Pretty wrong:
Evolutionary Myth: There has been some kind of life on earth for billions of years. And man has lived for one million years.
The Truth: If animals and people have lived for millions of years there would be trillions of people and animals on the earth today, even if we allowed for worst-case plagues, natural disasters, etc. The number of people on earth today is about six billion. Even allowing for lower birth rates and higher death rates than what we have traditionally seen, this number indicates that man has been around for only a few thousand years.
Uh... what? He's out of his mind. That's the biggest slice of bologna I've seen in quite a while.
Evolutionary Myth: Man evolved from an ape-like creature.
The Truth: All missing links showing human evolution from apes have been proven to be mistaken identity or deliberate hoaxes. The links remain missing.
...the link remains missing. Gasp!!!
Evolutionary Myth: All animals evolved from lower life forms. Darwin stated that transitional fossils would be discovered to show the chain of evolution.
The Truth: No transitional fossils have been found showing one species or type of animal changing or evolving into another. For example, there are no fossils showing something that is part way between a dinosaur and a bird.
Nothing showing from dino into bird... got it. But we can show how two new species can form from one old specie.
Evolutionary Myth: Transitional forms survived better than the original species.
The Truth: A transitional form of an animal, such as one in which an arm slowly changes into a wing, would be very vulnerable because it could not fight and it could not fly away. This would make it less likely to survive not more likely.
Flying squirrel.
→ Evolutionary Myth: Dinosaurs evolved into birds.
The Truth: The differences between reptile and bird respiratory systems are substantial. It is impossible to believe that an animal could make that many changes over time and still survive.6
Nice facts. "It is impossible to believe..." way to go buddy. That's an airtight case.
→ Evolutionary Myth: Thousands of chance changes over millions of years resulted in the living creatures we see today.
The Truth: What is now known about human and animal anatomy shows the body structures to be infinitely more complex than was believed when Darwin published his work. Many biologists and especially microbiologists are now saying that there is no way these complex structures could have developed by accident.
I don't think they happend by accident either. Next.
→ Evolutionary Myth: The earth is 4.6 billion years old.
The Truth: Many processes observed today point to a young earth of only a few thousand years old. The rate at which the earths magnetic field is decaying suggests the earth must be less than 20,000 years old. The rate of population growth suggests only a few thousand years of human population. And, at the current rate of erosion, the Rocky Mountains would have been completely worn away in about 15 million years. All this and more indicates an earth much younger than 4.6 billion years
HOLY CRAP! This guy is a complete idiot!!
Ok, The magnetic field is cyclic. Next. The population growth suggests what? The population of no non-sentient species was able to grow past a certain points. Only man has figured out how to outgrow his (unaltered) environment (through the use of tools). Next. The Rocky Mountains..
→ Evolutionary Myth: The universe formed from the Big Bang.
The Truth: There are many problems with this theory. It does not explain where the initial material came from. It cannot explain what caused that material to fly apart. And nothing in physics indicates what would make the particles begin to stick together instead of flying off into space forever. The Big Bang Theory contradicts many scientific laws. Because of these problems, evolutionists are beginning to abandon the Big Bang Theory and to attempt to develop new theories to explain the origin of the universe.9
True, it does not explain where the material came from (that doesn't make it wrong). It does not explain what caused the bang (also doesn't make it wrong). Gravity suggests that the particles that flew off would clump.
It is true that new theories for the origin of the universe are coming along, but it isn't for these reasons.
→ Evolutionary Myth: Fossils prove evolution.
The Truth: No transitional fossils have been found showing one species or type of animal changing or evolving into another. For example, there are no fossils showing something that is part way between a dinosaur and a bird. Fossils show that a snail has always been a snail; a squid has always been a squid
👎 Wrong wrong wrong.
→ Evolutionary Myth: There is not enough water for a worldwide flood.
The Truth: Prior to the flood, just as today, much of the water was stored beneath the surface of the earth. In addition, the Bible says the water below was separated from the water above indicating that the atmosphere contained a great deal more water than it does today. Also, it is likely that the mountains were not as high before the flood as they are today. At the beginning of the flood the fountains of the deep burst forth and it rained for 40 days and nights. This could have provided enough water to flood the entire earth. Fossils have been found on the highest mountain peaks around the world showing that there was enough water to cover the earth.11
Famine covered this nicely.
→ Evolutionary Myth: The climate changes slowly over time. These changes have resulted in multiple ice ages.
The Truth: There is widespread evidence of glaciers in many parts of the world indicating one ice age. However, samples of frozen animals such as mammoths indicate a rapid climate change not a slow change. A slow change cannot explain what would trigger an ice age. However, conditions following a worldwide flood can explain how a single widespread ice age could have occurred.12
It is true that Ice ages take (at the most) 15 years to set in making significant temperature changes quite quickly. However, evidence of ice ages is geologically abundent.
→ Evolutionary Myth: Thousands of chance changes over millions of years resulted in the earth we see today.
The Truth: The Second Law of Thermodynamics describes how everything in the universe tends toward a state of zero entropy or chaos. We observe how everything around us becomes less organized and loses energy. The changes required for the formation of the universe, the planet earth, and life, all from disorder run counter to the physical laws we see at work today.
To apply the second law of thermodynamics to biology is like applying it to capitalism. I assure you, as one who has taken formal courses in thermodynamics and has used entropy to predict experimental outcomes, the 2nd law does not suggest that planets cannot form from smaller pieces.