="Exorcet, post: 10625829, member: 117913"]No, those are dates when something is expected to actually happen based on evidence. Just as we can watch an object fall and predict when it will hit the ground, despite that event being in the future, we can do the same with stars and their deaths.
Wow, really looking forward to that...
Is there one about to go off soon, because they've been around for billions of years, and surely we can expect one, since your guys say they only last for millions of years?
Also note another important difference between the scientific and religious events. The scientific ones are neutral, have no agenda. Far too far away to try to control or influence people and they also don't claim to be pre-planned events that you must prepare for. They're simply natural occurrences that are apparently
A very cool word.
Do you agree that if the bible made convincing accurate to the second prophecies, everyone would then force themselves to follow God? Perhaps then, you would understand why prophecies are vague for men following men.
Yes, he is deeply indoctrinated and seems to lack the ability to even look for the truth, I suppose the old saying of leading a horse to water applies here. I still there is value in providing refuting arguments though, even if they won't benefit the person posting falsehoods [immediately]. You're suggestion to focus on how science works and prevent DCP from evading that sounds like a good suggestion.
Hmm, here I am, using free will believing those around me who dismiss God, are heavily indoctrinated.
See the irony here.:
"Thou shall not worship idols"
Darwin: we evolved from apes. We don't know where life originated from, and neither the big bang, but we are going to die trying to find out. Also, there is no afterlife. "I've been there, so you have my word"
Darwin, we agree with you, because there are some fossil evidence. When I die, I'm happy to become a chemical again.
Yep, talk about indoctrination.
It's hard to not see this as intentional. You are the only one claiming to know it all and refusing to learn. You don't understand science and you're not bothering to even try and correct that.
I understand it just fine. Since is doesn't fit your world view of it, it shouldn't make it wrong.
It is present and future observations and testing. Not a guessing game. Until they can prove no God, or show me visibly how suns are born, then I will stand by you forever, off course if you allow me to...
No one rational will be interested in souls and salvation unless they have a reason to care. You can't use scare tactics to get them to care, because without proof, you can't instill fear. Make no mistake, that even if you personally aren't trying to scare people, that is the foundation your religion is built upon.
Nope, no scare at all. Just a very silly gamble. Think of a criminal sitting in jail for a crime, when he has that moment "how the heck could I have been so dumb?". I allowed the devil to trick me into this, and yet I don't even believe he exists, because man couldn't prove it.
Trying to present information without proof doesn't work because it cannot be verified. You claim that our souls are at risk, yet can't establish that souls even exist. On the other hand everyone can readily verify that they are alive and need to do various things to stay that way. You would have us forgo very important things related to life just to chase after something that probably does not exist. It won't work.
God says you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Saying that all the extremely complicating aspects it took to make you came from a random process is absurd. You have a conscious, to tell you that stealing is wrong, or killing or lying to someone you care about is a no no. That is your soul. That's what separates you from the animals you claim to come from.
Evolution is one of those thing relevant to everyday life by the way. It has real impacts on people. If you decide to have a child, it is your genes (and the genes of your partner) that will dictate who your child is and what they have to live with. Are you both carriers of a crippling disease? Then there is a high chance of passing that disease to your children and making their entire lives and existence miserable. Religion in many cases goes and praises reproduction while being ignorant of the consequences. That is extremely unfortunate for the people that it might affect.
I think you need to brush up on miracles. It's real and it's happening right now. Your world is too small to know that.