CRAP GT6 - GT500 Sat 7 Nov 9pm EST (GMT-5)Open 

to whom it may concern (remote bob races...)
You're welcome :)

I'll send a few more FR's out too, it sounds like there's a few more people that share their b-spec drivers. Since I run them every day, I'll get more people in on the action.

Also, I have to say, smyth1 has the best named Bobs I've ever seen.
C. Norris
D. Thomas

awesome, just awesome
and actually, C. Norris is in the lead on lap 22/30 in the Daytona remote race right now!
*update, C. Norris won!! with 2 more of smyth1's drivers in 2nd and 3rd... good job!

*** If you pass C. Norris, he'll round house kick you to the head.

lastly, as i had mentioned this before and will remind again, do not teleport back to pit by using the exit button or leave the track for further tuning during qualifying as the system will erase said driver's qualifying laptime. if a change of fresh tires is needed during qualifying, drive your way back to the pit in order to preserve your laptime.

hehe, if they do that its their own fault :) then they have to set a new one or they start in the back!
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Also, I have to say, smyth1 has the best named Bobs I've ever seen.
C. Norris
D. Thomas
awesome, just awesome
and actually, C. Norris is in the lead on lap 22/30 in the Daytona remote race right now!
C. Norris won!! with 2 more of smyth1's drivers in 2nd and 3rd... good job!

Pretty sure C. Norris smashed that shizzle when I ran him too... Although J. Bauer might have something to say about that :lol:
You should try J.Chan - I still reckon he could take C.Norris...

Good name choices are worth lots as they get run more frequently.

I noticed in your OP you mention that your regular guys often host lounges. Remember, any one can host a lounge, just the first person in will act as host.
We need more people from North America. I've been on a few nights between 9-11pm MDT (11-1EDT) and I can never find anybody to race. Come on fellow North Americans. I need someone to race against.
...u guys are great!!
Aww...shucks :cheers:

Any time this week mate, no probs. Next week I am embarking on the dread 24hr Nürburgring so will be out of the picture.

In the meantime, here's that list of course maker tracks if anyone wants a go. They can even be loaded onto any of the CRAP race accounts if desired (assuming they're good enough that is.)

Eifel based:
Bruhl Speedway
Castle Bruhl
Borders Circuit
Hobbiton Speedway
Boddington Smoothflow
Masochists' Sunday Drive
Laguna Scarsdale
Looks Familiar

Toscana Tarmac + others:
Short 'n' sharp
Friday Night Cruise
Tokyo Bay JGTC
Serdaristan Sunset
Cornwall Tractor Run

Alaska Slalom
Hill Yeah!
Oh Belgium!
Fast & Sideways
Hills of Sorrow
Mile a minute sideways
Hot Trail
Too early for this
White Hell

I noticed in your OP you mention that your regular guys often host lounges. Remember, any one can host a lounge, just the first person in will act as host.
That's what Ken and myself have been doing the past two days Pappa - works well; solid idea of yours.
That's what Ken and myself have been doing the past two days Pappa - works well; solid idea of yours.

No worries elf. Just so that you know, you dont have to be sitting in lounges for it to work.


You are a member of my other club , GBRC? I first introduced the Lounge sytem there a few months ago.

Well, good luck all of you. Hope you enjoy some good racing.
We need more people from North America. I've been on a few nights between 9-11pm MDT (11-1EDT) and I can never find anybody to race. Come on fellow North Americans. I need someone to race against.

I'm in North America. I saw you were on for a little last night, but couldn't find you in any lounges. But I raced your BoBs last night so you should have a very valuable surprise waiting for you when you check your drivers. We do need more NA participants though for sure.
FastM3, I'll be on tonight probably between 7pm and 10pm east coast time. Hopefully we can get some races in tonight.
GTVirtuoso, I'll add you tonight when i get home to add some more US people to race with.

You are a member of my other club , GBRC? I first introduced the Lounge sytem there a few months ago.
True indeed, though what with my super-early starts at work getting in the way, and now late shift, I couldn't participate at all.

Things are changing in a few weeks, so hopefully I can pop back over the horizon at ye 👍

Are you not joining in with us good sir?
True indeed, though what with my super-early starts at work getting in the way, and now late shift, I couldn't participate at all.

