Creation vs. Evolution

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Yes, and look at the chain reaction because of his evolution theory.
Please explain.

I've said many times before. Look around. That is your evidence.
Evidence of what?

It hasn't come from nothing,
No one has said it did, stop claiming they have.

which is your logic and reasoning.
No its not, if yiou continue to misquote people and put words in their mouths you will receive a formal warning, the AUP is quite clear that making knowingly misleading statements is unacceptable.

Until you further prove how it all started, you know that nothing can't make everything.
Once again the only person saying this is you. Do not continue to do to claim that others are when they are not.

Oh and sort out your formatting, I'm sure I'm not alone in finding it an utter pain.

Did you just tell us the exact reason that we can say that god isn't real? Or did i misread you?
No that's what he is trying to quote, he just can't / won't format his posts in a coherent or consistent manner.
....The more I read, even I'm beginning to believe DCP's a troll....has to be. He says he has three kids, runs a business (or about to) but he spends a considerable amount of time going here, there, everywhere, AND AT THE SAME TIME, going nowhere.

Maybe it's time you guys just move on....this ain't gonna go nowhere productive, methinks.
"Exorcet, post: 10632279, member: 117913"]
Haha, you could have fooled me. So where is this footage again? Or perhaps this telescope failed to miss the dust clouds or what ever else invisible to it's lens, to make it seem as if it exploded, right? Can you agree that this is a possibility?
If you had bothered to click on the link you'd see this time lapse:


"Exorcet, post: 10632279, member: 117913"]Also, if the universe is 13-20billion years old, how old is the youngest star?
As I've said many times, maybe's and could be, and possibly doesn't move me.
The age of the universe and the age of the youngest star are unrelated. New stars begin fusion every day.

"Exorcet, post: 10632279, member: 117913"]Yes, and look at the chain reaction because of his evolution theory.

You've yet to provide any credible evidence for your outrageous claims and incredible arrogance. The Bible does not prove the Bible, only a total idiot with no understanding of the most basic logic would try to claim otherwise. If you want to be taken seriously then provide proof.
All good and well, but just exactly how do they know it's 4.5 billion years old?
Ok so first of I believe that yes God is real, but I agree with the theory of evolution and that God caused evolution to take place. Anyway what do you mean how do they know if it's 4.5 billion??
Well one way they can find is through the process of radiocarbon dating - basically it's where they look inside the atom's contained in fossilized organisms and compare as the name suggests the ratio of carbon in the rock because as you hopefully know all organisms are largely made out of carbon, discovering that they could accurately date fossilized organisms up to several hundred million years old they applied this to just average rocks and where able to accurately determine that the earth is roughly 4.5 billion years old.

Let me know when you die though
What!?:confused::banghead: That makes no logical sense, isn't relevant and provides more evidence for us to believe that you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about!
If you had bothered to click on the link
This being the problem:
"evidence" that has convinced scientists that the Earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion

Did you honestly think I'd buy that after being there before?
He doesn't want to click on anything that would mean he'd read or see anything that would challenge his beliefs - the very next sentence in the link he was responding to explains what he was asking, but he stopped there because he doesn't believe it.

Since this is a discussion into which several people (on both faces of this particular coin) have put a lot of time, thought and effort and @DCP has no intention of expending but a moment's consideration, I'm banning him from replying to this thread any more. He is of course welcome to continue preaching in the Do You Believe In God? thread, which is much more open to that sort of thing.
Considering the lifestyle of early man they were probably just incredibly strong. Neanderthals are supposed to have been stronger than us, and look at what gorillas can do.
A sledge is only ten or twenty pounds because we put big long handles on them to get leverage. It's a lot easier to use a lighter tool on a long handle to get the same amount of force, but if a long handle isn't an option then you just make the tool heavier.

33 pounds isn't really that much (~15kg?), it's very liftable with one hand if you're in decent shape, which you probably would be if you're killing stuff with your bare hands for elevensies.
Well that would be obvious if you choose not to even start believing there is a God.
If the bible gave an accurate prediction that Africa would be swallowed by the sea, trust me, every man would have fear and start worshiping the God of the Bible. That would be forcing people to worship God, because of their fear. This is not the God of the Bible. You have a free choice to accept His free gift of salvation.


Although that you may be banned from replying to this thread. I ask you to do ONE thing (with some steps):

Open your eyes to the world. Go to a legitimate science museum. Look at the fossil records and see how all of them line up almost exactly correct. You will see some form of progression as natural selection weeded out those that weren't adapted for the environment, and the ones that did passed on their genetic material, and each generation seems to survive better than the last.
May I present to you an interesting alternative (non-Tower of Babel) explanation of the divergence of language and an explanation of why animals used to be so easy to hunt, and how that changed:-

“In the beginning, all people lived around a great ironwood tree in the jungle, speaking the same language. One man whose testes were enormously swollen from infection with a parasitic worm spent his time sitting on a branch of the tree, so that he could rest his heavy testes on the ground. Out of curiosity, animals of the jungle came up and sniffed at his testes. Hunters then found the animals easy to kill, and everyone had plenty of food and was happy.

“Then, one day, a bad man killed a beautiful woman’s husband, in order to get the woman for himself. Relatives of the dead husband attacked the murderer, who was defended in turn by his own relatives, until the murderer and his relatives climbed into the ironwood tree to save themselves. The attackers tugged on lianas hanging from one side of the tree, in order to pull the tree’s crown down towards the ground and get at their enemies.

“Finally, the lianas snapped in half, causing the tree to spring back with tremendous force. The murderer and his relatives were hurled out of the tree in many different directions. They landed so far away, in so many different places, that they never found each other again. With time, their languages became more and more divergent. That is why people today speak so many different languages and cannot understand each other, and why it is hard work for hunters to catch animals for food.”

