Crash Simulation in Vision GT

  • Thread starter hispeed
"The fifth edition of the blockbuster racing series, expected to be in development for the next-generation PlayStation console (PlayStation 3). Series producer Kazunori Yamauchi is considering complex crash simulating and realistic damage modeling, and possible support of an EyeToy camera unit."

Source: IGN on the Vision GT page.

Sounds promising. Wonder what EyeToy could be used for.
Kaz has confirmed damage will play a large part in the next GT game, I'm hoping it's done spot on, full body panels ripping off, tyres shredding, suspension snapping and so on.
See who your racing against online perhaps, I don't see it being much use in a racing game at all. It'll be for gimmicks only.
Quoted from 'Car - January 2006':

"Kazunori doesn't want to give too much away but breaks into a wry smile when asked if it's true that this (GT5) will be the first in the series to feature active damage.

'I wanted to do it with the earlier games but we were already pushing thw hardware so it would have meant other parts of the game suffering.' "

Sounds hopeful. :D
-> Well I'm not too keen on damages, I'd rather see more cars and tracks in the game. But I hope that damage will be featured in GT5 doesn't mean a significant reduction of cars in the game.

-> The Eye Toy, will be neat after obtaining Licenses like after you passed a certain license, you can get a virtual ID system just like going to the DMV. It can also be useful when you go online to meet other racers, to show off you profile. (:
:grumpy: It better not be like PGR's definition of "damage" There are so many other important issuses like organizational management of cars and engine sound improvements.
For the EyeToy, you could put your face on a model, ala Tony Hawks Underground.

Mmmmm...damage. I'd like to see a car lot full of used, damaged cars you could buy for dirt cheap prices and restore them like new, and put some parts and a (functional) bodykit.
Mmmmm...damage. I'd like to see a car lot full of used, damaged cars you could buy for dirt cheap prices and restore them like new, and put some parts and a (functional) bodykit.

^ Let's re-phrase that to Remanufactured and Salvage cars. (:

-> I think, thats a good idea, but that'll take a big toll on your virtual $$$. (:
When you buy used cars, it should have worn parts. Suspension thats not as durable anymore ect, so that 10 R34 bargain might not save you so much after all, it still could be a bargain and could be fine. But it'd be nice to add that sort of thing into the used car buying.
If GT5 does have realistic damage, that also means PD will also have to bite the bullet and finally include a decent AI engine...or they could take the easy way out and do away with computer oponents altogether and make GT5 a dedicated MMO. :crazy: 👎
Oh no... not IGNore... I remembered reading this on IGNore during E3 2005 coverage. I can probably say that if not having Ferrari and Porsche, this is one thing GT gamers have longed for since the first game. I remembered watching G4TV show "Icons" when Gran Turismo was featured. Some people actually tested ramming cars into walls to find no damage. I remembered reading GamePro or something about "Top 10 Games the DPS won't let you play" or something. Someone talked about Gran Turismo 4 being one of the games because it shows you can bang a car hard into something and be unscathed.

My only issue with all of this is that there were some stupid stuff about all of this. I never liked damage even to this day. I'm not proud of smashing up my car just to show that cars in games aren't invincible. I see damage as one thing and one thing only- visual and physical detail. PD said that they couldn't get in damage either because (1) they can't do it very well with the technology they have, or (2) the manufacturers won't allow it in a GT game. Even with damage, I'm not going to say, "GT5 is the best ever racing game because you can damage your car. About freaking time, PD!" I'd be interested to see what damage will be like in GT5 will be like. Give or take damage, I'm not going to judge GT5 on damage. I will consider that as a factor of my judgment of GT5 when it's released, but not an overall thing. Damage will no doubt boost the difficulty level because not only must you concern yourself with finishing the race, but also in keeping the car all in one piece against heated competition.

Bottom line? Whether or not GT5 includes damage, I'm okay with it. If it does include damage, don't assume that just because there's damage for the first time, that GT5 is a good game. It's much like the heated debate we had in the GT4 forums when I said that no damage and no online play didn't make GT4 a bad game. I'd also don't want to hear or see "GT5 is (GT4/GT3/GT2/GT1) with damage" (online play nonwithstanding). In the coming months, I'd like to see how this all comes along.
I hope so, its one major element missing from the series.

Outside of AI that actually acts more like a person than an amoeba? You can't tell me that's a *minor* point. Even with online play, it is going to be crucial. :)

But yeah, I agree with you. Damage would make the game a billion times more real if they do it right. I race in GT4 as cleanly as I can, meaning I always do my utmost to avoid contact and stay on the track and all that kind of stuff in an attempt to drive realistically. It makes the game a lot more fun, but with the AI as it is, it is VERY hard to do sometimes, and thus very frustrating. I am echoing everyone else when I say this.

However, I think damage and AI are seriously two sides of the same coin. We need both in and the best they can be. Whatever happens though, I am looking forward to the PS3 and GT5 with a grin on my face.

However, kind of agreeing with you here John, I don't look at damage to be something necessarily to be HAPPY for. I think it should be a feature you can turn on or off. The reason being, and hardly ANYONE sits down to really *think* about this.. but we're going to have to become 10x better drivers to be able to actually FINISH a decent length race without crashing and having to start over due to the car getting completely totalled. There is a reason JGTC drivers get paid to do what they do - it is a whole realm of skill that a lot of us can't touch. If GT5 is going to be as realistic as possible, it is going to be HARD to match up to that type of skill.

