Create Your Own Car Company Game

North Korea
With Kim Jong Un
A revival of the locked thread. You can either start over, or come back where you left off. I will keep track of quarter results, as well as the companies taking part.

This is a roleplaying game in which the players create and run car brands. The objective is to grow your small firm into a global power. The game uses a credit system for players to earn and spend currency. You will start with 10,000 credits (cr) to get your company started. A listing of various expenditures is below for players to refer to. All players will be required to post a listing of their finances at the end of each in-game year. The system isn't as technical as it sounds, so get started and have fun!

Breaking a rule the first time will be forgiven. If you break a rule after that, it will be a 1,000cr penalty, which doubles after each offense.
1. Use common sense- you are running a car company.
2. Be polite to other players.
3. Always post your finances at the end of every year; your profits and your costs. Failure to do so within a week will result in an exclusion from the profit report of the next quarter.
4. No secrecy- while it may be realistic, I fear it will cause chaos.
5. Stay Active- Any player who hasn't posted in 2 months or more will have their company removed from the game, or purchased by another player's company at auction. (See below).
6. Up to 12 Players Allowed- One of the fates the original game has suffered was an over saturation of players. I will keep track of how many players there are. If one quits, another can sign up.


Time System
The game runs on a system of 1 quarter (3 months) per IRL three days.. The quarter will change at unspecified time, EST. The current date is Quarter 1, 2014.


Starting Form
Fill this out to start your company. See the expenditures list to check costs.
Brand name:
Headquarters Location:
Company Type (ex. Supercars, SUV's, etc.)
Factory Location:
Dealership Locations:

Number of Car Models: (be sure to fill the form out for new car models)


Car Model Specification Form
Fill this out before a new car goes on sale.
Model Name:
Trim Levels:
Body Style(s):
Location of Factory:
Description (optional):
Cost of Development (see below):
*Test and performance data will be determined by a moderator based on the above.


Expenditure List
Refer to this whenever your company...does pretty much anything.
Large Factory (120,000 cars built/quarter) Cost: 12,000cr
Medium Factory (40,000 cars built/quarter) Cost: 6,000cr
Small Factory (5,000 cars built/quarter) Cost: 1,000cr
Handbuilt Factory (20 cars built/quarter) Cost: 100cr
Dealership (300-900 cars sold/quarter) Cost: 250cr
Headquarters Cost: 500cr
Museum Cost: 300cr
Design & Development Cost, I4 engine (engines, transmissions, and chassis can be used in multiple models. More funds can be used than the listed cost to improve reliability and performance): 100cr
V6 engine: 150cr
I6 engine: 150cr
V8 engine: 250cr
V10 engine: 300cr
V12 engine: 450cr
Electric engine (no transmission required): 1,000 cr
Turbocharger: +200cr
Supercharger: +300cr
Diesel: +100cr
Hybrid: +500cr
Manual Transmission: 100cr
Automatic Transmission: 200cr
Semi-Automatic Transmission: 300cr
FF Drivetrain: 250cr
FR Drivetrain: 150cr
F4 Drivetrain: 350cr
MR Drivetrain: 500cr
M4 Drivetrain: 750cr
RR Drivetrain: 200cr
R4 Drivetrain: 400cr
Coupe Body Style: 100cr
Hatchback Body Style: 100cr
Sedan Body Style: 200cr
Wagon Body Style: 200cr
SUV Body Style: 500cr
SUT Body Style: 550cr
Pickup Body Style: 250cr
Ute Body Style: 200cr
Minivan Body Style: 400cr
Crossover Body Style: 450cr
Van Body Style: 200cr
Large Truck Body Style: 500cr
*It is not advised to start your company with a race team*
NASCAR Race Car: 5,000cr
WRC Rally Car: 3,000cr
IndyCar: 10,000cr
Formula 1 Race Car: 15,000cr
Formula E Race Car:
Le Mans LMP1: 12,000cr
Le Mans LMP2: 10,000cr
Le Mans GT: 5,000cr
Touring Car/V8 Supercar/Super GT: 4,500cr

*I am currently looking for users will knowledge of motorcycles and/or military vehicles to be co-moderators, as I have little knowledge of those topics.


Of course, you have to make money to spend it. At this point the profits of your company will be determined by me, based on your models, factories, locations, and dealerships. A top-secret superformula determines quarterly profit. The first profit result occurs the following quarter after a company is founded, or if any change occurs. The formula uses randomly generated numbers, so don't bother trying to figure it out.


Car Shows
Each quarter, a car show occurs somewhere in the world. Geneva happens in Q1, the Goodwood Festival of Speed in Q2, Pebble Beach in Q3, and Detroit in Q4. It costs 100cr to enter a car show, and 50cr for each model a brand wants to showcase. Entering a car in a show will increase the likelihood of it winning an award and a subsequent credit bonus.



Whenever two weeks passes without a player posting, his/her company will be auctioned to other players at a starting price of 1,500cr. The auction proceeds automatically, and ends when three hours pass after the last bid. All credits, dealerships, factories, and developed technology will go to the highest bidder.


List of Players
All player-owned companies and locations will be posted here.

All Your Base - Cameron Motors

Recruiting 11 more players.

Game Moderators
All Your Base

Recruting 2 more moderators.


A list of mergers and ownerships for player-owned companies


Post at will.

Lets start things off with my company.

