Once again its not science.
I've seen that youtube clip before and it cherry picks, distorts and ignores anything that doesn't fit the pre-set theist world view.
We're entitled to our own opinions.
And what questions about God would that raise in your mind?
That He is not True, Just and Holy like He tells us, because He should have mentioned such a thing in His word.
satan has his work cut out to try and manipulate this, the proud bugger. It's fitting Gods says "they want to believe in lies, I will send them a great delusion". All I can see is, it's getting hotter.
We do not know.
Its as simple as that, however what science doesn't then do is fill that with any old nonsense.
Answer me this, what evidence exists to put the Christian creation myth above that of any other faith?
I really admire your honesty. Some people don't like to say they don't know, because they feel they must know something to present to the other person. In truth, I believe the devil never gives up trying to trick and lie to people, and i'm not saying these people are the devil.
That doesn't answer the question, where did God come from?
The bible says that God calls Himself YHWH, when Moses asks Him. "I AM"
since our minds cannot comprehend where He comes from, or how He got here, we still have a chance by free will, to get to ask Him. The difference with the universe is it's amazing splendor and wonder, to just appear randomly from nothing. God spoke everything into existence. The verse " His ways and His thoughts are higher than ours" tells why we don't know, but a verse also says, " If only thou could believe".
Apart from the fact (and it is one) that we have evidence to show that this has been occurring for billions of years, and before you start with the nonsense again, yes we have seen it.
And yet you know your right?
How is that?
And how is this fact? Perhaps this was always there. There are all kinds of things happening in space, anomalies, space dust and clouds etc that science still has much to unlock, which could have been blocking the light etc, and another look picked it up. People say things take a while to happen in space, yet why can't things also happen in quick succession? It's all the same.
So how do you know they are wrong?
Well, hindus have over 3 million gods now, I think. You would think that by the time they reached god number 100, they should have tried Jesus. Clearly something is not working, but the adversary is not complaining. I think I've said before that mormon and islam copy and change the teachings of the bible, by one specific person whom no one has bore witness too. Joseph and Muhammed. One was poisoned by a jewish slave, and died the death his god said he would, if he bore false witness, and the other was shot and killed while in prison. Bhudda I don't know too much about, I think he was a wise man with good teachings. Satan worshippers "don't know what their religion is called, well, at least they know what they want. Illunimati, not clued up about them. Catholic, well, the pope cannot forgive sins, and I see today that he wants the nuclear weapons deal done with Iran.
Did he read his bible:
Now this will be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem; their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth.
Rev 9
18 A third of mankind was killed by these three plagues, by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which proceeded out of their mouths.
Can you see the destruction man is setting himself up for?
Might I add, the bible asked the question who is the anti-christ? Then answers " It is the one who denies the Father and the Son. Can you tell me, do you think it is wise for Iran to get nuclear weapons, especially with Isis on the prowl? By the way, I believe totally in the Rapture...
I mean the bible also describes a vehicle. How the heck could they know such things that long ago?
So when we try to convince you that evolution is true, we're arrogant, selfless and proud, but when you try to convince us to love God, that's fine?You can keep trying to "explain" but when you don't care about facts, about things we observe in reality, literally things you can see with your own eyes, you may as well try to convince us that 2+2 is 5.And we're the arrogant ones? What was that you said about being blind to the truth?
When you say stuff like this you practically admit we're convincing, and you just want to ignore it.If god can come from nothing, why can't the universe? It's just one less step.
Also, you should know that plenty of people are happy to believe that God created Earth with animals and they evolved from there. Since, as we keep reminding you, evolution has literally nothing to do with the big bang.You admit that it's confusing and then claim to know as FACT exactly what Jesus meant. What was that about arrogance? Even if the bible were true, you can't possibly expect anyone to accept that your interpretation is "fact".You've certainly proven that. What was that about "You'll never convince me"?
And remember that most of us have already told you that we would believe you if there were evidence. So far you've only made claims of fact and told us what you know but not how you know it.
We could help you understand but you've admitted you don't want us to. Meanwhile we're still interested in seeing evidence for God.
I'm not trying to convince you. I'm telling you that I'm trusting in the word of God, not man. See above regarding the nuclear deal. Not surprising this is all happening during the tetrads, feast days of YHWH, Shmittah year.
Genesis 1:14 tells why He made the Sun, moon and stars. Let them be for signs and seasons. The hebrew meaning is signals and appointed times. I believe God is signalling planet earth...
Leviticus 14
Do you think that what is described here will work and is completely necessary? Why wouldn't a perfect and all knowing God target each individual spec of mold (that he created?) and destroy them instantly?
Do you think that if doctors then followed this verse, how many more people could have been saved from passing on diseases. Again, God is helping mankind. They have still sinned against him no matter what.
Anyone can claim anything though. It's not the claim that matters, but the evidence.
Except the claims of the bible are true, and some scientifically accurate as well, even several thousands of years ago.
The best evidence at this point is that life arose from chemistry. Organic material tends to form naturally in the correct conditions. Putting that aside though, you ask the question as if you need to have an answer. Why? Admitting ignorance is better than making up answer. This is why Biblical answers tend to be unsatisfactory. They're basically made up.
I hope we have a few more years, to give man more time to find more answers.
That doesn't address the issue. If something can't come from nothing, God can't be the creator. The Bible states clearly that God make the universe from nothing, according to you this is impossible. Saying that God is eternal doesn't save him either, because the same can be applied to anything else. In other words, if an eternal God is a good enough loophole for you to escape the problem of something from nothing, then so is an eternal singularity at the beginning of the universe.
The bible says He spoke the universe into existence. His ways and thoughts are higher than ours.
Seek first His righteousness, and then all things will be added unto you. Until then, any and every theory becomes a possibility. Having said that, I cannot prove to you that God exists, and you cannot prove that He doesn't exist.
Other than being filled by His Spirit, I can clearly see His attributes when I look around. The marvelous beauty of everything tells me it cannot be random, a fluke, or right place at the right time, and even more so, we're the only ones around to date "THUS FAR" in this entire universe.