Creation vs. Evolution

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Why do you continue to skip my posts about theory and science?

Also I think it's clear we've gone off topic again.
To sooth things down, I'll slap this here:

It's rather pretty song. Listen, calm down aaaaand, back on topic!!
You dodged the actual question on cars, try giving a source for them in the bible and now add planes too, please.


Arthur C Clarke wrote about geosynchronous satellites long before there were any satellites of any kind. Is he a god?

Or Ambrose Bierce who, in 1910, wrote about an invincible chess-playing machine, quite a few decades before there were any computers. Another god?

Or are these just people with vivid imaginations like the authors of the bible?
Why do you continue to skip my posts about theory and science?

Also I think it's clear we've gone off topic again.

Sorry man, no disrespect. Surely by now you know that I'm not worried about the filling of the sandwich.
I understand man is destroying this world with inventions and technology, and is working very hard to fix it, but there is no time anymore. Only 4 more prophecies, one of which has a date stamp. The price for that though is something else.


Arthur C Clarke wrote about geosynchronous satellites long before there were any satellites of any kind. Is he a god?

Or Ambrose Bierce who, in 1910, wrote about an invincible chess-playing machine, quite a few decades before there were any computers. Another god?

Or are these just people with vivid imaginations like the authors of the bible?

I don't want to sound harsh, but I've got to say it as it is. The adversary is wicked and deceitful, and is working on all plans to devour mankind to spite God. If he can make up religions using individual men, He can surely provide insight to new technology. After all, ufo's are satans works. The whole alien thing is part of his plan. Weapons because of technology, well, perhaps someone can tell us how much weaponry there currently is around the globe today, and if used, what destruction it could bring about to this planet? The bible says angels are higher (intelligent) than humans, and move at the speed of light. satan is the prince of the air, he is not omnipresent and all powerful, but man he is cunning and quick.

I'll just throw this in there:

Isaiah 24
The earth is broken asunder, The earth is split through, The earth is shaken violently. 20 The earth reels to and fro like a drunkard And it totters like a shack, For its transgression is heavy upon it, And it will fall, never to rise again.

You might say well, "why can't the authors of the bible not be influenced by satan", well, Deuteronomy 18 settles that.

Mesopotamia used chariots around 3000BCE, that would be contemporary with the supposed birth of the OT, no?

Great. Did they have wings?
Sorry man, no disrespect. Surely by now you know that I'm not worried about the filling of the sandwich.
Then you should have no problem answering these questions.
Again @DCP you seem to think stuff that happens in space and on Earth is too complicated for anyone to understand. You need to know how wrong you are.

When Einstein came up with relativity, it wasn't just a guess, and you can't dismiss it as Scientist just coming up with answers. Why? Because it turns out if relativity were true, light would be bent by objects with high gravity. Einstein had no idea if that actually happened when he came up with it.

Then, years later, we found that it's exactly what happens, and a perfect explanation for the lensing we see around black holes.

So did Einstein get lucky with his "guess"? And all the other predictions of relativity that turned out to be true after he had an explanation?
I understand man is destroying this world with inventions and technology, and is working very hard to fix it, but there is no time anymore. Only 4 more prophecies, one of which has a date stamp. The price for that though is something else.
So do you think the "end of time" will come within your lifetime?

I don't want to sound harsh, but I've got to say it as it is. The adversary is wicked and deceitful, and is working on all plans to devour mankind to spite God. If he can make up religions using individual men, He can surely provide insight to new technology. After all, ufo's are satans works. The whole alien thing is part of his plan. Weapons because of technology, well, perhaps someone can tell us how much weaponry there currently is around the globe today, and if used, what destruction it could bring about to this planet?
So all plausible "prophecies" outside of the bible are automatically devil's work? How do you know it wasn't your very same god that gave those people that "knowledge" aboout satellites and computers?

The bible says angels are higher (intelligent) than humans, and move at the speed of light.
Sounds a lot like what they say about UFOs.

I'll just throw this in there:
Don't. Random bible verses do not illustrate anything, mean nothing and are completely unnecessary.

You might say well, "why can't the authors of the bible not be influenced by satan", well, Deuteronomy 18 settles that.
So "Bible is true because bible says it's true". Good. Another full circle complete.
Great. Did they have wings?

