You're such a pessimist @
I sorry.
You seemed to be dogged on ensuring this game's failure, and I don't know why.
I have no feelings one way or the other regarding this thread and have only stated the similarities to the aforementioned thread.
Just because I made a roleplaying game a year and a half ago
And now I know why I keep referencing that thread...
Up to this point, I didn't even know you were the one that started the Create a Nation threads.
The last game didn't work because I couldn't control my players, and stop them from nuking each other.
And yet over the course of numerous threads, they all ended the same way, despite knowing the likely outcome. If you have checks and balances in place to provide a logical, updated in a timely manner game, by all means continue. If you're flying by the seat of your pants and reacting to things as they come up, don't be surprised
if (See @
Shaun. Not completely negative. I didn't say
when!) this gets locked.
If I quit this game, it's because a couple of moderators want to shut it down
Again, incorrect. We couldn't care one way or the other if this thread stays open or not. We don't go on witch hunts, despite what people may think. We do, however, call it as we see it, especially when history repeats itself.
I don't want to spend time on something that will get taken away from me at any second.
No one has any intentions of "taking it away form you" provided it doesn't follow the same path as your other threads.
The ball's in your court. Either lock this thread now, or prove me wrong.
Incorrect. The ball is still in yours. It's up to you to produce a game in which you have enough time to invest in it, and
you have already alluded that you don't. If you want this to remain open, prove me wrong. And again, if I wanted it locked, it would be locked.
ildd is now a co-moderator of the game. All rules regarding moderators apply to both of us now.
That's a good start, although personally I don't find this terribly reassuring:
I might be able to help out some, for the next 3 days at least.
some and a
limited time span does not a good "mod" make. You need someone that can actually afford to invest the necessary time involved to make everything run smoothly.
True, but he has the power to end the game at any point. That's what I'm afraid of.
Not my job. If all we wanted to do was shut down threads, that wouldn't leave room for much in the way of discussion, ie - the death of the forum. If you want the thread to remain open, make the game logical, coherent and be able to actually invest the kind of time you NEED TO to run it. Failure
on your part to do so is what will see this locked, not the staff's vindictiveness.
Of which there is none.