Why can't somebody just give me the definition of an atom? I don't know what it is, so how about you (kylehnat) especially, stop acting like I insulted you, grow up, stop pouting, and say what it is?
Are they protons, neutrons, and electrons? is that all?
I'll assume it is.
Atom: a basic building block of matter, made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Each atom has a core, or "nucleus" at the center, made up of protons, which have a positive electrical charge, and neutrons, which have no charge. The electrons reside outside the nucleus, and are negatively charged. Different types of atoms, called "elements", are distinguished by the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. For example, oxygen has 8 protons and 8 neutrons in its nucleus, whereas carbon has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in
its nucleus. This difference is what distinguishes the two elements. These elements can combine to form "molecules", which are chains or sequences of atoms. These molecules can also be arranged in different combinations and sequences to form much larger objects, such as you and me. Molecules form in predetermined ways, governed by the laws of physics and thermodynamics. The reason for this is rooted in the behavior and interactions of electrons. If I could summarize all the nuances of electrons in a single post, I would win a Nobel Prize; it's that complicated. In fact, I have taken no fewer than 10 college courses which focus on electron behavior. If you want to know more, I'm afraid you'll have to do some research.
If atoms are a toe, they can't be a tounge. if atoms are a tree, they cant be water. if something can change form, and does so easily, and makes many different things, one must ask, what is it's original form? what REALLY is an Atom? protons? neutrons? electrons? all 3? more chemicals? how much of each? what is an unchanged, unmanipulated, atom? that is what I want to know.
It might anger you to know that 93% of the mass in your body is either carbon, oxygen, or hydrogen. Three elements. Your toe is made up of the same stuff as your brain.
example, 20ccproton, 15mgelectron, and 32wg of neutron is 1 atom. that won't make a piece of skin, that's a piece of a leaf. therefore skin is not made of atoms, or vice versa.
Your skin and a piece of leaf are not very different at all. The leaf is mostly carbon, just like your skin.
An atom has to be something, and if it is changed, it is no longer an atom.
Yes it is. Atoms rarely change form. That is, a carbon atom will almost always be a carbon atom, and a lead atom will always be a lead atom. In most chemical reactions, all that happens is a re-arranging of atoms. Nuclear reactions are the exception, becuase they involve large atoms (90+ protons and 130+ neutrons) and are therefore inherently unstable.
therefore, atoms cannot make everything that exists,
You're right! There's this funny little thing called light...