Creation vs. Evolution

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The mountains preflood were much shorter than they are now.

Why do we not see the necessary growth rates in the strata?

Take all the above sealevel earth and throw it into the sea evenly, melt the ice caps etc and the water will cover the entire earth over 2 miles high.

Sorry? Are you saying that the Earth was perfectly smooth and the water just sat upon the top of the land?

That may well be THE most ridiculous thing I've ever read. It's up there with talking dinosaurs.

I have more detailed scientific information to back this up, but this is all I can remember at the moment.

Sure you do.

Animals surviving for a long period of time onboard the vessel was a miracle of God.

I ask again - if all of the animals could be preserved by a "miracle of God", why would He announce His intention to pick the Earth clean of life, save for what a 500 year old bloke could stuff into a large boat the poor sod had to make by himself?

Was it just for a laugh?
Thats fine, I enjoy defending my beliefs. Too bad you dont have any beliefs to defend, because your not sure of anything anyway. Your beliefs are constantly being molded and will never be set in stone...

The VERY ACT of questioning the fluidity of science, the fact that it is constantly changed when new evidence is provided, is absurd. I'm speechless.
...Take all the above sealevel earth and throw it into the sea evenly, melt the ice caps etc and the water will cover the entire earth over 2 miles high.

Where did all the rain come from? Genesis said it never rained before the flood, and that most of the water was in heaven, most likely stored as vapor somewhere high. All of this fell during the flood...

That is physically painful to read.

Earth, I challenge you to read this entire page:

The story of the biblical flood, and the other legendary versions of it, originated with the catastrophic flooding of the Black Sea 7500 years ago. The story was handed down orally from generation to generation, and eventually an utterly fanciful version of it became a part of Judeo-Christian scripture.
HAW HAW! Thank you Earth, you've made my day. I could sit here, and type a huge post ripping what you said to bits. Seems others have done it for me.
Now this has shifted from evolution vs creation to atheists vs the bible. I'm guessing enough evidence couldnt be brought forward to dismiss God, so the attacks have turned on the Bible.
READ MY WORDS here, because this is only the gajillionth time I've said this; perhaps it will sink in some day:

You can NEVER prove that something DOESN'T exist. It is a logical impossibility. Got that, yet, or is it time for the puppet show?

Regardless of the fact that we cannot prove God doesn't exist, you cannot prove that the universe was not created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the Invisble Pink Unicorn, or the Keebler Elves.

I guess since YOU haven't been able to prove that none of those Beings created the universe, you've had to resort to attacking science.
Thats fine, I enjoy defending my beliefs. Too bad you dont have any beliefs to defend, because your not sure of anything anyway.
I'm sure of a lot of things. I'm sure there's no physical evidence for the existence of a supernatural being.
Your beliefs are constantly being molded and will never be set in stone, so therefore they cannot be questioned because evolution is a theory filled with many holes covered by the infamous it took millions of years or natural selection gave it to us for survival.
Wow, talk about projecting your own position on others. We have REPEATEDLY stated that science by definition is based in contingency and skepticism. If you're not questioning the results, then you're not doing science.

I have never seen someone fail to grasp a point so utterly and completely.

To paraphrase Aristotle, "the unexamined life ain't worth living." Does the fact that Aristotle, one of the most famous of ancient Greek philosophers, said this make you take it more seriously? You seem to lend a lot of creedence to things ancient people said.

Do you believe that Christ lived and walked this earth around 2,000 years ago?
C'mon, man. That was uncalled for...

Yes it was.

I wasn't directing that question towards you so if you are so incline to reply to questions not directed towards you, the forum would appreciate respectable answers.
There is nothing saying he couldn't have... He could have, and his story may have gotten a bit far out of hand over the past 2000 years.
Yes it was.

I wasn't directing that question towards you so if you are so incline to reply to questions not directed towards you, the forum would appreciate respectable answers.

Well I do know a hispanic pool guy named *Jesus...

*Pronounced "Hey-Zeus".

Loosen up Pako, it's just a joke. A real person, too.

Do you believe that Christ lived and walked this earth around 2,000 years ago?
Yes, I do. He appears in numerous secular historical texts of the time period and centuries immediately following, as well as in the Q'uran.

I believe a man named Jesus Christ lived around 2,000 years ago. He had great social impact and was crucified by the Romans because of that.

I do not believe he was supernatural in origin and I do not believe he was resurrected after his crucifiction. Or, if he appeared to be 'resurrected', he was not actually dead when he was placed in the cave.
Yes, I do. He appears in numerous secular historical texts of the time period and centuries immediately following, as well as in the Q'uran.

