Please read, research and get a college education before you say things like this.
Some monkeys are smarter than some people. Seriously.
I've worked in schools and hospitals with people who are completely non-functional. From this, could I say that humanity is completely non-intelligent? No.
Chimps and Gorillas can acquire a functional vocabulary of hundreds of word-symbols, and can string them together in new ways depending on social and functional situations. Some impaired people, say, like autists, can't master language at all.
Just because chimpanzees and gorillas are only as smart as young children doesn't mean they're
unintelligent, merely less.
And I would
love to know which so-called "scientists" don't believe that Neanderthals existed. It should be good for a laugh.
wow, you compare an impaired person to a genius monkey? shall we name some of the things some of these autistic people can do that monkeys can't?
P.S. I would sincerly hope you understand the ability to speak a certain language is no means of intelligence. unless you can speak monkey? do you really know how well monkeys can speak to each other?
better yet, let's compare the bestest monkeys evers, and compares thems tos retarded people... wait, you're being rediculas
Show me the monkey', house, electric, phone, boat, coat, shirt.... nevermind they arent comparable, they are so far inferior it would be like comparing a 2 year old toddler to a 30 year-old genius....
How come 99% of what I hear of "neanderthals" is in tabloids, right beside bigfoot? why is that? along with Jesus, ALIVE!
did you know Bill Clinton has 18 nipples?
So, again, why are we so far, far, far, superior to all other beings? (please, no crap this time).
P.S. HUMANS teach your "smart" monkeys.... they can't teach any of these things to each other....yeah, brilliant.
College education? you're now assuming everything science says is correct. why? they've been wrong countless times for decades, why are they perfect now? why do you believe everything you hear from a man who says, "I'm a scientist"? and Creation is irrational? Maybe believing everything you hear from a scientist is irrational, given the countless errors mankind has made, and will continue to make.
Isnt Bigfoot supposedly a neanderthal?
How about this, instead of me naming scientists who don't believe in neandertahals, you provide some that do, to substantiate their existance, since after all, that is the rational, logical way to argue. First, establish a possibility, then, establish any and all possible arguments, then the word should go back to the original source, to see if he can counter any arguments, now, continue, until all has been covered.