Yeah, so Evolutionists can't accept something without hard core, in front of your face proof. Maybe you should watch Surprising Discoveries by Jonathan Gray, those who continue to dismiss his work only further prove me correct.
I hope Uno Moto is reading your stuff, so he can reconsider his question about "us" beating "you" up all the time.
Flakes throwing bad "science" out to sell videos does not "prove" anything except the gullibility of humanity in general. We are sheep, and want to be led. By anybody. Even George W.
Apparently you also want to be led. You haven't posted an original thought of your own or a reputable reference yet.
Uno, if you're seeing this, that's why the "new guys" get picked on all the time. They can't back themselves up, and we'd really really like them to learn that. That's the whole point of science, to pick apart someone's ideas and hear their defense of those ideas. No defense, no idea worthy of consideration. Good defense, by experiment or observation, leading to predictable outcomes, then everybody learned something, maybe something new and exciting. But "because my mommy said so" doesn't qualify. (The quotes are not an actual quote of anybody, but a summarization of what I interpret as their most given reasons.)
In my very first post in this thread some months ago I told how the church lost me with "This is true because we say so," "You will not listen to or consider other views, they are heretical," and even sometimes "You will destroy those who oppose the church's teaching." I actually had the nerve to compare that to fascism.
nd 4 holden spd's posts reek of this thought process. "This is what I was told, and I was told the penalty for thinking otherwise, therefore this is the Truth, and that proves it."
His very first post: "because I'm a Baptist Christian." That's so irrelevant to actually considering the Creation vs. Evolution question that it just makes me shiver! I still fail to see how the basic Creationist belief has anything to do with being Christian.
Yes, Uno, the thread goes in circles. One "side" complains of the other "side"'s inability to see the "Truth," and the other "side" responds with "how can you possibly . . . .?" Whenever someone new jumps in, it starts anew.
(Edit: Geez, 5 posts while I was typing. Now I'm obsolete already again. Or will be soon.)
I'll summarize a point I've made before. The "modern" religiously-based statement that man cannot have evolved from apes because it defies the Creation story (and therefore Evolution itself is "wrong") is just as stupid (yes, I said "stupid") as the church's earlier failure to accept that the Earth was just another planet in the solar system and not the Center of Everything.