No, but we were answering your chariots reference, no? The overall Revelations chapters which you quoted refer to locusts. Given that they're overseen by men who also have wings... I'd take that with a pillar pinch of salt.
There is only two kinds of people God sees. Good or evil. I believe every person has evil. How else would a new born baby eventually sin? Through family generations, and bad decisions by parents etc "following the world and not understanding what God is saying to protect you, hence, all is doing just fine without Him"
How does someone end up doing wrong?

Well that depends on how you define wrong for a start and once you have that they you have a wide range of factors, many being socio-economic. However the concept of all children being born with sin? Nope, that has nothing to back it up at all.

Original sin combined with only God can save you is a nice tool to control others.

There is no such thing as a warm christian. You're either hot or cold. Sadly even christians who by their own standards thought they did enough, wouldn't make the Rapture. God says He judges a mans heart. One may seem kind and loving in sight, but behind closed doors, God really knows a persons heart. Every person should see his own heart.
Great. Doesn't actually answer my question at all.

Jesus was a Lion in the OT, a Lamb in the NT, and He will have to come as a Lion again to destroy all who stand with evil and wickedness. The Holy Judge who hates sin remember? According to your fav book, it seems like man "wicked" and their leader satan "prince of this fallen world", will be staging most of the assault anyway.
So anyone who doesn't believe stand with evil and wickedness?
So do you think the "end of time" will come within your lifetime?

So all plausible "prophecies" outside of the bible are automatically devil's work? How do you know it wasn't your very same god that gave those people that "knowledge" aboout satellites and computers?

Sounds a lot like what they say about UFOs.

Don't. Random bible verses do not illustrate anything, mean nothing and are completely unnecessary.

So "Bible is true because bible says it's true". Good. Another full circle complete.

Yes. Jesus said, these things must come to pass, and that generation will not pass away. Trust me, we are all blessed to be the chosen generation. Each man should work out his own salvation.

Not all, but with satellites, the whole theory of the big bang eventually came up, which has altered thousands of belief systems, or logic systems.

If I didn't quote bible verses, then I would be making up my own stories, which becomes pointless. With the verses, you either catch on, or not, whether you believe it, or not.

PS: it's not the end of time. It's the end of the age. Life will continue as new, but can anyone even begin to imagine a life without pain, suffering, lies, deception, killing, struggle, hunger, sorrow, despair, greed, lust, slavery and hatred?
Man could never promise such a life, evidently so, from the day he rebelled against his Creator.
Looking deep in the cosmos won't help either, especially if tomorrow they really found a habitable planet a billion light years away.

DCP said
Jesus was a Lion in the OT, a Lamb in the NT, and He will have to come as a Lion again to destroy all who stand with evil and wickedness. The Holy Judge who hates sin remember? According to your fav book, it seems like man "wicked" and their leader satan "prince of this fallen world", will be staging most of the assault anyway.

So anyone who doesn't believe stand with evil and wickedness?

Not really no, but the wages for sin is death. You read the harsh judgments against the nations in the OT. Sin is a crime before God. It must be paid, but this is why Jesus is highly exhalted. He bore the full wrath of God on the cross, so that you wouldn't have to. In the OT, the Judgment was always greater than the sacrifices, but on the cross, the sacrifice was greater than the judgment. It's absolutely free.

With our government today, sometimes I feel I've got to even pay for the air I breathe in....:)
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So @DCP is unable or unwilling to actually answer questions and has now dragged the thread off-topic to a huge degree.

Lets get it back on topic.

@DCP - What evidence can you supply to support your claim that Creation is true and that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

Your not allowed to use the Bible, but actually evidence to a scientific standard, if you are not sure what that entails please ask.
So @DCP is unable or unwilling to actually answer questions and has now dragged the thread off-topic to a huge degree.

Lets get it back on topic.

@DCP - What evidence can you supply to support your claim that Creation is true and that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.

Your not allowed to use the Bible, but actually evidence to a scientific standard, if you are not sure what that entails please ask.

I really like the evidence Answering Genesis has, and I also like Kent Hovind's stuff. Really impressive.
So sad that they've locked him up, but his kids have taken over. I came across this one. Why oh why can't they just answer?