I believe a man named Jesus Christ lived around 2,000 years ago. He had great social impact and was crucified by the Romans because of that.

I do not believe he was supernatural in origin and I do not believe he was resurrected after his crucifiction. Or, if he appeared to be 'resurrected', he was not actually dead when he was placed in the cave.

That's cool, I also believe Jesus was a real person and not some made up fairytail character. 👍
Earth, et al: Heaven forbid that anyone might suggest that you could learn something from Catholics, but I gotta say that the approach these folks take is far more reasoned and logical than what I've seen from you guys in this thread.

Look this over:

They do a good job of reconciling their beliefs with what they know to be the nature of reality. They don't claim to have all the perfect answers, as so many highly zealous evangelicals think they do. I particularly like the last line of the fifth paragraph of Part 2, "Genesis and Evolution".

Take a look. Maybe you could learn something.
Well I do know a Hispanic pool guy named *Jesus...
*Pronounced "Hey-Zeus".
Loosen up Pako, it's just a joke. A real person, too.

You caught me in a moment of constipation. Sorry, at the time I read your post I didn't find it funny or amusing, but mearly a mockery of my question to Duke and to this thread. My mistake. Just try to take better care with your posts.
Earth, et al: Heaven forbid that anyone might suggest that you could learn something from Catholics, but I gotta say that the approach these folks take is far more reasoned and logical than what I've seen from you guys in this thread.

Look this over:

They do a good job of reconciling their beliefs with what they know to be the nature of reality. They don't claim to have all the perfect answers, as so many highly zealous evangelicals think they do. I particularly like the last line of the fifth paragraph of Part 2, "Genesis and Evolution".

Take a look. Maybe you could learn something.

I agree with everything that I had read in that link. 👍
Look this over:

They do a good job of reconciling their beliefs with what they know to be the nature of reality. They don't claim to have all the perfect answers, as so many highly zealous evangelicals think they do. I particularly like the last line of the fifth paragraph of Part 2, "Genesis and Evolution".

Take a look. Maybe you could learn something.
Very interesting and refreshing take on Christianity. I did learn something. :)
You caught me in a moment of constipation. Sorry, at the time I read your post I didn't find it funny or amusing, but mearly a mockery of my question to Duke and to this thread. My mistake. Just try to take better care with your posts.

It's a common mistake. Like Famine's, not many people know when my posts are jokes. :indiff:
I believe that there was a guy named Jesus Christ who existed and had a strong social and cultural impact, who was later made into a religious figure by some other guys who liked what Jesus did and said. They thought very highly of him and wrote about him in an exaggerated and fanciful way. I don't believe Jesus was anything other than a totally normal human however, in all aspects of his birth, life and death. Face it, Mary just had a child to another man and made up the divine conception thing so Joseph wouldn't get mad and do an 'honour' killing with a big scythe. (umm, joke people...)

Jesus was a hippy. He had long hair and didn't have a job, and was being really progressive for his time, and was a pacifist. What more do you want? :lol:


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Your sin remains
My sin remains... what? The Same, just like my Song? Sleeping soundly in bed? To be seen?

I have no sin; certainly not any Original Sin inherited from a mythical ancestor and over which I had no control and responsibility. I have moral failings of my own, which remain my responsibility, to be reconciled privately between me and the people against whom I behaved immorally.

But I accept no guilt for things I have not done.
Jesus was a hippy. He had long hair and didn't have a job, and was being really progressive for his time, and was a pacifist. What more do you want? :lol:

Who said he had long hair and no job? During his ministry he didn't work. but he didn't start that until he was 30 years old. His family WASN'T rich. So what did he do? It's not like they had welfare back then or something. I'm still tripping on the fact people believe Jesus had long straight hair. Show me a hebrew male that has natural long straight hair. I won't say it never happens, but if it does, it's beyond rare.
Your sin remains

Seeing as this post was directly after mine, I'm guessing it was directed at me. You've made the most common mistake made by religious people: Telling someone else what their problems are. Ever since religion has been invented, people have been telling others what is right and what is wrong. You will not tell me what is right and what is wrong, you will keep whatever righteous opinions you have to yourself and let others live their lives as they please. ;)
Seeing as this post was directly after mine, I'm guessing it was directed at me. You've made the most common mistake made by religious people: Telling someone else what their problems are. Ever since religion has been invented, people have been telling others what is right and what is wrong. You will not tell me what is right and what is wrong, you will keep whatever righteous opinions you have to yourself and let others live their lives as they please. ;)

why don't you quit sinning, you sinner.
The ancient Egyptians believed that their pharaohs were immortal, that one could take ones possessions into the afterlife, that there were many Gods - some with some pretty crazy heads, that scarab beetles and cats were sacred, and that one needed one's lungs carefully preserved in a jar when they died so that they could call upon them in the afterlife.

