Creation vs. Evolution

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I wouldn't put it that way, but you are on the fence none the less.
Not even slightly. I do not believe in any deities.
You either for Christ or against Him. No such thing as in the middle. Unforgiven sin against Him is a crime.
Being "against" Christ does not mean being "for" Satan. Satan is the bad guy in this particular work of fiction and I no more believe in Satan than I do God.
Lots of sites say otherwise regarding the moon land purchasing.
That's nice dear. They're wrong.

You can buy land on the Moon for a loved one or yourself if you like. It costs about £20, and there's a number of different places you can do this (which should be the first clue - how can five different websites sell the same piece of land to five different people?). You get a certificate and everything, but it grants you absolutely nothing except the bit of paper. You can buy stars too, but you no more own the star (or its star system) than you do a plot on the Moon.

You cannot purchase land on the Moon - there is no legal entitlement to any piece of land or stellar body beyond the Earth.
Perhaps they believe they are so rich, that they can buy their way there, and science will make it happen.
At the moment we have no mechanism of getting there and no way of staying there. The only place where people can stay in space at the moment is the International Space Station and that's only 200 miles up - a thousandth of the distance to the Moon. And we don't keep them up there for more than a year because we simply haven't found out how people - or other organisms - would thrive in perpetual freefall for lifetime-length periods of time.

People don't get rich by being morons. No-one wealthy enough to buy their way to the Moon is stupid enough to try to do so knowing that they can't own any land there, can't live there and can't actually get there.
The signs in the heavens have shown every time, a judgment on Israel or a nation.
So when I ask you for a specific nation and time you say "Israel or a nation"?
Many end time speakers are pointing towards USA.
Okay, the USA. Why "many" and not "all"? Surely the Bible's prophecy is absolutely clear on this?
there is also plenty of lawlessness going on there
Violent crime in the USA is at an all time low.
Am I right in saying christianity is collapsing in America
and that it's president regards all religions as one?
No, he's a baptist.
It could be a mere months away.
Could be? Is the Bible fuzzy on the time?
Forget the mayan and whoever else told you it was ending.
This is real.
Then you will have absolutely no trouble whatsoever stating the nation and the time. The Bible is unerring and always accurate because it's the pure Word of God (even though it's four languages away and in an anthology created by Romans, not God), so there should be zero problem whatsoever with it making a prophecy about when and where the end times will be.

Incidentally, on the Mayan thing... we did that. Many of us pointed out over and over again that the problem wasn't with what the Mayans predicted, rather that they didn't predict anything whatsoever and it was present-day idiots who were interpreting doom into their calendar. Fancy that.

Also for reference, my own prophecy came true:

Which one? How soon?

You clearly have a Bible prophecy in mind - it would go a long way to demonstrating the Bible's powers of future-telling if you could tease out some specifics.

Something tells me that you won't. Behold, my soothsaying abilities!
My specific prophecy, fulfilled.

I predict that even after this post you will not state a specific country or specific date for the apocalypse. The reason for this is that the Bible doesn't tell you one.
.....So, the DCP Q & A session continues unabated....sigh...
Would you believe me if I told you I wasn't financed at all by the bank? Now that is faith.
No its called an alternative source of finance.

Unless you prayed for the money and it appeared out of thin air, in which case please repeat this on video.

Can I add that for the first time in my life, I paid my tithe faithfully, after years of ignoring people around me. What the church does with it, doesn't bother me. It's me and God and his promises that matter.
So the church takes your money and does what it wants with it and you don't ask any questions at all?

Yeah, the one that the scientists use for it's followers...:)
That literally makes no sense at all!

Your link, my link, doesn't really belong to us. The power of deception is at large.
So information is shown to you from the Christian church and you deny it!

A humble man would acknowledge that they had made a mistake.

Back to the beginning are we...:)
I think the way science is headed, is that they are trying to make people live forever.
Citation required.

As much as they are told it can never happen, they will never give up trying to prove the bible wrong. It's their drive, it's their choice.
Utter and complete bollocks.

If anyone has a blind crusade to try and prove anything 'wrong' its creationists, who will quite happily lie, manipulate the facts and outright ignore data to fit a model they have already picked.
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It's now clear to me that DCP is perfectly willing to lie and then deny it when convenient.

It's impossible for DCP to argue against a position when he won't or can't put the tiniest amount of effort into understanding the position. I'm starting to doubt if DCP would accept that 2+2 is 4 if he found out math was used to support evolution.

I'm done. If any of you value your time it may be a good idea to stop trying to get DCP to understand anything. He's either unwilling or unable. Whether he's a troll makes no difference, the result is the same.

@DCP I'd be willing to come back to this thread if you answered just a single question I've asked you. In the mean time, why don't you read through all your posts and count the times someone asked a question and you responded without answering it. Let me know what number you get.

