I had thought it wise to wait until the smoke had sufficeintly cleared, to post the last part of our earlier discussion concerning "beliefs". However due to the reluctance by some parties to admit the obvious, the time frame has been cut.
Beliefs or believing is usually associated with evidence although not always. In the previous examples whenever someone agrees and acts as to what they will do in the future, while probabilities are involved, absolutes, irrefutability, and conclusiveness are removed from the equation. The further into the future you agree to go, the more the favorable probabilities are discounted as a evidence factor. At the very least a person in this situation is acting upon "belief". Although a very strong case can be made in both and inparticular with respect to the marriage scenario, that the person is, (dare I let this word fall from my keyboard) acting on "faith", since that requires no evidence, faith being the substance of something hoped for, the evidence of which is not seen.
I submit that in these scenarios that fits like a glove.
Sorry, my mistake. Make that two residual tidbits.