They were the most advanced civilization in the world at the time, and one of the first advanced civilizations in the history of the Earth. They believed these things for AT LEAST as long as people have believed Christianity.

The Greeks believed that Zeus was their main God, but also that there were many other Gods. They believed in a God (or demigod or half-breed or whatever he was) who brought fire to man. For bringing us fire he was chained to a rock to be eaten alive by vultures. But he was immortal and regenerates his form. He is supposedly still chained to that rock being eaten by vultures today.

The Romans believed that their emperor was divine in origin. The kings of Europe ruled by divine right (which still extends to the royal family today I think). It's my understanding that the Emperor of Japan was worshipped as a God as late as WWII.

The Hindu believe in a "three-in-one god known as “Brahman,” which is composed of: Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the Preserver), and Shiva (the Destroyer). " Sound familiar? They also believe in reincarnation and the potential to achieve nirvana through meditation. The Hindu beliefs predate Christianity. They have sacred texts that go back to possibly as late as 1400 B.C.

Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they cannot receive blood transfusions because a phrase in the bible says that we should not "drink blood".

Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God born in Vermont in 1806.

The Aboriginal people of Australia believe that the world was created by a Giant kangroo (or something like that).

The ahmish believe that they should limit their progress to one particular time period in human development and that electricity unacceptable in society.

Then we have Christianity.

Christians believed that when you died your soul goes up into the sky to be in the clouds (with other souls and angels and God). In the clouds is a place of pure bliss, under the earth is where bad souls go where they burn for eternity.

Early religious paintings from Christianity depict this belief with angels sitting atop clouds. Modern Christians no longer believe that heaven is in the clouds (presumably because we invented jetliners that go through the clouds and we haven't seen angel one).

Christians believe in a prophet named Jesus Christ, who was sent to Earth to bring us God's message and who sacrificed himself so that we could go to the clouds when we die. Christians believe Christ performed many miracles of God, including replenishing the wine supply at a wedding he was attending when they ran out of wine. He also is supposed to have cured people of illnesses.

Some sects of Christianity believe that music and dancing should be forbidden. Others believe that their priests can anoint water, wine and bread so that it becomes holy in a ritual ceremony where they drink the blood and feast on the flesh of their prophet.

...and then there's the One True religion of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.


Any of this sounding credible to you? Has any of this nonsense turned out to be true. Has it helped us develop new technology or better understand the nature of our reality? Many of these beliefs are centuries old, millennia in many cases. These are longstanding beliefs that children are inundated with at an age where they will believe in Santa Clause and the tooth fairy. If people were raised to the age of 25 before they were introduced to these concepts, would so many people believe? Not a chance.
Your sin remains

Okay, dude, this remarks prompts me to ask about the photo you've chosen for your avatar.

Please give us your take on the look on the young lady's face, the position she is in, and the fact that she's breaking a sweat. This could certainly be interpreted as a cropped porno shot.

Please reconcile your choice of avatar photos with your "sin" post. It seems an odd choice for someone so self-righteous.
Seeing as this post was directly after mine, I'm guessing it was directed at me. You've made the most common mistake made by religious people: Telling someone else what their problems are. Ever since religion has been invented, people have been telling others what is right and what is wrong. You will not tell me what is right and what is wrong, you will keep whatever righteous opinions you have to yourself and let others live their lives as they please. ;)

I would normaly let someone get away with that. However, you have personally on more then one occaision told christians how they should live, act and behave. So, I find it quite ironic that you are now telling someone else not to give you the same kind of comments. Interesting....

Any of this sounding credible to you? Has any of this nonsense turned out to be true. Has it helped us develop new technology or better understand the nature of our reality? Many of these beliefs are centuries old, millennia in many cases. These are longstanding beliefs that children are inundated with at an age where they will believe in Santa Clause and the tooth fairy. If people were raised to the age of 25 before they were introduced to these concepts, would so many people believe? Not a chance.

And I was saved when I was 24, my best friend when he was 25. And others that I know in there 20's and 30's. So uh, now what?