yeah, and God CREATED satan.
Maybe that's a relative thing... like light 'creates' dark - only by it's very presence does a relative or opposite force become apparent. What is more interesting for me is that God would also have to have created himself first. How did He do that? The simplistic answer is, He didn't, or atleast He didn't have to - He has always existed, and always will - God is a continuum that has no beginning and no end. But, if we are prepared, or even allowed, to accept the rationale behind this argument, then we should logically also be prepared to accept that other things can (and have) also always existed, like the universe or the matter it is comprised of. If God requires no designer, then why does the Universe require one?
Of course, there is evidence (the central body of which forms the basis for Big Bang theory) that strongly points to the fact that the 'observable' universe has
not always existed - that it came into being a finite length of time ago. This evidence, considered as a scientific fact, does not preclude God. If the observable universe is indeed of a finite age, then what's to say that God didn't create it? May he did... but the point is, if we allow ourselves to 'understand' the mechanism by which the universe (and all it contains) came into being, simply by saying that God made it, then we are not answering the question, since the question then becomes, so who made God? The answer that God wasn't made (or designed) then begs the question, if God wasn't made or designed, then why should we believe that the Universe was?
Creationists (ID theorists) argue that anything with structure
must have had a designing hand at work before it, except for God, who for extremely tenious reasons, is exempt from this particular prerequisite. But their argument is entirely based on the supposition that everything (except God himself)
requires a designer. For me this doesn't hold water, especially since we can readily observe multiple examples of self-organisation in the natural world that may give the
appearance of design, but infact is not designed at all. (like hurricanes, organic crystals, amyloid (protein) fibres in Alzheimer's Disease etc. etc. )