just didn't push hard enough I think.

SS6, the whole stage viewed in-car. Had a half spin mid-stage which probably cost me about 5 seconds.
Nice 👍

I just finished last lap, and got 6 sec on you on that round, but not enough, think I was 8 sec behind overall in the end, good fight :)

Here is my last lap, not any big mistakes, but my rhythm in hairpins could have bin better. Around 5.17 I lost one of the lights, didnt know that was possible, only lost all or nothing before
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@Eyeseeh50 - I had technical difficulties after my first run of Vallee Descandante which was at 7:08. After much horror, I got my machine running again to see that that time didn't record. On my second run I was almost ten seconds slower, so after two stages I'm third. It should be hang of a battle, as there's only 2 seconds separating the top three drivers. I dig the competition and looking forward to stages 3 and 4 tonight!!

I'll say that I need a lot of practice on the Hillclimb event. I didn't even finish the first run...
@Eyeseeh50 - you were bang on with the slippery conditions of stage 3. I'm happy you mentioned it as if I wasn't cautious, I'd have wrecked for sure. That said, I lost 2 tenths to you. Stage 4 was fun...more grip in the snow that I would have expected but again, lost 2 tenths to you again. You're pretty quick, eh? ~insert Canadian accept here~
The night stages to come this evening. Really looking forward to's been a great battle of nerves up to now...
What a race!!! After stage 5 (I had a proper blistering run) I was in the lead, by 8 tenths. Then I panic-drove on the last stage. First, trying to go too fast (blew the first two hairpins) and then being overly cautious, I lost 12 seconds. I'm super happy with a current podium position. We'll see if it lasts....
Great job to @Eyeseeh50 & @knukken!!
I saw your stage 5 time first and thought oh well there goes my lead but was surprised to see I was still leading overall. Bad luck mate, it can be a cruel sport at times as I have discovered in the past when I used to navigate for a few people.
@Eyeseeh50 - I love rally because of the ridiculous skill of the drivers, I've always said to anyone who'd listen that it's the navigator's who have to pack their balls in the trunk, 'cause they wouldn't fit in the cabin. That's really cool!! I truly envy Europeans because of the exposure to rallying. It's really not big in Canada...which doesn't make much sense as we definitely have the space and ridiculous roads to do it on. Thanks heavens for the internet. It makes it easier to keep up...but it's only really the WRC I watch, 'cause I just don't know what else is out there.

So cruel. And so freakin' awesome!! It's the only racing sim I've ever driven where not winning isn't the end of the world. I'll see you on the stages in the 60s class. By the bye, I've only ever driven the Mini. Can I be competitive in that?
  • @mr_VOLCANO - Oh...I thought that was Knukken. In that case, great job to YOU on a an awesome rally. Seriously, I find that it adds to the "fear" aspect of rallying. Really cool! Anyway, great race! Looking forward to next one...although it'll be a lot slower ;)

I'm knukken ;)

@mr_VOLCANO Cool to see you on here :) I've been the only Norwegian in CRAP so far. Check our pcars thread too. Link in first post 👍
:lol: HAHAHA! Is that your PSN handle as well? I only later realized that you posted a "terminal damage" screenshot.

When it comes to PCars - I imagine that that's more time specific, eh? We all have to be on-line at the same time? That's a surprisingly good circuit sim....but I'm worried to join and then not be able to race due to time differences, yada, yada and run the risk of annoying you guys...


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@mr_VOLCANO Cool to see you on here :) I've been the only Norwegian in CRAP so far. Check our pcars thread too. Link in first post 👍

Have not really seen many norwegians on GTP, when I was active on GT5 forum few years ago, I can only remember meeting one norwegian.

I dont really race pcars anymore, maybe I have not found right setup for the controller, but I feel its a game I need a wheel too enjoy, I am more used too wheel when it comes to driving games, so its hard too adjust too not having a wheel for the ps4, maybe I need to experiment abit more with the settings.

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