Title is inappropriate
Not evidence to a scientific standard. Try again, in your own words.

Oh and no the video doesn't 'destroy atheism', but does show quite a willingness to fail to understand how logic works and shares your inability to understand how evidence functions.
Not evidence to a scientific standard. Try again, in your own words.

Oh and no the video doesn't 'destroy atheism', but does show quite a willingness to fail to understand how logic works and shares your inability to understand how evidence functions.

Not sure why you bother trying to get a sensible answer out of him, it's never going to happen. :P
....Wait, wait, I know I'm a bit late here but did this guy say UFOs and extra-terrestrial beings are...a devil's thing? Wait, is he serious?

I'm trying VERY hard to stay objective, don't take any sides, and not say anything, but wowsers.

I really like the evidence Answering Genesis has, and I also like Kent Hovind's stuff. Really impressive.

We've established that the Biblical foreknowledge of chariots is actually contemporary... I'm still waiting for your source that shows the Bible describing planes?
Again @DCP you seem to think stuff that happens in space and on Earth is too complicated for anyone to understand. You need to know how wrong you are.

When Einstein came up with relativity, it wasn't just a guess, and you can't dismiss it as Scientist just coming up with answers. Why? Because it turns out if relativity were true, light would be bent by objects with high gravity. Einstein had no idea if that actually happened when he came up with it.

Then, years later, we found that it's exactly what happens, and a perfect explanation for the lensing we see around black holes.

So did Einstein get lucky with his "guess"? And all the other predictions of relativity that turned out to be true after he had an explanation?

Let me spell out the order that things happened:

Einstein comes up with relativity.

Someone realises that if relativity is true, light should bend in gravitational fields. At this point, that had not been observed.

Later, we observe that light does bend, and we discover gravitational lensing around massive objects.

So my questions, for the third time, are:

1. Did Einstein get lucky?

2. Do you think relativity is bogus, and why or why not?

Please answer these actual questions instead of giving a vague response to the topic.
I really like the evidence Answering Genesis has, and I also like Kent Hovind's stuff. Really impressive.
So sad that they've locked him up, but his kids have taken over. I came across this one. Why oh why can't they just answer?

Title is inappropriate

Is it possible, that this is the most stupid video on YouTube? I say, there is a possibility.
Only 4 more prophecies, one of which has a date stamp.


What's the prophecy with the date stamp, and what's the date?

At least then we'll know how long it will take for you to prove yourself wrong. Although no doubt you'll come up with some sort of alternative interpretation in the meantime, as has every Christian who thought the end days were near throughout history.
You all know the caption.......****%2520again%2520clean.jpg

And he actually referenced (incorrectly) Answers in Genesis. Holy @%*#!! (Oops.)

It's the whole thing of using Big Words because they Sound Cool and therefore have Understanding and Meaning, when none of the Big Words mean anything remotely close to what they're being used for!!!
Kent Hovind, wow, this guy is way out there in left field, his ideas on Young Earth Creation aren't even entertained by other Young Earth organizations. If it's controversial there's a good chance he supports it, conspiracy theories, you name it. I don't think I've heard of him before but I do remember something about his dinosaur amusement park in the news. I'd recommend googling him if that sort of thing amuses you, he has plenty to share.

You don't have to be educated or even understand scientific methods to conclude he makes little if any sense. I followed a link from his site to find out how Noah's flood can be scientifically proven. You'd have to be really reaching to buy it, there is a big difference between looking at facts to determine what they might say or what you want them to say. Basically We're going to see how fast metal balls form on the sea bed and what it means.

Scientists exploring the Atlantic Ocean have discovered mysterious metallic nodules on the ocean floor that may provide telltale evidence of the Great Flood.

Where did the ball formations come from? The researchers are not quite sure.

“I was surprised, because this is generally not the place you think of for manganese nodules,” said the German expedition’s chief scientist, Colin Devey.

According to secular models, underwater manganese nodules form very slowly, gradually adding new layers over millions of years. However, scientists admit that the origin of the balls remains a mystery.
“These metallic pellets provide strong evidence that most seafloor sediments were deposited rapidly, not slowly and gradually over millions of years,” Hebert wrote in an article this month. “Are these nodules evidence of the Genesis Flood?”
When the Great Flood of the Bible is taken into account, Hebert adds, the nodules are no longer a mystery.