Source -

Surely this makes just as much sense as the bible?
May I present to you an interesting alternative (non-Tower of Babel) explanation of the divergence of language and an explanation of why animals used to be so easy to hunt, and how that changed:-

“In the beginning, all people lived around a great ironwood tree in the jungle, speaking the same language. One man whose testes were enormously swollen from infection with a parasitic worm spent his time sitting on a branch of the tree, so that he could rest his heavy testes on the ground. Out of curiosity, animals of the jungle came up and sniffed at his testes. Hunters then found the animals easy to kill, and everyone had plenty of food and was happy.

“Then, one day, a bad man killed a beautiful woman’s husband, in order to get the woman for himself. Relatives of the dead husband attacked the murderer, who was defended in turn by his own relatives, until the murderer and his relatives climbed into the ironwood tree to save themselves. The attackers tugged on lianas hanging from one side of the tree, in order to pull the tree’s crown down towards the ground and get at their enemies.

“Finally, the lianas snapped in half, causing the tree to spring back with tremendous force. The murderer and his relatives were hurled out of the tree in many different directions. They landed so far away, in so many different places, that they never found each other again. With time, their languages became more and more divergent. That is why people today speak so many different languages and cannot understand each other, and why it is hard work for hunters to catch animals for food.”

Source -

Surely this makes just as much sense as the bible?

...:lol: You had me at "testes were enormously swollen". :lol:
A sledge is only ten or twenty pounds because we put big long handles on them to get leverage. It's a lot easier to use a lighter tool on a long handle to get the same amount of force, but if a long handle isn't an option then you just make the tool heavier.

33 pounds isn't really that much (~15kg?), it's very liftable with one hand if you're in decent shape, which you probably would be if you're killing stuff with your bare hands for elevensies.

I used a 12kg (28 lbs?) hammer for driving fence posts into the ground, like you said, with a lot of leverage from a long handle its easy to operate even such heavy tool. Yes, I'm a weight lifter but I'm not inhumanly strong nor a giant. (That would be cool though)
Just because there might have been, or still are, occasional giant (7 to 8') human or humanoid skeletons exhumed from places around the world means little in itself, in terms of creation or evolution.

The ancient alien theorists would have us believe the giants interbred with humans, as would the believers in the literal interpretation of Enoch and Genesis. Enough of these bones being lab checked for DNA ought to be helpful.

Another theory that is interesting and hard to dismiss is the Matrix theory that we are all brains-in-a-vat and that reality is a hoax, an artificial simulation. Inorganic machine-beings may be in complete control.
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Another theory that is interesting and hard to dismiss is the Matrix theory that we are all brains-in-a-vat and that reality is a hoax, an artificial simulation. Inorganic machine-beings may be in complete control.

So? The thing with the brain-in-a-vat theory is that its completely and utterly irrelevant. If this plane of existence is not really ''real'' it will become your reality as its all there is for you right here right now. So it becomes the ''reality'' for you.

But I'm more a fan of metaphysical solipsism though.
Does a metaphysical solipsist take a position on creation versus evolution?
Well, since metaphysical solipsists believe the only thing that really exists is their own conciseness one could say a solipsist is some kind or form of god or the god, a god who is not almighty or a reincarnation of god.
I guess this would make the question about creation and evolution irrelevant.
Do you not get the reference from Spinal Tap? :lol:

(I don't want this thread to get off topic, so back on topic?)
Had time to go through a couple of those journals, TM, the Ayala article Darwin's greatest Discovery: Design without designer was fantastic. The one on dinosaur evolution was good too, but a little heavy on the technical jumbo!
I just said hello to Francisco J. Ayala :D According to Wikipedia, he has donated some $10 million of his own money to the School of Biological Sciences here at UC Irvine.

Everyone who has ever posted in this thread ought to read his article from 2007...
"evidence" that has convinced scientists that the Earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion

Did you honestly think I'd buy that after being there before?
Who are scientists to me. Did they give me fresh air, water, the warmth of the sun, food and rain?
Without these, it is impossible for man to live, agreed?

Do you assume I've got time to annoy?
The big bang gave you air water and the sun. evolution gave you food.

Religion was created to control people with Fear. Dont do this or that god is watching. Yada yada yada. Same with all the old ancient gods. Sacrifices were made to keep them happy. When the weather got bad or drought struck they may sacrifice a virgin or a cow etc.( I mean still happens now. With priest sacrificing alter boys and taking their virginity ) Sorry i couldn't help myself there.

Back to why i actually replied scientists use evidence to prove things. You just have a book written by someone who had an awesome story. Nothing more nothing less. The bible is the greatest peice of fiction ever No doubting that. Would be Fictions "Best Seller".
How many times has it been said god would rise up and walk the earth again? HEAPS. Has it ever happened. NO.
If god was "real" and did love everyone. Whats with all the hate & war. Hunger & poverty. Surely he would just wave his mighty hand and "boom" food crops for Africa. Boom no more war in the middle east. We have explored alot of space so where is heaven. Surely we would have seen it by now. We havent been down below to far but i would give my left one and my first born son that there is no hell under the earths crust. There is more possibilty of there being middle earth down there.

It wont be in my generation or the next few, but soon enough religion will be wiped off the face of the planet. Science is FACT. Religion is FICTION.

These are solely my own views and opinions.

Sorry if i offended any Folk.
Quick question, if somebody created us, who created the person who created us?

Growing up in a family of faithful believers of The Bible, I have never really understood how they actually believe it. Personally, I would have to evolution is for the facts and Jesus is there to make you happy (if you believe).