This obsession with "man's way" that I see in some religious discussions is interesting, but not really something I can relate to. There are many people, each with their own ideas. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to lump all people into one group. It's also not a given that just because something claims to be from god(s), that it is. Religion is something that came from people, the facts about the universe don't. People simply discover those facts.
Yes true, except christianity is a relationship with Christ. The church is the body of Christ, not the building.
First off, if you go by seeing is believing, you're fooling yourself. It's not necessarily reliable, nor is it the only way to come to a conclusion. I would not consider it a good stance to take. Secondly, you're convinced that God exists and the Bible is right, yet you're all too quick to admit that since no one was there to see some of the things in the Bible, that no one can be sure they happened. If that is how you think, why are you sure in your belief? It's not really a logical position to take.
Seeing is, but it's fitting that God says for Him, believe and have faith that He is always there. You could only understand this if you actually repented and turned to Him. Till then, you will miss the Ark. "spirit"
I don't have a problem imagining a very powerful being. What I have a problem with is that there is nothing indicating that such a being exists. The Earth could not predate stars because the early universe was essentially just hydrogen. Earth is more complex than that. For hydrogen to become heavier elements, you need fusion, which happens in stars. Even the largest stars take millions of years to die, so the Earth, at minimum would take millions of years from the start of the universe to form.
It's again just a theory. No fact in that, and there will never be. I can't understand why this can't be grasped. No one has seen a star form. No one has seen a black hole or dark energy, yet they can gullibly believe the experiments. Wow
Why do we see a hand full of supanovas, because in a time span of billions of years, we should see millions right?
Where is this area of this big explosion from nothing, that made everything. Ironic it went to nothingness perhaps?
Your answer to that though, is to bring up that no one would have seen this happen. That's true, but we do see modern star/planet formation, the consistency of physics, the form of the early universe, and the end result of history up to now. As dylansan pointed out, information like this is complied into theories which let us not only understand the past but also fill in gaps in our knowledge. In cosmology, The Cosmic Microwave Background
is a famous example of something discovered without it being "seen". Scienstists determined that it would be there just by eliminating possibilities through logic and facts.
In the case of evolution, is a similar example. When your theory can make accurate predictions, you know you have something good. This is something science does all the time.
I don't predict that the next motorist might hit me. I understand that it will happen, and I understand that when it does, my heart must always be right. These links are all just theories again and again.
I don't see Genesis as an explanation of anything. It can't be verified, nor is it really relevant to anything today. If I wanted to explain the world as it is now, I'd look at Earth's history and natural processes along with the behavior of living organisms. I don't know what turmoil you're referring to, but the problems we face today don't require the Bible for explanation, and I strongly doubt they will be solved through religion of any kind.
It has been shown to be wrong. With that being the case, if it wants to be accepted as truth, it must change by definition.
Only shown by those who believe they know better. I believe the flood changed the face of the earth, and all wickedness that was destroyed, but there is another story, which others are very free to believe, or accept the evidence.
What makes the Bible something that didn't come from humanity? Even in the link you posted, it was made clear that proof of Bible divinity is lacking. In reference to science, it corrects itself when needed.
Everyone avoids Isaiah 53, written 700 years before Christ
It cracks me up when people say "ooh but that was a self fullfilling prophecy". Think of that, the Romans read the scriptures and planned to crucify Jesus in that exact way. Its a conspiracy and a Jew paid the Romans.
Religion isn't necessary to have morality, and most religions, including Christianity, tend to have poor and arbitrary morals.
How true, although the heart is what God sees, not the good works. Every religion fittingly teaches that good deeds will save you, but nope, not the God of the bible.
None of that has anything to do with evolution or science in general though. Evolution doesn't make moral claims, and it doesn't prevent people from showing love or compassion.