Brand name:
Cameron Motors
cameron m.png
Headquarters: St. Louis, Missouri
CEO: All Your Base
Company Type: Track day cars, sports cars, race cars
Factory Locations: St. Louis, Missouri - Yokohama, Japan (both are handbuilt)
Dealership Locations: 3 (St. Louis, Tokyo, London)
Number of Car Models: 2


Car Model Specification Form
Model Name:
Trim Levels: Road-Going, RS
Horsepower: 220 HP (Road-Going), 310 HP (RS)
Body Style(s): Lightweight track-day car (coupe)
Engine(s): Naturally-aspirated 3.0l I6 (Road-Going), Turbocharged 4.0l V6 (RS)
Drivetrain(s): MR
Transmission(s): 5-speed manual
Location of Factories: St. Louis and Yokohama
Description: Sought by Cameron as a direct rival to KTM's X-Bow, we spent months testing prototypes to see how well it fared. Prototype #004 was the most successful, and it would lead to the production version. To further compete with the X-Bow, we launched two variants: the less powerful, more fit for streets Road-Going, and the track-day RS. We build 100 Road-Going variants and 15 RS Variants a year, so keep a lookout on a Cameron Proto near your dealership.

Model Name: Carbon R
Trim Levels: Base, RS
Horsepower: 550 HP (Base), 650 HP (RS)
Body Style(s): Supercar (coupe)
Engine(s): Turbocharged 5.5l V10 (Base), Turbocharged 6.5l V10 (RS)
Drivetrain(s): MR
Transmission(s): 6-speed manual
Location of Factory: Yokohama
Description: Not to be confused with the Amuse Carbon R, the Cameron Carbon R is a supercar made to compete with the likes of Corvette, 911, and 458 Italia. With elegant design, a turbocharger, and racing-like handling, can you go wrong? To further up the racing feel, we have a RS version for the speed freaks. A Super GT GT500 racing version is also being planned by Cameron. 100 Base variants and 20 RS variants will be built a year


Expenditure List:
Headquarters - 500cr
Handbuilt Factory x2 - 200cr
Dealerships x3 - 750cr
I6 - 150cr
V6 - 150cr
V10 - 300cr
MR x2 - 1000cr
Turbocharger x3 - 600cr
Manual x2 - 200cr

Total: 3,850 cr.
Cash left: 6,150 cr
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Let's not do this with the exact same rules, especially since there is an ongoing planning conversation for the second version of this game with improved rules
I tried to play the last game and nothing happened, so what's to say that this won't get Locked or neglected after I spend time and effort setting up a place? Is this another waste of time is what I'm asking?
I tried to play the last game and nothing happened, so what's to say that this won't get Locked or neglected after I spend time and effort setting up a place? Is this another waste of time is what I'm asking?
Rules were improved.
If this is still around in a week or so (after my exams end and the post-exam-celebration-hangover has subsided) I'll join in with my Betelgeuse Motor Company from the previous thread.
I was suggesting if JMoney comes back, he would take over. Besides, I do not know the formula.

JMoney quit altogether. He had ideas, this being the best one as well as best executed, but got overzealous with some things, then got riled up when the flaws were exposed. The 'Worlds Best Car' threads he started were the specific point, as he wasn't consistent with the selections but tried to pass them off as sound. Surprisingly, he has stayed away. We have the formula and two conversations for the next iteration of this, the second one exist because the lead on the first one has basically gone MIA.
Revive of a Revive!

Apparently, I want to start this game under a different title. I hope to get this game running by next week. And I will run the game entirely, and there will be no formula.
Revive of a Revive!

Apparently, I want to start this game under a different title. I hope to get this game running by next week. And I will run the game entirely, and there will be no formula.
I'm still skeptical. No offense but I was in the first one and things went downhill fast. If this is up by the end of next week maybe I'll consider rejoining with a different car company.
Revive of a Revive!

Apparently, I want to start this game under a different title. I hope to get this game running by next week. And I will run the game entirely, and there will be no formula.

Are you planning to run it entirely on a whim? Throw something at a wall and hope it sticks?
I have strong feelings that this will end up just like Create a Nation and the last Car Company game
@All Your Base - I promise you this is your last chance at this. Any further attempts will be deleted on sight. I suggest you put plenty of thought and planning into this version.
Whilst I want to be involved in V2 if / when it gets going, I am skeptical about the longevity of something like this. Especially when traded against the time I invested in some of the reports last time round. Though fun to write and take part in, it has to have a direction.
I suggest you simplify the game greatly. If it looks successful, I'll certainly play.
@All Your Base The planning convo is still a thing, if you want an invite to it just ask someone

It is?

Here are some suggestions @All Your Base:

-Limit the number of players to 12, or something like that. I had the game under control until there were 30 active players to keep up with.

-Find at least two players to assist your moderation; you certainly won't be able to do it alone.

-Try to gain the favor of the GTP Moderators.
It is?

Here are some suggestions @All Your Base:

-Limit the number of players to 12, or something like that. I had the game under control until there were 30 active players to keep up with.

-Find at least two players to assist your moderation; you certainly won't be able to do it alone.

-Try to gain the favor of the GTP Moderators.
Yeah, I'm pretty much out of it but I still get alerts every day or so
Try to gain the favor of the GTP Moderators.
You don't need to get on our good side, you simply need to have rules stated up front that make sense and stick to them instead of making things up as you go.

The staff could have very easily closed this, and all of the others, threads immediately but we let them live thinking "maybe this one will work".