It's a whole new ballgame once damage is modelled, guys. However I might just be talking out of my ass since I have not played Forza or PGR3 or whatever games out there that have it and I don't know quite how they did it.
I agree. I don't like damage in racing games. The control and feel just isn't there. How many people can make it through a decent length race (30 minutes or so) without hitting anything or being hit by the AI? In F1 Career Challenge, there is a bonus for a "clean race". Of the several hundred races I've done, I've never gotten this bonus (apparently hitting a fly constitutes reckless driving...) simply because the feel of the game is not real enough to keep from putting a wheel off or bumping someone as you try to pass.
:) ya y'all said, damaged would be very great!!,but i would also love to herar from each car the real live engine sound.

like, i am such a MERCEDES fan, and i eben own a mercedes E320, but i love the 55 AMG's. when i saw that there are the new E55 and SL 55 and 65' had an such huge smile on my face...but when i drove the first time the E 55 i was wondering, if i might be driving an E 200 Diesel or something.

i didnt hear one tence of V8 Rumbling or someting...thats what they should improve.

but damage would be after all amazing and you could do something with your money, exapt for bying cars.... :)
Actually Laorin and Kylehnat, it is perfectly possible to finish races without damage in GT. I have been training hard in GT4 to finish as much races as possible without hitting another car (or the track sides), and even with GT4's insane wacko AI which crashes into your back whenever you slow down do get a quick exit out of a corner, and which on the other hand brakes way too much for a corner whenever they're in front of you, it is actually possible. If GT5 has improved AI, this should be a lot easier.

I agree it isn't all that simple in a rather lengthy race (say anything over half an hour or so), so there'd better be some sort of repair-option during pitstops. I don't want to ruin a 2h race in the 119th minute.
When you buy used cars, it should have worn parts. Suspension thats not as durable anymore ect, so that 10 R34 bargain might not save you so much after all, it still could be a bargain and could be fine. But it'd be nice to add that sort of thing into the used car buying.

This would make it much more appealing, maybe bringing in damage catagories reflecting price. Furthermore when racing say the above R34 bought on the cheap, the suspension or part of the engine hasnt been replaced thats needs to be, fails.. and you have to retire or "rely" on your mechanics getting you back in the race.. *dreaming*

Also, rear ended cars = engine donor cars.. moving on!
Also, I'd like to wait for two hours for the RAC/AA everytime I dink a rumble strip too hard. That would be realistic.
Actually Laorin and Kylehnat, it is perfectly possible to finish races without damage in GT. I have been training hard in GT4 to finish as much races as possible without hitting another car (or the track sides), and even with GT4's insane wacko AI which crashes into your back whenever you slow down do get a quick exit out of a corner, and which on the other hand brakes way too much for a corner whenever they're in front of you, it is actually possible. If GT5 has improved AI, this should be a lot easier.

I agree it isn't all that simple in a rather lengthy race (say anything over half an hour or so), so there'd better be some sort of repair-option during pitstops. I don't want to ruin a 2h race in the 119th minute.

I agree with you on this. I hardly ever hit anything, be it AI or guardrails, and with improved AI, I don´t think this will be that hard. And as someone stated, damage should be a feature you can turn on and off. That is a necessity for casual gamers, and probably n00bs too.
Actually Laorin and Kylehnat, it is perfectly possible to finish races without damage in GT. I have been training hard in GT4 to finish as much races as possible without hitting another car (or the track sides), and even with GT4's insane wacko AI which crashes into your back whenever you slow down do get a quick exit out of a corner, and which on the other hand brakes way too much for a corner whenever they're in front of you, it is actually possible. If GT5 has improved AI, this should be a lot easier.

I agree it isn't all that simple in a rather lengthy race (say anything over half an hour or so), so there'd better be some sort of repair-option during pitstops. I don't want to ruin a 2h race in the 119th minute.
I agree 110%, I regularly do races in GTR without crashing or bumping, you just need to have a more balanced view of how hard your going to push each corner. Take EPR for example, thats a game that forces oyou to not go off track, or so much as bump another car in some situations. It doesn't happen every race, but it certainly proves that it's very possible to do so, people crash regular in GT games because you get away with it, it;s the psycology of knowing it doesn't really matter if you push the car too hard, you'll just bounce so you inevitably push the car more than you normally would. Also pit repairs are a must in games with damage, it's not uncommon to see GT cars in the pits for over a minuet being repeared in GT races, in longer races like LeMans they can be in for a lot longer and more regularly getting repaired, it's all part of motorsports. Ofcourse, pit repairs would need to influence the AI as well to keep things on a level playing field.

I do think in GT mode damage should be on, and only on. It would create a big division in the game and would take the full effect of the GT mode away if you gave the option. However, seperate arcade mode from GT mode, so you can win each car and track within the arcade mode, and give the player the ability to turn it on, off or visible only ect in the arcade mode.
No doubt everyone would try out the damage engine with huge crashes, but not in an Event, as it would cost you money (well, that isn't confirmed, but if there's damage in the game, you'd certainly have to pay for the repairs).
i always spend a good portion of time checking out the crash models in games with such a feature. Its always fun to see how much detail a dev team could fit in. Then, its time to race seriously.

Flatout was fun for only that feature, actually..
Would it give you and incentive to crash, just to see everything go flying everywhere, like in Burnout?

hell yes.

I want the damage to be as unforgiving as in real life, but obviously the AI has to be made better in account of this.