“Batches of manganese nodules are just one of many geological features that are difficult for secular scientists to explain, but they make sense in light of the Genesis Flood,” he asserts.

I'm trying to figure out how this works, apparently these balls are thought to take millions of years to form but have been observed growing much faster. That's about all I have.

“Secular scientists claim that nodules grow at the extremely slow rate of just a few millimeters per million years,” he explains. “Yet manganese nodules have consistently been observed growing in lakes and man-made reservoirs, as well as on debris fragments from World Wars I and II, at rates hundreds of thousands of times faster than these calculated rates. This is just one more indication that there are serious problems with radioisotope dating methods!”

well ok.

As a creationist I'm not very pleased with this sort of finding :grumpy:

....Wait, wait, I know I'm a bit late here but did this guy say UFOs and extra-terrestrial beings are...a devil's thing? Wait, is he serious?

I'm trying VERY hard to stay objective, don't take any sides, and not say anything, but wowsers.


Would love to hear your common theory again man...:)

We've established that the Biblical foreknowledge of chariots is actually contemporary... I'm still waiting for your source that shows the Bible describing planes?

It's not much longer to wait man. Hang in there.


Let me spell out the order that things happened:

Einstein comes up with relativity.

Someone realises that if relativity is true, light should bend in gravitational fields. At this point, that had not been observed.

Later, we observe that light does bend, and we discover gravitational lensing around massive objects.

So my questions, for the third time, are:

1. Did Einstein get lucky?

2. Do you think relativity is bogus, and why or why not?

Please answer these actual questions instead of giving a vague response to the topic.

I don't believe in luck. Einstein wasn't an atheist, although didn't believe in a personal God, but I respect a man for working his butt off, and this guy did just that.

I don't know anything on his theory, but if it's true and helps mankind, then it fits scripture.

Well, you successfully fooled me, considering that you have used all of the same tactics as the recruiters do.

It's seems like tactics to you, but it is a genuine concern for us, and a real desire. From here, there is not much else to do.

Is it possible, that this is the most stupid video on YouTube? I say, there is a possibility.

Yeah, I mean how hard is it to say "YES" or "NO" right...:)


What's the prophecy with the date stamp, and what's the date?

The 7 year tribulation. When the peace treaty is signed between Israel and Palestine, you will know that the 7 year tribulation begins. 3 and a half years in, the world will experience the wrath of satan. Yeah, hell on earth, and if you think we are living in hell currently, with all that is happening around the globe, it's nothing.
When the 7 years have completed, every knee shall bow, when ALL see the Messiah coming on the clouds with Power and Glory. All, including the dead. Judgment for the crimes will be handed out to each one.

There are many signs pointing towards the peace treaty being signed soon, although I don't want to bore you with it, especially if the first part doesn't mean anything to you.

At least then we'll know how long it will take for you to prove yourself wrong. Although no doubt you'll come up with some sort of alternative interpretation in the meantime, as has every Christian who thought the end days were near throughout history.

Prophecies had to be fulfilled before the end days. As far as signs in the heaven's go, there is one last super blood moon to appear in September 2015, and of the 3 in the last year, this one will shine brightly in the Holy land. it falls on the feast of tabernacles (Gods feast, not the Jews). This is what God has to say:

Joel and Acts:
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the LORD shall come.

The total eclipse has been completed right, and technically speaking, the blood moon has already appeared last year, which means "are you and your family ready"....:)

No other book in the world can prepare the people who love God.

I keep saying it, but it keeps getting written off, every religion is searching for the truth, including science. They are searching for the truth about origins and life, much like people searching for their gods. Even this, people don't even recognise.
It's seems like tactics to you, but it is a genuine concern for us, and a real desire.
So what gives you the right or the responsibility to try preaching to people who don't want to hear it?

The way I see it, you have made your position on the matter clear. It's now up to others to cone to you if they want to know more. If they do, that's great. But if they don't, then take the hint and stop running every thread off topic with your biblical discourse.

From here, there is not much else to do.
Really? You didn't notice the rest of the forum?