Things are changing in a few weeks, so hopefully I can pop back over the horizon at ye 👍

Good thing about C.R.A.P is that you have aussies and others sall in differing time zones. For any UK/Euro guys on funky working shifts, you can find guys to race with now.
FastM3 I think I sent you a message a couple nights ago saying I had a lounge up and running, I'm in AST, so 3 hours earlier than you, but I play later in the evening/night, so that might just work out better.
anyway, I'm sorry if I missed you! my tendancy was to start a lounge then just send a message to everyone in my friends list that has GT5. It worked with a few people, heh. However, since we have those CRAP group lounges now, I'll likely check those first and use them first.
How do you send a message to everyone on your friends list. I'm sure it's easy, but I've never done it before.
just go to create a new message. and when you click on the "send to" field it gives you the option to select recipients from your friends list, and you just check off everyone you want, it puts them all in for you.
then spend the 746 minutes typing the message with the controller...
You're on. Time difference might be a problem though. Which button do you use to desperately reverse out of the Armco as other people lap you? I use x.
just go to create a new message. and when you click on the "send to" field it gives you the option to select recipients from your friends list, and you just check off everyone you want, it puts them all in for you.
then spend the 746 minutes typing the message with the controller...

OK. So there isn't a send to everybody option then.

Get yourself a wireless USB keyboard or bluetooth keyboard. I bought one a few months ago and it works great for doing friend requests or for rooms that aren't using mics. I think I bought my wireless USB keyboard for 19$ and it works from my chair which is about 15 feet from my PS3 and on the otherside of a wall.
Hello C.R.A.Pers! this club is getting larger..well done sir heathen!.unfortunately i haven't met you guys in any races due to my timezone/busy work, i'm afraid am going to skip the enduro too.anyways i wish to all participants good luck..hope to race with you guys soon (waiting for my wonderfull holiday)
A couple things. First thanks again to Heathen for doing this in the first place. Secondly thanks to everyone that's raced my bobs! I really appreciate it. Also glad some of you have gotten a kick out of the names I ended up with (My dog's name is Dylan Thomas (named him after the writer) so i had to pick that), I love having C. Norris in my crew but i would've loved it if i had the time to go through and get B. Lee as well, I accidentally passed that over once and then a minute later passed over D. Hopper.

Oh and Heathen, when I was saying my FR wasn't approved yet, I only sent it like 5 minutes earlier, I wasn't complaining and actually figured it would take 24-48 hours at least. At that point I was merely pointing out why i was going to my own lounge rather than one of the official CRAP lounges. I know you weren't being defensive about it or anything, but felt like giving an explanation about why I even mentioned it.

Oh and I don't think this is getting too Pro, just well organized. I do however feel like I'm among some almost pros with the way I've been getting whooped, but that's just because I'm not very good at least on most tracks :lol:

Oh and I won't be able to make the first enduro. Based on my (very VERY possibly flawed) way of figuring it out, 8 am on Sunday ACT = 5pm Saturday for me (E.S.T. (new york)) Oh well, Hopefully I'll catch the next one, plus I'm rubbish anyway haha. If by chance something changes between now and Friday I'll let you know, or if i happen to get out of work early and you need someone maybe I'll end up being available. (if i messed something up with the time zone conversion and someone noticed it just let me know, i just plugged the date and time in to a converter and I'm going by that.)
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We need more people from North America. I've been on a few nights between 9-11pm MDT (11-1EDT) and I can never find anybody to race. Come on fellow North Americans. I need someone to race against.

thats my prime racing time too. looking forward to it. :cheers:
This is an idea that is long overdue, and a very smart way to get around the idea of public lobbies without membership limitations, yet still having lots of members with access and lots of good people to race against.

I will be sending friend requests to the rooms mentioned in the OP at some point tonight and I look forward to some good, clean racing!
This is an idea that is long overdue, and a very smart way to get around the idea of public lobbies without membership limitations, yet still having lots of members with access and lots of good people to race against.

I will be sending friend requests to the rooms mentioned in the OP at some point tonight and I look forward to some good, clean racing!

Hey jonny, CRAP has allot of members, so you should see the benefits of the accounts. They have just been introduced, and members need to get used to the idea, so some teething probs may be expected.
Probably won't be online much in the next few days... Could someone race my bob's for me?? Pretty please :D

I was going to race them for you last night but you were grayed out like you didn't have any online. I'll check tonight and probably run a few for ya. Feel free to run mine for me anytime!
I was going to race them for you last night but you were grayed out like you didn't have any online. I'll check tonight and probably run a few for ya. Feel free to run mine for me anytime!

Cheers buddy, realised they ha to be set to online... Did that earlier :) much appreciated

Also, slightly off topic... I realised a short while ago that there was a 20mil credit limit... WTH!? Grr