- 34,011
- Mile High City
SwiftIt sounds to me that you think stress is a good thing. The mind is in control of the body. That's been a given since recorded history. If you're constantly in a negative, angry, hostile, anxious or otherwise stress state of mind that has an effect on your body. Period.
It has nothing to do with how God made us. There are parts to some stress that are good. Like adreniline, but too much of that is bad for you as well. Actually, God mad man perfect, then man disobeyed God. And this is when all the "bad" stuff happened.
So, yes man is flawed, but it's our fault, not God.
Ok so let me get this straight. Our blind spot was created by God to get back at us for disobeying? That doesn't make much sense does it? It doesn't affect any of us to any real degree - but it's there. So why is that punishment for disobeying? It's not much of a punishment. I'll bet you're going to blame tonsilitis on man's disobeying God as well...
I'm not doubting that stress has physical effects on your body. I'm questioning why it would have an effect on your immune system and why that effect would be negative.