DCP it seems your quotes don't quite line up.
Yes true, except christianity is a relationship with Christ. The church is the body of Christ, not the building.
That doesn't really relate to what I said though.
Seeing is, but it's fitting that God says for Him, believe and have faith that He is always there. You could only understand this if you actually repented and turned to Him. Till then, you will miss the Ark. "spirit"
I have. Nothing came of it. I was baptized, received communion, I'm confirmed. I prayed, and even when I realized that the religion didn't make sense I even tried to hold on to God. I put him before everything else, until I realized that I was not making good use of my time.
This thread has seen many theists try to claim that all you need to do is turn to God, but when people tell them that this has been tried and failed, they tend to ignore it. If I tried and I never reached God, either he isn't there or he's not so easy to reach. Either case stands against what christianity claims.
It's again just a theory. No fact in that, and there will never be.
Dylansan explained it in post 8847
If it's easier for you to think in terms of fact or not fact, then theory is fact. It's not a guess or a far flung attempt at an explanation. A hypothesis is what is untested. Theories are rigorously tested and can be used to make predictions. The Big Bang, gravity, evolution, etc are theories because they are correct when describing their relevant areas of science.
I can't understand why this can't be grasped.
This is what the people who understand theories tend to say.
No one has seen a star form.
Explain why someone has to. What makes your eyes so reliable? You know that people can hallucinate I'm sure and that there are both limitations and defects in sight.
Also, what really happens when you do see something? Your eyes aren't giving you all the information.
Consider an event like in the video, where a plane passes through a cloud and comes out the other side. You would say that the plane that came out of the cloud is the one that went in right? How do you know? You didn't see the plane when it was behind the cloud. The reason why you know it's the same plane is because you used logic. You would know from observation that there are only so many planes in the sky at once and the one you were watching was alone. You'd also know that clouds are just water vapor so a plane can pass right through. If you relied only on vision it would be just as correct to say that the plane that went into the cloud vanished and a second plane then formed in the cloud and flew out, but using knowledge you rule that out as impossible (or at the very least massively improbable).
This is how science works. We look at everything we know and rule out impossibilities. As a caveman how a star forms and he'll just smack you with his club. Ask ancient Greeks and they might say that stars form when a lot of fire comes together in the sky. That's not correct, but look, we've made progress. The Greeks know that fire emits light and that stars emit light so they guess that the two are similar. Move on and ask a 15th century astronomer. They might not know what the star is made of, but they can tell you that stars move, so now we know they are objects rather than say spots of light painted on a big ceiling. Go forward again another few hundred years and we learn that atoms make up all things. We can also determine something's atomic make up through spectroscopy. Analyze the stars and we see lots of hydrogren and a few other elements. Younger stars have more of the other elements. We wonder why. Then we realize that nebulae are actually dead stars. We also see that new stars tend to form around nebulae. What's happening is a recycling of material. We know about gravity which explains how a star comes together. Combine gravity, which nebulae, and stellar metallicity and it becomes quite reasonable to think that stars form from collapsing gas clouds. Using this information, we then know to look for gas clouds to find stars in formation. And thus:
You really need to get away from this idea that seeing is definitive. You can reach correct conclusions by the process of elimination. You just need enough facts.
No one has seen a black hole or dark energy, yet they can gullibly believe the experiments. Wow
What experiments? You know that the two things you describe were primarily discovered through math. They were inferred to exist because everything we know about the universe says they should exist. We then found them (well, dark matter/energy is still iffy, but black holes have been seen everywhere) after we predicted them to exist.
Why do we see a hand full of supanovas, because in a time span of billions of years, we should see millions right?
Why? Things happen at different rates.
Millions of years might be far to short to see an event. Here is a machine with a two trillion year rotation period.
Where is this area of this big explosion from nothing, that made everything. Ironic it went to nothingness perhaps?
We're in the area. It was the entire universe, remember it's expanding. Also, the explosion didn't necessarily come from nothing. We don't yet know the cause, we're still looking for the answer and science won't accept an answer until it knows it's correct.
Only shown by those who believe they know better. I believe the flood changed the face of the earth, and all wickedness that was destroyed, but there is another story, which others are very free to believe, or accept the evidence.
No, belief is not permitted in true science. The goal is truth, so only what is supported by evidence can stand. This is why the Bible is not accepted scientifically. You believe in a global flood. Scientists on the other hand have examined history, geology, physics, etc and determined that there was on such thing (a truly global flood) during human time. This is what the evidence points to.
Everyone avoids Isaiah 53, written 700 years before Christ
It cracks me up when people say "ooh but that was a self fullfilling prophecy". Think of that, the Romans read the scriptures and planned to crucify Jesus in that exact way. Its a conspiracy and a Jew paid the Romans.
Exact? What exact predictions were made? Can you list them?
How true, although the heart is what God sees, not the good works. Every religion fittingly teaches that good deeds will save you, but nope, not the God of the bible.
I'm not sure what you were getting at here.
53 millions people killed in WW2. Hardly different from the rest hey?
I think God was really serious when he told Adam, "and surely you will die"
Or this either.