A couple things. First thanks again to Heathen for doing this in the first place. Secondly thanks to everyone that's raced my bobs! I really appreciate it. Also glad some of you have gotten a kick out of the names I ended up with (My dog's name is Dylan Thomas (named him after the writer) so i had to pick that), I love having C. Norris in my crew but i would've loved it if i had the time to go through and get B. Lee as well, I accidentally passed that over once and then a minute later passed over D. Hopper.
Oh and Heathen, when I was saying my FR wasn't approved yet, I only sent it like 5 minutes earlier, I wasn't complaining and actually figured it would take 24-48 hours at least. At that point I was merely pointing out why i was going to my own lounge rather than one of the official CRAP lounges. I know you weren't being defensive about it or anything, but felt like giving an explanation about why I even mentioned it.
Oh and I don't think this is getting too Pro, just well organized. I do however feel like I'm among some almost pros with the way I've been getting whooped, but that's just because I'm not very good at least on most tracks
Oh and I won't be able to make the first enduro. Based on my (very VERY possibly flawed) way of figuring it out, 8 am on Sunday ACT = 5pm Saturday for me (E.S.T. (new york)) Oh well, Hopefully I'll catch the next one, plus I'm rubbish anyway haha. If by chance something changes between now and Friday I'll let you know, or if i happen to get out of work early and you need someone maybe I'll end up being available. (if i messed something up with the time zone conversion and someone noticed it just let me know, i just plugged the date and time in to a converter and I'm going by that.)