There is not one shred of scientific evidence that invalidates the claims found in these verses (Genesis) which state God created life and the universe.
Can God be scientifically proven? No, it would be nice but his existence cannot be proven scientifically. The reason is God is supernatural; he exists outside the natural, scientific world.
Is it surprising that there is no scientific evidence that invalidates the claims in Genesis then...?
The fact is, this site is full of what I'd call 'the reasoning of incredulity'... "it can't be this way", "that can't be right", "I don't understand how..." etc., but yet offers no other explanations other than "it's supernatural.... we can't and never will understand it". This attitude greatly annoys me, not least because he wouldn't be typing any of his garb on his nice new laptop if there wasn't a non-supernatural way to explain how to harness materials and electricity to build a computer... the fact is, by attempting to discredit all that science has achieved in one fell swoop, he is ignoring the reality of the world that even he lives in. In addition, he doesn't offer anything in return in terms of explanation other than pure hand-waving...
There is not even one generally accepted scientific theory on the origin of matter and energy.
But there are plenty of theories, and a supernatural God is just one of them.
There is not even one generally accepted scientific theory on the origin of life.
Again, there are plenty of theories, but this is a man with no respect for the diligence and patience required to formulate a thoroughly grounded scientific opinion. Ask the question "Why do apples fall down from trees and not up?" 500 years ago, there would be plenty of theories, but none were 'generally accepted' until Newton came along. Similarly, Darwin was just another in a long line of scientists and philosophers who dared to explain the true origins of life. But the origins of life is as complex a scientific issue as one can image, hence why anyone, scientist or otherwise, should not be impatient and claim that they know one way or the other. The fact is, there are plenty of theories, and plenty of research is going on every day in order to establish the truth. By ignoring all of it and saying it's all crap and God did it, is to answer precisely nothing.
If matter and energy cannot be created, how did they originate?
What does he say about it? Not much, other than "The fact that matter and energy cannot be created is consistent with the claim in Genesis which says God rested from his work and all he created." Gee, thanks. That's really cleared that up. What does he not understand about the notion that we don't know yet...? (although have made great advances in our understanding over the last century)
Also, he singularly fails to answer the point, 'once matter is present, how do explain how it behaves and exists in the form that we see today?' You have two options. Either endeavour to study the laws of physics, chemistry and quantum mechanics, and observe what is going on, or ignore all that and say that it is all just God working in his mysterious way. He also contests "Nobody has ever observed a molecular cloud collapse or any planet form" - well, that's a no-brainer. Unless a human being can live for a billion years, and do nothing but watch one small part of the sky, he never will 'observe' a planet form. But what you can do instead is to make detailed observations of the universe and take a look at what is actually happening all around us - intermediate forms of all types exist, from primitive gaseous nebulae where stars (and planets) are constantly forming, to ancient dead stars, supernovae and black holes. And they are all easily observable. All you have to do is put 2 and 2 together from what we can observe to build up a better understanding of the true nature of the universe. Once again, the alternative is to close our eyes (and our minds) to any explanation other than God's fair hand.
Nobody has ever observed the evolution of any genome.
They have. Once again, by misrepresenting the term evolution, he manages to cast doubt on a real phenomenon, without paying any attention to any actual evidence to the contrary.
This article discusses experiments on bacteria that shows evolution in action. There is screes of evidence for evolution (not least that linked to in my signature, and as discussed previously in this thread ) in all of its forms.
All scientific observations confirm everything continues to move towards a greater state of decay and disorder.
Again, a misleading statement. Creationists have argued (highly unsuccessfully) that 'evolution' violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. (Ironic how creationists try to fall back on the very scientific laws they reject with alacrity when it suits them...) It does not. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy (or disorder) of a closed system always increases (leading to more disorder/less order) in the system overall. This is true. But it is highly misleading when used in the wrong context. Creationists argue that this means that nothing more complex can form (like a living human being) from more simple ancestors, because it violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Unfortunately, they do not take into consideration the whole system, and the total energy input and output of the system.
A more simple example is that of hurricanes. Hurricanes are highly ordered structures that arise from a less ordered state. Arguing that 'that can't happen' is a bit pointless when it clearly does happen. The point is, without energy input, you would not get hurrricanes. But hurricanes are not entirely closed systems - they are fed from thermal energy from the sea, and die out once they hit the land (i.e. when that energy source is removed). There are many other examples, like how the amyloid fibrils responsible for Alzheimer's Disease (incredibly highly ordered/structured protein filaments) spontaneously arise from otherwise random peptides (the amyloid beta peptide)... once again, energy input into the system, and other external factors, influence how this process is governed. Also, how does a fertilised egg become a fully grown human being? You cannot simply state "it can't", or "the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics must be wrong", because it clearly does happen, and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics does still apply. It is just that their understanding of the issues and the science involved is sadly lacking.
This last case is just one example of how some (if not all) of the statements on that site are flawed. Unfortunately, he uses the same 'incredulity' and the same basic lack of understanding, and more significantly, the same dependence on a complete acceptance of religious text over scientific reason, to justify his comments. Unfortunately, if taken to task on many of these issues, I reckon he might have a hard time.
It is interesting how atheists reject any notion of the supernatural because of what they perceive to be a lack of evidence when they could use that same objectivity to reject their naturalistic world view.
It's called living in the real world, mate. If the supernatural realm is beyond us and forever outwith our understanding, then what's the point trying to understand it? The fact is the natural world is within our understanding, and that is how we should be living our lives, rather than wasting our time and effort trying to accomodate people who reject everything about the real world...