He is the true embodiment of Poes Law:

Maybe hes playing with us.

Just more proof DCP will never learn anything until he understands the predictive power of science. Which may never happen. To those who still bother in this topic, I suggest you focus on that and ignore everything else. DCP is throwing red herrings and everytime you catch one, he gets further away from having to learn something. You can, after all, go back to other stuff later, if it interests you.
I just love how, despite he always citates bible, still believes in (hoax) Mayan prophecy.

"Oh yeah im religious but astrologies also real, right? "
I just love how, despite he always citates bible, still believes in (hoax) Mayan prophecy.

"Oh yeah im religious but astrologies also real, right? "

I'm fairly sure that is because he wants to make all the religious people happy (or at least anyone who believes in the Mayan prophecies...).

Lets try this one mate. Please try to watch the whole thing, and not allow them things to put you off.
It's amazing how you want me to learn something, yet it's okay for you not to, because it seems you know it all.
One thing is for certain though, is that what ever your outcome, this ex atheist is right about one thing. Each persons own worldview. I just love it when God uses the heathens and in this case, ex-heathen.


Would love to re-live the past just this once.
Please quote me where I said I believe in the Mayans...;)

Please confirm, I'm I annoying, and you want me to jump off a cliff right?

Lets try this one mate. Please try to watch the whole thing, and not allow them things to put you off.
It's amazing how you want me to learn something, yet it's okay for you not to, because it seems you know it all.
One thing is for certain though, is that what ever your outcome, this ex atheist is right about one thing. Each persons own worldview. I just love it when God uses the heathens and in this case, ex-heathen.


Would love to re-live the past just this once.
Please quote me where I said I believe in the Mayans...;)

Please confirm, I'm I annoying, and you want me to jump off a cliff right?

No one is going to waste a complete hour just for a discussion. I could be doing more important things, like Drawing or playing Children's Card Games
@DCP Nobody has time to watch an hour of video. If you want to make a point, make it yourself.

Oh, and this popped up on my Twitter feed:

It's a comic, not a paper, so it hasn't been peer reviewed and is more for entertainment than anything. But it does raise an interesting point. A little research shows me that the values graphed are generally correct. It would be incorrect to claim causation, but I do believe that the two are related. People who believe in evolution generally have a better understanding of science and how science works, and are therefore more able to be logical, impartial, and methodical through correct use of the scientific method. And use of the scientific method is where everything in our lives comes from. Food, electricity, computers, phones, drinking water, buildings, fabric, and of course the internet.
Love the science dates. Always when no one is around...hehehe..!!!

No, those are dates when something is expected to actually happen based on evidence. Just as we can watch an object fall and predict when it will hit the ground, despite that event being in the future, we can do the same with stars and their deaths.

Also note another important difference between the scientific and religious events. The scientific ones are neutral, have no agenda. Far too far away to try to control or influence people and they also don't claim to be pre-planned events that you must prepare for. They're simply natural occurrences that are apparently inevitable.

Just more proof DCP will never learn anything until he understands the predictive power of science. Which may never happen.

Yes, he is deeply indoctrinated and seems to lack the ability to even look for the truth, I suppose the old saying of leading a horse to water applies here. I still there is value in providing refuting arguments though, even if they won't benefit the person posting falsehoods [immediately]. You're suggestion to focus on how science works and prevent DCP from evading that sounds like a good suggestion.

It's amazing how you want me to learn something, yet it's okay for you not to, because it seems you know it all.
It's hard to not see this as intentional. You are the only one claiming to know it all and refusing to learn. You don't understand science and you're not bothering to even try and correct that.

No one rational will be interested in souls and salvation unless they have a reason to care. You can't use scare tactics to get them to care, because without proof, you can't instill fear. Make no mistake, that even if you personally aren't trying to scare people, that is the foundation your religion is built upon.

Trying to present information without proof doesn't work because it cannot be verified. You claim that our souls are at risk, yet can't establish that souls even exist. On the other hand everyone can readily verify that they are alive and need to do various things to stay that way. You would have us forgo very important things related to life just to chase after something that probably does not exist. It won't work.

Evolution is one of those thing relevant to everyday life by the way. It has real impacts on people. If you decide to have a child, it is your genes (and the genes of your partner) that will dictate who your child is and what they have to live with. Are you both carriers of a crippling disease? Then there is a high chance of passing that disease to your children and making their entire lives and existence miserable. Religion in many cases goes and praises reproduction while being ignorant of the consequences. That is extremely unfortunate for the people that it might affect.

You keep talking about risk and what is at stake, but the truth is, you don't understand any of it. The risks are those things we can show are real threats through evidence. For even your own sake, you should take an open mind and try to search for reality.